


  • quay.io/calico/ctl:v1.5.0

  • quay.io/calico/cni:v1.10.0

  • quay.io/calico/node:v2.5.0

3、创建目录 所有节点

/etc/cni/net.d/ /etc/calico/certs/opt/cni/bin/    权限0755  属主kube/etc/kubernetes/addons/calico



ln /etc/ssl/etcd/ssl/ca.pem /etc/calico/certs/ca_cert.crtln /etc/ssl/etcd/ssl/node-node1.pem /etc/calico/certs/cert.crtln /etc/ssl/etcd/ssl/node-node1-key.pem /etc/calico/certs/key.pem


{  "name": "cni0",  "cniVersion":"0.3.1",  "plugins":[    {          "nodename": "node1",          "type": "calico",      "etcd_endpoints": ",,",      "etcd_cert_file": "/etc/ssl/etcd/ssl/node-node1.pem",      "etcd_key_file": "/etc/ssl/etcd/ssl/node-node1-key.pem",      "etcd_ca_cert_file": "/etc/ssl/etcd/ssl/ca.pem",      "log_level": "info",      "ipam": {        "type": "calico-ipam"      },              "kubernetes": {        "kubeconfig": "/etc/kubernetes/node-kubeconfig.yaml"      }    },    {      "type":"portmap",      "capabilities":{        "portMappings":true      }    }  ]}


#!/bin/bash/usr/bin/docker run -i --privileged --rm \--net=host --pid=host \-e ETCD_ENDPOINTS=,, \-e ETCD_CA_CERT_FILE=/etc/calico/certs/ca_cert.crt \-e ETCD_CERT_FILE=/etc/calico/certs/cert.crt \-e ETCD_KEY_FILE=/etc/calico/certs/key.pem \-v /usr/bin/docker:/usr/bin/docker \-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \-v /var/run/calico:/var/run/calico \-v /etc/calico/certs:/etc/calico/certs:ro \--memory=170M --cpu-shares=100 \quay.io/calico/ctl:v1.5.0 \"$@"

4、复制网络插件, 权限0755 属主kube

docker run --rm -v /opt/cni/bin:/cnibindir gcr.io/google_containers/hyperkube:v1.8.3 /bin/cp -r /opt/cni/bin/. /cnibindir/

docker run --rm -v /opt/cni/bin:/cnibindir quay.io/calico/cni:v1.10.0 sh -c 'cp /opt/cni/bin/* /cnibindir/'



echo '{"kind": "ipPool","spec": {"disabled": false, "ipip": {"enabled": true, "mode": "always"},                 "nat-outgoing": true},"apiVersion": "v1","metadata": {"cidr": ""}}' | calicoctl create -f -

四、创建calico 在Master上

kind: ConfigMapapiVersion: v1metadata:  name: calico-config  namespace: kube-systemdata:  etcd_endpoints: ",,"  etcd_ca: "/calico-secrets/ca_cert.crt"  etcd_cert: "/calico-secrets/cert.crt"  etcd_key: "/calico-secrets/key.pem"  cluster_type: "bgp"  calico_backend: "bird"
---# This manifest installs the calico/node container, as well# as the Calico CNI plugins and network config on# each master and worker node in a Kubernetes cluster.kind: DaemonSetapiVersion: extensions/v1beta1metadata:  name: calico-node  namespace: kube-system  labels:    k8s-app: calico-nodespec:  selector:    matchLabels:      k8s-app: calico-node  template:    metadata:      labels:        k8s-app: calico-node    spec:      hostNetwork: true      serviceAccountName: calico-node      tolerations:        - effect: NoSchedule          operator: Exists      containers:        # Runs calico/node container on each Kubernetes node.  This        # container programs network policy and routes on each        # host.        - name: calico-node          image: quay.io/calico/node:v2.5.0          env:            # The location of the Calico etcd cluster.            - name: ETCD_ENDPOINTS              valueFrom:                configMapKeyRef:                  name: calico-config                  key: etcd_endpoints            # Choose the backend to use.            - name: CALICO_NETWORKING_BACKEND              valueFrom:                configMapKeyRef:                  name: calico-config                  key: calico_backend            # Cluster type to identify the deployment type            - name: CLUSTER_TYPE              valueFrom:                configMapKeyRef:                  name: calico-config                  key: cluster_type            # Disable file logging so `kubectl logs` works.            - name: CALICO_DISABLE_FILE_LOGGING              value: "true"            # Set Felix endpoint to host default action to ACCEPT.            - name: FELIX_DEFAULTENDPOINTTOHOSTACTION              value: "RETURN"# should be set in etcd before deployment#            # Configure the IP Pool from which Pod IPs will be chosen.#            - name: CALICO_IPV4POOL_CIDR#              value: ""#            - name: CALICO_IPV4POOL_IPIP#              value: "always"            # Disable IPv6 on Kubernetes.            - name: FELIX_IPV6SUPPORT              value: "false"            # Set Felix logging to "info"            - name: FELIX_LOGSEVERITYSCREEN              value: "info"            # Disable autocreation of pools            - name: CALICO_NO_DEFAULT_POOLS              value: "true"            # Enable libnetwork            - name: CALICO_LIBNETWORK_ENABLED              value: "true"            # Set MTU for tunnel device used if ipip is enabled            - name: FELIX_PROMETHEUSMETRICSENABLED              value: "false"            - name: FELIX_PROMETHEUSMETRICSPORT              value: "9091"            - name: FELIX_PROMETHEUSGOMETRICSENABLED              value: "true"            - name: FELIX_PROMETHEUSPROCESSMETRICSENABLED              value: "true"            # Location of the CA certificate for etcd.            - name: ETCD_CA_CERT_FILE              valueFrom:                configMapKeyRef:                  name: calico-config                  key: etcd_ca            # Location of the client key for etcd.            - name: ETCD_KEY_FILE              valueFrom:                configMapKeyRef:                  name: calico-config                  key: etcd_key            # Location of the client certificate for etcd.            - name: ETCD_CERT_FILE              valueFrom:                configMapKeyRef:                  name: calico-config                  key: etcd_cert            - name: IP              valueFrom:                fieldRef:                  fieldPath: status.hostIP            - name: NODENAME              valueFrom:                fieldRef:                  fieldPath: spec.nodeName            - name: FELIX_HEALTHENABLED              value: "true"            - name: FELIX_IGNORELOOSERPF              value: "False"          securityContext:            privileged: true          resources:            limits:              cpu: 300m              memory: 500M            requests:              cpu: 150m              memory: 64M          livenessProbe:            httpGet:              path: /liveness              port: 9099            periodSeconds: 10            initialDelaySeconds: 10            failureThreshold: 6          readinessProbe:            httpGet:              path: /readiness              port: 9099            periodSeconds: 10          volumeMounts:            - mountPath: /lib/modules              name: lib-modules              readOnly: true            - mountPath: /var/run/calico              name: var-run-calico              readOnly: false            - mountPath: /calico-secrets              name: etcd-certs      volumes:        # Used by calico/node.        - name: lib-modules          hostPath:            path: /lib/modules        - name: var-run-calico          hostPath:            path: /var/run/calico        # Used to install CNI.        - name: cni-bin-dir          hostPath:            path: /opt/cni/bin        - name: cni-net-dir          hostPath:            path: /etc/cni/net.d        # Mount in the etcd TLS secrets.        - name: etcd-certs          hostPath:            path: "/etc/calico/certs"  updateStrategy:    rollingUpdate:      maxUnavailable: 20%    type: RollingUpdate
---apiVersion: v1kind: ServiceAccountmetadata:  name: calico-node  namespace: kube-system  labels:    kubernetes.io/cluster-service: "true"
---kind: ClusterRoleapiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1metadata:  name: calico-node  namespace: kube-systemrules:  - apiGroups: [""]    resources:      - pods      - nodes    verbs:      - get
---apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1kind: ClusterRoleBindingmetadata:  name: calico-noderoleRef:  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io  kind: ClusterRole  name: calico-nodesubjects:- kind: ServiceAccount  name: calico-node  namespace: kube-system
kubectl create -f /etc/kubernetes/addons/calico/





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