



#include <stdio.h>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

map<string,int> times;
map<string,int> str2int;
vector<string> number;

string str[] = {"zero","one","two","three","four","five","six","seven","eight","nine",
void Input()
 string temp;
 char input[128];

int i;
 for(i = 0;input[i] != '/0';i++)
  if(input[i] != ' ')
   temp += input[i];
   temp = "";

void Init()
 int i;
 for(i = 0;i <= 20;i++)
  str2int[str[i]] = i;
 int j;
 for(i = 21,j = 30;i < 28;i++,j += 10)
  str2int[str[i]] = j;

times[string("and")] = 1;
 times[string("hundred")] = 100;
 times[string("thousand")] = 1000;
 times[string("million")] = 1000000;

void Work()
 int size = number.size();
 int i,temp,result;
 for(i = 0,temp = 0,result = 0;i < size;i++)
  if(times.find(number[i]) != times.end())
   temp *= times[number[i]];
   if(number[i] == "million" || number[i] == "thousand")
    result += temp;
    temp = 0;
   temp += str2int[number[i]];
 result += temp;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
 int count;
 while(count >= 1)
 return 0;

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