
By baeldung

1. 概览

在本教程中,我们将讨论Kotlin Contracts。 它的语法还不稳定,但是二进制实现是稳定的,并且Kotlin stdlib已经在使用了。

基本上,Kotlin contracts是一种通知编译器有关函数行为的方式。

2. Maven配置



3. Contracts的目的



data class Request(val arg: String)class Service {fun process(request: Request?) {validate(request)println(request.arg) // Doesn't compile because request might be null}
}private fun validate(request: Request?) {if (request == null) {throw IllegalArgumentException("Undefined request")}if (request.arg.isBlank()) {throw IllegalArgumentException("No argument is provided")}




class Service {fun process(request: Request?) {validate(request)println(request.arg) // Compiles fine now}
private fun validate(request: Request?) {contract {returns() implies (request != null)}if (request == null) {throw IllegalArgumentException("Undefined request")}if (request.arg.isBlank()) {throw IllegalArgumentException("No argument is provided")}


4. Contracts API


function {contract {Effect}


4.1 根据返回值做保证



data class MyEvent(val message: String)@ExperimentalContracts
fun processEvent(event: Any?) {if (isInterested(event)) {println(event.message) }
fun isInterested(event: Any?): Boolean {contract { returns(true) implies (event is MyEvent)}return event is MyEvent


注意当前return contracts连接的implies只允许true,false和null



contract {returnsNotNull() implies (event is MyEvent)

4.2 保证函数使用

callsInPlace contract表示如下保证:

  • 所有者函数完成后,不会调用callable
  • 不会传递给其他无contract的函数


inline fun <R> myRun(block: () -> R): R {return block()
}fun callsInPlace() {val i: IntmyRun {i = 1 // Is forbidden due to possible re-assignment}println(i) // Is forbidden because the variable might be uninitialized


inline fun <R> myRun(block: () -> R): R {contract {callsInPlace(block, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE)}return block()



5. Contracts限制

尽管Kotlin contracts看起来很有希望,但目前的语法目前尚不稳定,并且有可能在将来完全更改。


  • 只能将contracts应用于具有主体的顶级函数,即不能在字段和类函数上使用。
  • contract调用必须是函数体的第一个语句。
  • 编译器无条件相信contracts;这意味着码农负责编写正确合理的contracts。将来版本可能实现验证。


data class Request(val arg: String?)@ExperimentalContracts
private fun validate(request: Request?) {contract {// We can't reference request.arg herereturns() implies (request != null && request.arg != null)}if (request == null) {throw IllegalArgumentException("Undefined request")}if (request.arg.isBlank()) {throw IllegalArgumentException("No argument is provided")}


该功能看起来很有趣,即使其语法还处于原型阶段,该二进制表示形式也足够稳定,并且已成为stdlib的一部分。 如果没有一个适当的迁移周期,它就不会改变,这意味着我们可以依靠带有合同的二进制工件(例如stdlib)来获得所有通常的兼容性保证。



A1. Effect源码

public interface Effect@ContractsDsl
public interface ConditionalEffect : Effect@ContractsDsl
public interface SimpleEffect : Effect {/*** Specifies that this effect, when observed, guarantees [booleanExpression] to be true.** Note: [booleanExpression] can accept only a subset of boolean expressions,* where a function parameter or receiver (`this`) undergoes* - true of false checks, in case if the parameter or receiver is `Boolean`;* - null-checks (`== null`, `!= null`);* - instance-checks (`is`, `!is`);* - a combination of the above with the help of logic operators (`&&`, `||`, `!`).*/@ContractsDsl@ExperimentalContractspublic infix fun implies(booleanExpression: Boolean): ConditionalEffect
public interface ContractBuilder {/*** Describes a situation when a function returns normally, without any exceptions thrown.** Use [SimpleEffect.implies] function to describe a conditional effect that happens in such case.**/// @sample samples.contracts.returnsContract@ContractsDsl public fun returns(): Returns/*** Describes a situation when a function returns normally with the specified return [value].** The possible values of [value] are limited to `true`, `false` or `null`.** Use [SimpleEffect.implies] function to describe a conditional effect that happens in such case.**/// @sample samples.contracts.returnsTrueContract// @sample samples.contracts.returnsFalseContract// @sample samples.contracts.returnsNullContract@ContractsDsl public fun returns(value: Any?): Returns/*** Describes a situation when a function returns normally with any value that is not `null`.** Use [SimpleEffect.implies] function to describe a conditional effect that happens in such case.**/// @sample samples.contracts.returnsNotNullContract@ContractsDsl public fun returnsNotNull(): ReturnsNotNull/*** Specifies that the function parameter [lambda] is invoked in place.** This contract specifies that:* 1. the function [lambda] can only be invoked during the call of the owner function,*  and it won't be invoked after that owner function call is completed;* 2. _(optionally)_ the function [lambda] is invoked the amount of times specified by the [kind] parameter,*  see the [InvocationKind] enum for possible values.** A function declaring the `callsInPlace` effect must be _inline_.**//* @sample samples.contracts.callsInPlaceAtMostOnceContract* @sample samples.contracts.callsInPlaceAtLeastOnceContract* @sample samples.contracts.callsInPlaceExactlyOnceContract* @sample samples.contracts.callsInPlaceUnknownContract*/@ContractsDsl public fun <R> callsInPlace(lambda: Function<R>, kind: InvocationKind = InvocationKind.UNKNOWN): CallsInPlace

implies(booleanExpression: Boolean),booleanExpression必须为true

returns() implies condition,当conditiontrue时返回,否则会执行后续的逻辑,一般是抛出exception
returns(value: Any?) implies condition,当conditiontrue时返回预设值的值,否则执行后续逻辑。
returnsNotNull() implies condition,检查参数不为空。

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