What is Altcoins? Altcoins are mostly referring to cottage coins in Bitcoin. Most altcoins are a variant of Bitcoin (or we can use a more familiar term: fork ) to modify the underlying implementation of Bitcoin’s open-source code and the original protocol. Design new currencies with different characteristics.

There are also a number of altcoins that are not derived from Bitcoin’s open source agreement. They have created their own blockchain to support their own native currency transactions such as: Ethereum, Ripple, Omni, Nxt.

With Bitcoin being hot, China’s domestic “cottage-denominated coins” has been brought hot too, but the prospect of these “cottage-denominated coins” seems to be worrying. In each country there are a number of poorly performing Altcoins, which are also known as shitcoins.

These Altcoins may now be in a bear market, but the subsequent bear market is often a complete collapse, the trend of China altcoin market mostly follow this rule. Take these six currencies for example: deep brain chain, red pulse, alphacat, trinity network credit, the key and qlink. In addition to all the above cryptocurrencies that are active in Asia, they have one thing in common: they are based on the underlying agreement of NEO.

Here is about Red Pulse (currency: RPX): RPX coin traded up 4.45% against to US dollars with a price at $0.115502, or 0.00001235 BTC. RPX coin market cap has $93,084,413 and its 24 hours trading volume of $2,995,460.

There are some blockchain projects in China that actually perform very well. The very good Ethereum solutions and the promising underlying technologies + protocol layer projects are all from the East, but these do not seem to be important. What important is that from a statistical point of view, the average rate of return on investment in Chinese Altcoins will be higher. But given that it is difficult to discern which items are valuable and which ones are scams, investors may eventually choose other cryptocurrencies for wealth.

Here is other cryptocurrencies:

DATA, DTA currency on today May 10 price is $0.023195, traded up 15.415 against to US dollars. Or 0.00000249 BTC. DATA currently has a market cap of $107,310,793, and its 24 hours trading volume is $25,569,000.

Cardano (Currency: ADA): ADA coin price today traded up 15.41% of a price about $0.023195, or 0.00000249 BTC. Cardano market cap has $107,310,793 and its 24 hours trading volume of $25,569,000.

Actually, according to Citicoins, cryptocurrency in today are in rising, while in yesterday, most of then against to US dollars are fall down, but I do not know what driven the crypto market.

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