


当多个测试需要共享相同的代码时,可以使用@BeforeClass 建立数据库连接属于此类。

您可以将代码从@BeforeClass移到@Before ,但是您的测试运行可能需要更长的时间。


JUnit 5中 ,标签@BeforeEach@BeforeAll与JUnit 4中的@Before@BeforeClass等效。



¦                                       Feature                            ¦   Junit 4    ¦   Junit 5   ¦
¦ Execute before all test methods of the class are executed.               ¦ @BeforeClass ¦ @BeforeAll  ¦
¦ Used with static method.                                                 ¦              ¦             ¦
¦ For example, This method could contain some initialization code          ¦              ¦             ¦
¦ Execute after all test methods in the current class.                     ¦ @AfterClass  ¦ @AfterAll   ¦
¦ Used with static method.                                                 ¦              ¦             ¦
¦ For example, This method could contain some cleanup code.                ¦              ¦             ¦
¦ Execute before each test method.                                         ¦ @Before      ¦ @BeforeEach ¦
¦ Used with non-static method.                                             ¦              ¦             ¦
¦ For example, to reinitialize some class attributes used by the methods.  ¦              ¦             ¦
¦ Execute after each test method.                                          ¦ @After       ¦ @AfterEach  ¦
¦ Used with non-static method.                                             ¦              ¦             ¦
¦ For example, to roll back database modifications.                        ¦              ¦             ¦







public class SampleClass {public String initializeData(){return "Initialize";}public String processDate(){return "Process";}}


public class SampleTest {private SampleClass sampleClass;@BeforeClasspublic static void beforeClassFunction(){System.out.println("Before Class");}@Beforepublic void beforeFunction(){sampleClass=new SampleClass();System.out.println("Before Function");}@Afterpublic void afterFunction(){System.out.println("After Function");}@AfterClasspublic static void afterClassFunction(){System.out.println("After Class");}@Testpublic void initializeTest(){Assert.assertEquals("Initailization check", "Initialize", sampleClass.initializeData() );}@Testpublic void processTest(){Assert.assertEquals("Process check", "Process", sampleClass.processDate() );}}


Before Class
Before Function
After Function
Before Function
After Function
After Class

Junit 5中

@Before = @BeforeEach
@BeforeClass = @BeforeAll
@After = @AfterEach
@AfterClass = @AfterAll
import org.junit.Assert
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.BeforeClass
import org.junit.Testclass FeatureTest {companion object {private lateinit var heavyFeature: HeavyFeature@BeforeClass@JvmStaticfun beforeHeavy() {heavyFeature = HeavyFeature()}}private lateinit var feature: Feature@Beforefun before() {feature = Feature()}@Testfun testCool() {Assert.assertTrue(heavyFeature.cool())Assert.assertTrue(feature.cool())}@Testfun testWow() {Assert.assertTrue(heavyFeature.wow())Assert.assertTrue(feature.wow())}


import org.junit.Assert
import org.junit.Testclass FeatureTest {companion object {private val heavyFeature = HeavyFeature()}private val feature = Feature()@Testfun testCool() {Assert.assertTrue(heavyFeature.cool())Assert.assertTrue(feature.cool())}@Testfun testWow() {Assert.assertTrue(heavyFeature.wow())Assert.assertTrue(feature.wow())}


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