
I have worked with SVN for a long time and recently I have started working on Git. After getting familiar with Git, I can clearly say that it’s far better than SVN. If you work with multiple branches and take a merge between branches or reintegrate (svn terminology) then you will know the benefit of Git over SVN.

我已经在SVN上工作了很长时间,最近我开始研究Git。 熟悉Git之后,我可以清楚地说它比SVN好得多。 如果您使用多个分支机构,并在分支机构之间进行合并或重新集成(SVN术语),那么您将了解Git优于SVN的优势。

I have recently moved my Google Code project to Github since google code is closed, so I thought to write a tutorial on SVN to Git Migration.

自从Google代码关闭以来,我最近将我的Google Code项目移到了Github,所以我想写一篇关于SVN到Git Migration的教程。

First we will look into using Git native commands to migrate the SVN repository to Git repository and then see what are the drawbacks and then we will do the same thing with SVN2Git tool.


SVN and Git Repositories Details:


  • SVN Repository: I have created a public repository online, it’s URL is . Below image shows the directory structure.

    Notice that I have a standard directory structure with trunk, branches and tags. I have also created an extra file (README.txt) that is outside this directory hierarchy.

    SVN存储库 :我已经在线创建了一个公共存储库,其URL是 。 下图显示了目录结构。

    注意,我有一个带有主干分支标签的标准目录结构。 我还创建了一个额外的文件(README.txt),该文件不在此目录层次结构中。

  • GIT Repository: I am using Github as my repository. It’s free to use and my project git URL is存储库 :我正在使用Github作为我的存储库。 它是免费使用的,我的项目git URL是

用于SVN到Git迁移的Git本机命令 (Git Native Commands for SVN to Git Migration)

  1. First step is to create the authors file from the SVN commits, below is the command for that. We need this file for git migration. It’s a big command, make sure you put all these in a single command.

    $ svn log -q | awk -F '|' '/^r/ {sub("^ ", "", $2); sub(" $", "", $2); print $2" = "$2" <"$2">"}' | sort -u > authors.txt

    After this, you will have authors.txt file that will have all the authors details who have committed code into this SVN project.


  2. Find the revision number at which project was created. Use command below:
    $ svn log --stop-on-copy

    You will get the first revision number, if you have a bigger project with release cycles and you are importing from specific release, then this number could be something different. For me it’s 1 because I just created this sample SVN project for this tutorial.

    您将获得第一个修订版本号,如果您有一个较大的项目并具有发行周期,并且要从特定发行版中导入,则此版本号可能有所不同。 对我来说是1,因为我刚刚为本教程创建了这个示例SVN项目。

  3. Run below command to use git svn clone to convert your SVN project into Git. Use revision number when your project repository was created.

    Passing –no-minimize-url will allow git svn to accept URLs as-is without attempting to connect to a higher level directory.

    For other options, read git-svn documentation.

    $ git svn clone -r1:HEAD --no-minimize-url --stdlayout --no-metadata --authors-file authors.txt
    Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/pankaj/temp/SVN_TO_GIT/svn/.git/
    r2 = 06ca74b0800199e459628cec09a559491da39999 (refs/remotes/origin/trunk)A abc.html
    r3 = ba90b46b60785a7fbd583e4ac197e4e8052e61b5 (refs/remotes/origin/trunk)A
    r4 = 3667ce254366e8e020b6e9516979695d9f00f1b9 (refs/remotes/origin/trunk)
    Found possible branch point: =>, 4
    Found branch parent: (refs/remotes/origin/MyDevBranch) 3667ce254366e8e020b6e9516979695d9f00f1b9
    Following parent with do_switch
    Successfully followed parent
    r5 = 6b78ccabce56601ef6de255eab6d7fcd8980f99b (refs/remotes/origin/MyDevBranch)A   branch_file.txt
    r6 = c940c6a4cc2b357985867ca239fba7b91e7038e5 (refs/remotes/origin/MyDevBranch)
    Found possible branch point: =>, 6
    Found branch parent: (refs/remotes/origin/tags/MyDevBranch-1.0) c940c6a4cc2b357985867ca239fba7b91e7038e5
    Following parent with do_switch
    Successfully followed parent
    r7 = 3041d81b3a4fec5f4ca1b2e04ad5730f67e677b9 (refs/remotes/origin/tags/MyDevBranch-1.0)
    Checked out HEAD: r4

    运行以下命令以使用git svn clone将SVN项目转换为Git。 创建项目存储库时,请使用修订号。

    传递–no-minimize-url将允许git svn照原样接受URL,而无需尝试连接到更高级别的目录。

    有关其他选项,请阅读git-svn文档 。

  4. You will have the project directory created, go into that and add remote git url as origin.
    $ cd svn
    $ git remote add origin

    您将创建项目目录,进入该目录并添加远程git url作为源。

  5. Converting SVN Branches to Git Branches: If you will list branches at this time, you will get something like below.
    $ git branch -a
    * masterremotes/origin/MyDevBranchremotes/origin/tags/MyDevBranch-1.0remotes/origin/trunk

    Git svn clone command makes master from trunk that is ready to be pushed to remote git repository. But we want to push branches too. Use below commands for that:

    将SVN分支转换为Git分支 :如果此时将列出分支,则会得到类似以下的内容。

    $ git branch -a
    * masterremotes/origin/MyDevBranchremotes/origin/tags/MyDevBranch-1.0remotes/origin/trunk

    Git svn clone命令从准备好被推入远程git仓库的主干中创建master。 但是我们也想推动分支机构。 为此,请使用以下命令:

  6. Migrating Tags: Git svn clone command doesn’t create tags, follow below commands for creating tags and make them ready to push to remote.
    $git tag
    $git checkout origin/tags/MyDevBranch-1.0
    Note: checking out 'origin/tags/MyDevBranch-1.0'.You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
    changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
    state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
    do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:git checkout -b new_branch_nameHEAD is now at 3041d81... Creating a tag
    $ git branch -a
    * (detached from origin/tags/MyDevBranch-1.0)MyDevBranchmasterremotes/origin/MyDevBranchremotes/origin/tags/MyDevBranch-1.0remotes/origin/trunk
    $ git tag -a MyDevBranch-1.0 -m "creating tag"
    $git tag

    迁移标签 :Git svn clone命令不会创建标签,请遵循以下命令来创建标签,并使它们准备好推送到远程。

  7. Pushing Git Branches and Tags to Remote: My master, branches and tags are ready to be pushed, use below git push command to publish them to remote repository.
    $ git push origin master MyDevBranch MyDevBranch-1.0
    Counting objects: 14, done.
    Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
    Compressing objects: 100% (11/11), done.
    Writing objects: 100% (14/14), 2.28 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
    Total 14 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0)
    To* [new branch]      master -> master* [new branch]      MyDevBranch -> MyDevBranch* [new tag]         MyDevBranch-1.0 -> MyDevBranch-1.0

    将Git分支和标签推送到远程 :我的master,分支和标签已准备好推送,请使用下面的git push命令将它们发布到远程存储库。

That’s it. We have moved our SVN project to Git. While this process seems easy, there are two drawbacks with git svn clone.

而已。 我们已将SVN项目移至Git。 虽然这个过程看起来很简单,但是git svn clone有两个缺点。

  1. It doesn’t create branches for us to push to remote repository. There is a manual work involved, imagine you have 20 branches. It will take a lot of time to create branches and there are chances of errors or typos.它不会为我们创建分支以推送到远程存储库。 涉及手动工作,假设您有20个分支。 创建分支将花费大量时间,并且可能会出现错误或错别字。
  2. No support for tags, I had to checkout the tag as branch and then create tag from it. This is not like moving tags from SVN to Git.不支持标签,我不得不将标签签出为分支,然后从中创建标签。 这不像将标签从SVN移到Git。

使用svn2git工具将SVN迁移到GIT (SVN to GIT Migration using svn2git tool)

svn2git tool solves above two problems with native commands. Before we use this tool, we need to install it. It requires git, git-svn, and ruby installed. svn2git is a ruby wrapper around git’s native SVN support through git-svn. You can install the pre-requisites using below command.

svn2git工具使用本机命令解决了以上两个问题。 在使用此工具之前,我们需要先安装它。 它需要安装git,git-svn和ruby。 svn2git是通过git-svn围绕git的本机SVN支持的Ruby包装。 您可以使用以下命令安装必备组件。

$ sudo apt-get install git-core git-svn ruby
  • Once you have the necessary software on your system, you can install svn2git through rubygems, which will add the svn2git command to your PATH.

    $ sudo gem install svn2git

    Once svn2git is installed, use below commands to migrate SVN repository to Git.

    1. First create the authors file using above command.
    2. Find the initial svn revision from above svn log command.
    3. Use below command to create local git project from svn repository.
    4. Pushing Branches and Tags to Remote Git Repository: You will notice that svn2git has already created Git branches and tags for you to push to remote. Just add the remote origin and push whatever branches and tags you want to remote repository.
      $ git remote add origin
      $ git branch -aMyDevBranch
      * masterremotes/svn/MyDevBranchremotes/svn/trunk
      $ git tag
      $ git push origin master MyDevBranch MyDevBranch-1.0
      Counting objects: 14, done.
      Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
      Compressing objects: 100% (8/8), done.
      Writing objects: 100% (14/14), 2.32 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
      Total 14 (delta 3), reused 14 (delta 3)
      To* [new branch]      master -> master* [new branch]      MyDevBranch -> MyDevBranch* [new tag]         MyDevBranch-1.0 -> MyDevBranch-1.0

    That’s it. We have migrated SVN repository to Git using svn2git tool. There are various options that we can use with svn2git, for example –notags if you don’t want to migrate tags. Please go through svn2git Usage section for various options. Also note that README.txt file that was not part of standard svn structure is not migrated.

    That’s all for svn to git migration. Based on above analysis, svn2git tool seems a better choice to me than git svn clone native command.



    1. 首先使用以上命令创建作者文件。
    2. 从上面的svn log命令中找到初始的svn修订版。
    3. 使用以下命令从svn存储库创建本地git项目。
      $ svn2git --authors authors.txt --revision 1
      Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/pankaj/temp/SVN_TO_GIT/.git/
      r2 = 8beacf45e1b82b27bd27891040ea9c77b88d6c37 (refs/remotes/svn/trunk)A    abc.html
      r3 = 52c125d5c68edf2ddd00143d308ba56ea0024f90 (refs/remotes/svn/trunk)A
      r4 = f9863ff1c1e1ff323a2f96141c05f69278f830c5 (refs/remotes/svn/trunk)
      Found possible branch point: =>, 4
      Found branch parent: (refs/remotes/svn/MyDevBranch) f9863ff1c1e1ff323a2f96141c05f69278f830c5
      Following parent with do_switch
      Successfully followed parent
      r5 = fd5f535cf5d467df014e621ae48c22a1b7c568fa (refs/remotes/svn/MyDevBranch)A  branch_file.txt
      r6 = a04dc2dfe83419ece649d9d192406f01214bd5ab (refs/remotes/svn/MyDevBranch)
      Found possible branch point: =>, 6
      Found branch parent: (refs/remotes/svn/tags/MyDevBranch-1.0) a04dc2dfe83419ece649d9d192406f01214bd5ab
      Following parent with do_switch
      Successfully followed parent
      r7 = f84c0a289589976fe8c879868626a096e36c98ef (refs/remotes/svn/tags/MyDevBranch-1.0)
      Checked out HEAD: r4
    4. 将分支和标签推送到远程Git存储库 :您会注意到svn2git已经创建了Git分支和标签供您推送到远程。 只需添加远程源,然后将您想要的任何分支和标签推送到远程存储库即可。

    而已。 我们已经使用svn2git工具将SVN信息库迁移到Git。 svn2git可以使用多种选项,例如–notags(如果您不想迁移标签)。 请浏览svn2git用法部分以了解各种选项。 还要注意,不是标准svn结构一部分的README.txt文件不会被迁移。

    这就是svn到git迁移的全部。 基于以上分析,对我来说svn2git工具似乎比git svn clone native命令更好。

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