



  • 效果图
  • 注意点
  • 实现细节
    • section
    • 信件格式设计
    • 花边
    • 文本框
    • 文本框嵌入
    • 去页眉页脚
    • 无序列表
  • 代码(可直接食用)






  1. section去掉序号并居中显示
  2. 信件格式设计:横线加行间距
  3. 花边(wallpaper)
  4. 文本框显示(tcolorbox实现)
  5. 文本框嵌入至文本(wrapfig)
  6. 去页眉页脚
  7. 无序列表(itemize)=> 没什么难度,但是感觉在letter里面还是非常重要的




\section 和 \subsection 前都有序号且是左边定格显示


% center居中
% *去标号




\noindent\rule{\textwidth}{1pt}\vspace{-0.2cm}\noindent \ To: \vspace{-0.2cm}\noindent \ From: Team \#1887415157 of 2023 MCM\vspace{-0.2cm}\noindent \ Date: February 31, 2023\vspace{-0.2cm}\noindent \ Subject:\vspace{-0.4cm}\noindent\rule{\textwidth}{1pt}


原来只是想放代码的,然后发现有的读者不会 ps……


  • 从网上抓一个比较好看的花边图片,记得稍微高清点,放ps里

  • 裁剪工具只留一个花边

  • 魔术橡皮擦把白色的地方变透明

  • 创建一个白色的大概 38:50 的画布,然后魔术橡皮擦一下

  • 放花边,调大小

  • 再搞一个,转180度,放对角

  • 合并图层并导出


\begin{document}% 占据页面1.0(100%)大小,居中显示






\begin{tcolorbox}[colback=yellow!9!white,%gray backgroundcolframe=white!75!white,% black frame colourwidth=7cm,% Use 8cm total width,% title=,arc=5mm, auto outer arc,boxrule=0.5pt,]\vspace{0.2cm}\begin{center}\fontsize{20pt}{1}\selectfont{}Note\end{center}\vspace{-0.2cm}1. Text Text Text Text2. Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text3. Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text 4. Text Text Text Text \vspace{0.3cm}





在想在右边插入文本框的文字前加入 \begin{wrapfigure}\end{wrapfigure} 代码段。

\begin{tcolorbox}[colback=yellow!9!white,%gray backgroundcolframe=white!75!white,% black frame colourwidth=7cm,% Use 8cm total width,% title=,arc=5mm, auto outer arc,boxrule=0.5pt,]\vspace{0.2cm}\begin{center}\fontsize{20pt}{1}\selectfont{}Note\end{center}\vspace{-0.2cm}1. Text Text Text Text2. Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text3. Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text 4. Text Text Text Text \vspace{0.3cm}
% \caption{\footnotesize 运动健康}
A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. This part must be a bit of an unordered list or an ordered list or something like that, otherwise it's really all text and will look super ugly.









  1. 美赛强调创新。因为信件是成果的罗列,是我们的研究对现实的贡献,一些有意思的结果创新的点子,都可以在这里展示,相当于文章中独立的一块展示你的作品的优点和现实意义的地方
  2. 美赛的评委来自各个领域。以C题为例,C题为数据分析类方向的题目,但是评委不一定是大数据专业或者机器学习方向的从业者,所以前面的部分实际上对他们来说可理解性不强,那他们看一篇文章最重要的点在哪里?摘要和信件。这两个是最通俗易懂的部分,也是很能反应团队作品亮点的地方。




\item \textbf{Solution 1.} \textbf{Build more shopping centers}. Explain solution1 explain solution1 explain solution1 explain solution1 explain solution1 explain solution1.
\item \textbf{Solution 2.} \textbf{Build more shopping centers}. Explain solution2 explain solution2 explain solution2 explain solution2.
\item \textbf{Solution 3.} \textbf{Build more shopping centers}. Explain solution3 explain solution3 explain solution3in solution1 explain solution1 explain solution1.
\item \textbf{Solution 4.} \textbf{Build more shopping centers}. Explain solution4 explain solution4 explain solution4 explain solution4 explain solution4 explain solution4 explain solution4.
% 缩短下距离,为后面的文本再省出点空间


博主latex功底一般,很多排版的细节都是靠 \vspace 啊之类的方法暴力解决的。

\usepackage{tcolorbox}% 设置字体
% \usepackage{fontspec}%图文混排
% 只在这页添加图片
\ThisCenterWallPaper{1}{images/bg\(38_50\).png}\newcommand{\tnewroman}{\fontspec{Times New Roman}}
\newcommand{\adobegothicstdb}{\fontspec{Adobe Gothic Std B}}
\newcommand{\Centaur}{\fontspec{Centaur}}\noindent\rule{\textwidth}{1pt}\vspace{-0.2cm}\noindent \ To: \vspace{-0.2cm}\noindent \ From: Team \#1887415157 of 2023 MCM\vspace{-0.2cm}\noindent \ Date: February 31, 2023\vspace{-0.2cm}\noindent \ Subject:\vspace{-0.4cm}\noindent\rule{\textwidth}{1pt}A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. \begin{wrapfigure}{r}{8cm}%靠文字内容的右侧
\begin{tcolorbox}[colback=yellow!9!white,%gray backgroundcolframe=white!75!white,% black frame colourwidth=7cm,% Use 8cm total width,% title=,arc=5mm, auto outer arc,boxrule=0.5pt,]\vspace{0.2cm}\begin{center}\fontsize{20pt}{1}\selectfont{}Note\end{center}\vspace{-0.2cm}1. Text Text Text Text2. Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text3. Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text 4. Text Text Text Text \vspace{0.3cm}
% \caption{\footnotesize 运动健康}
A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. This part must be a bit of an unordered list or an ordered list or something like that, otherwise it's really all text and will look super ugly.\begin{itemize}
\item Solution 1. \textbf{Build more shopping centers}. Explain solution1 explain solution1 explain solution1 explain solution1 explain solution1 explain solution1.
\item Solution 2. \textbf{Build more shopping centers}. Explain solution2 explain solution2 explain solution2 explain solution2.
\item Solution 3. \textbf{Build more shopping centers}. Explain solution3 explain solution3 explain solution3in solution1 explain solution1 explain solution1.
\item Solution 4. \textbf{Build more shopping centers}. Explain solution4 explain solution4 explain solution4 explain solution4 explain solution4 explain solution4 explain solution4.
\end{itemize}\vspace{-0.4cm}A part summarizes the words of the table above. Ura Ura Ura Ura Ura Ura Ura Ura. Aba Aba Aba Aba Aba Aba Aba Aba Aba Aba Aba Aba Aba Aba Aba Aba Aba. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.Conclusion. This part of writing conclusive things, one or two sentences to summarize it, do not write too much.\end{document}

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