
  • 前言
  • 一 cs_option API 分析
    • 1.1 cs_option
    • 1.2 cs_opt_type
    • 1.3 cs_opt_value
    • 1.4 例程演示
  • 二、 SKIPDATA mode
    • 2.1 数据结构
    • 2.2 例程演示
    • 2.3 改变助记符例程
  • 总结
  • 参考资料



一 cs_option API 分析

1.1 cs_option


cs_option(csh ud, cs_opt_type type, size_t value)

1.2 cs_opt_type


// 反汇编引擎的运行时选项
typedef enum cs_opt_type {CS_OPT_INVALID = 0,  // <未指定选项CS_OPT_SYNTAX,  // 汇编输出语法CS_OPT_DETAIL, // 将指令结构分解为细节CS_OPT_MODE,   // 在运行时更改引擎的模式CS_OPT_MEM,   // 用户自定义动态内存相关函数CS_OPT_SKIPDATA, // 反汇编时跳过数据,然后引擎处于 SKIPDATA 模式。CS_OPT_SKIPDATA_SETUP, // 为 SKIPDATA 选项设置用户自定义函数CS_OPT_MNEMONIC, // 自定义指令助记符CS_OPT_UNSIGNED, // 以无符号形式打印立即操作数
} cs_opt_type;

1.3 cs_opt_value


/// Runtime option value (associated with option type above)
typedef enum cs_opt_value {CS_OPT_OFF = 0,  ///< Turn OFF an option - default for CS_OPT_DETAIL, CS_OPT_SKIPDATA, CS_OPT_UNSIGNED.CS_OPT_ON = 3, ///< Turn ON an option (CS_OPT_DETAIL, CS_OPT_SKIPDATA).CS_OPT_SYNTAX_DEFAULT = 0, ///< Default asm syntax (CS_OPT_SYNTAX).CS_OPT_SYNTAX_INTEL, ///< X86 Intel asm syntax - default on X86 (CS_OPT_SYNTAX).CS_OPT_SYNTAX_ATT,   ///< X86 ATT asm syntax (CS_OPT_SYNTAX).CS_OPT_SYNTAX_NOREGNAME, ///< Prints register name with only number (CS_OPT_SYNTAX)CS_OPT_SYNTAX_MASM, ///< X86 Intel Masm syntax (CS_OPT_SYNTAX).CS_OPT_SYNTAX_MOTOROLA, ///< MOS65XX use $ as hex prefix
} cs_opt_value;

1.4 例程演示


  // 以AT&T语法显示cs_option(handle, CS_OPT_SYNTAX, CS_OPT_SYNTAX_ATT);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <inttypes.h>#include <capstone/capstone.h>#define CODE "\x55\x48\x8b\x05\xb8\x13\x00\x00"static void print_string_hex(unsigned char *str, size_t len)
{unsigned char *c;printf("Code: ");for (c = str; c < str + len; c++) {printf("0x%02x ", *c & 0xff);}printf("\n");
}int main(void)
{csh handle;cs_insn *insn;size_t count;if (cs_open(CS_ARCH_X86, CS_MODE_64, &handle) != CS_ERR_OK)return -1;// 以AT&T语法显示cs_option(handle, CS_OPT_SYNTAX, CS_OPT_SYNTAX_ATT); print_string_hex(CODE, strlen(CODE));printf("Disasm:\n");count = cs_disasm(handle, CODE, sizeof(CODE)-1, 0x1000, 0, &insn);if (count > 0) {size_t j;for (j = 0; j < count; j++) {printf("0x%"PRIx64":\t%s\t\t%s  : ", insn[j].address, insn[j].mnemonic,insn[j].op_str);for(int i = 0 ; i < insn[j].size; i++){printf("0x%02x ", insn[j].bytes[i]);}printf("\n");}cs_free(insn, count);} elseprintf("ERROR: Failed to disassemble given code!\n");cs_close(&handle);return 0;



for(int i = 0 ; i < insn[j].size; i++)
{printf("0x%02x ", insn[j].bytes[i]);

二、 SKIPDATA mode

默认情况下,Capstone 在遇到 a broken instruction 时会停止反汇编,大多数时候,原因是这是输入中混合的数据,Capstone 不理解这个“weird” code。
通常,建议您确定下一个代码在哪里,然后从该位置继续反汇编。 但是,在某些情况下,您只想让 Capstone 自动跳过一些数据,直到找到合法指令,然后从那里继续。 因此,为此目的引入了 SKIPDATA 模式。

简单点来说就是当输入的二进制代码中有不合法的指令,Capstone遇到这个不合法指令便会停止反汇编,不会继续反汇编后面的数据,所以引入了SKIPDATA 模式,跳过这些不合法的指令,并用一个助记符替代,然后继续反汇编后面的数据。

2.1 数据结构


//用户自定义设置 SKIPDATA 选项
typedef struct cs_opt_skipdata {// Capstone 将要跳过的数据视为特殊的“指令”// 用户可以在这里为该指令的“助记符”指定字符串。// 默认情况下(如果 @mnemonic 为 NULL),Capstone 使用“.byte”。const char *mnemonic;// Capstone hits 数据时调用的用户自定义回调函数// 如果此回调的返回值为正数 (>0), Capstone 将准确跳过该字节数并继续// 否则,如果回调返回 0,Capstone 停止反汇编并立即从 cs_disasm() 返回// 注意:如果此回调指针为 NULL,Capstone 将根据体系结构跳过一些字节,如下所示:/// Arm:     2 bytes (Thumb mode) or 4 bytes./// Arm64:   4 bytes./// Mips:    4 bytes./// M680x:   1 byte./// PowerPC: 4 bytes./// Sparc:   4 bytes./// SystemZ: 2 bytes./// X86:     1 bytes./// XCore:   2 bytes./// EVM:     1 bytes./// RISCV:   4 bytes./// WASM:    1 bytes./// MOS65XX: 1 bytes./// BPF:     8 bytes.cs_skipdata_cb_t callback;   // default value is NULL// 用户自定义数据将被传递给callback函数指针void *user_data;
} cs_opt_skipdata;


/**SKIPDATA 选项的用户定义回调函数@code: 包含要反汇编的代码的输入缓冲区。这与传递给 cs_disasm() 的缓冲区相同。@code_size: 上述 code 缓冲区的大小(以字节为单位)。@offset: 当前检查字节在上述输入缓冲区 code 中的位置。@user_data: 用户数据通过 cs_opt_skipdata 结构中的 user_data 字段传递给 cs_option()。@return: 返回要跳过的字节数,或 0 立即停止反汇编。
typedef size_t (CAPSTONE_API *cs_skipdata_cb_t)(const uint8_t *code, size_t code_size, size_t offset, void *user_data);

(3)打开 SKIPDATA mode

csh handle;
cs_open(CS_ARCH_X86, CS_MODE_64, &handle);// turn on SKIPDATA mode
cs_option(handle, CS_OPT_SKIPDATA, CS_OPT_ON);

2.2 例程演示

使用SKIPDATA mode 之前:

/* Capstone Disassembler Engine */#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>#include <capstone/platform.h>
#include <capstone/capstone.h>struct platform {cs_arch arch;cs_mode mode;unsigned char *code;size_t size;const char *comment;cs_opt_type opt_type;cs_opt_value opt_value;cs_opt_type opt_skipdata;size_t skipdata;
};static void print_string_hex(unsigned char *str, size_t len)
{unsigned char *c;printf("Code: ");for (c = str; c < str + len; c++) {printf("0x%02x ", *c & 0xff);}printf("\n");
}static void test()
{#define RANDOM_CODE "\xed\x00\x00\x00\x00\x1a\x5a\x0f\x1f\xff\xc2\x09\x80\x00\x00\x00\x07\xf7\xeb\x2a\xff\xff\x7f\x57\xe3\x01\xff\xff\x7f\x57\xeb\x00\xf0\x00\x00\x24\xb2\x4f\x00\x78"struct platform platforms[] = {{CS_ARCH_X86,CS_MODE_64,(unsigned char*)RANDOM_CODE,sizeof(RANDOM_CODE) - 1,},};csh handle;uint64_t address = 0x1000;cs_insn *insn;cs_err err;int i;size_t count;for (i = 0; i < sizeof(platforms)/sizeof(platforms[0]); i++) {err = cs_open(platforms[i].arch, platforms[i].mode, &handle);if (err) {printf("Failed on cs_open() with error returned: %u\n", err);abort();}if (platforms[i].opt_type)cs_option(handle, platforms[i].opt_type, platforms[i].opt_value);count = cs_disasm(handle, platforms[i].code, platforms[i].size, address, 0, &insn);if (count) {size_t j;print_string_hex(platforms[i].code, platforms[i].size);printf("Disasm:\n");for (j = 0; j < count; j++) {printf("0x%" PRIx64 ":\t%s\t\t%s\n",insn[j].address, insn[j].mnemonic, insn[j].op_str);}// print out the next offset, after the last insnprintf("0x%" PRIx64 ":\n", insn[j-1].address + insn[j-1].size);// free memory allocated by cs_disasm()cs_free(insn, count);} else {printf("****************\n");print_string_hex(platforms[i].code, platforms[i].size);printf("ERROR: Failed to disasm given code!\n");abort();}printf("\n");cs_close(&handle);}
}int main()
{test();return 0;

Capstone 在遇到 a broken instruction 时会停止反汇编了。

使用SKIPDATA mode 之后:

/* Capstone Disassembler Engine */#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>#include <capstone/platform.h>
#include <capstone/capstone.h>struct platform {cs_arch arch;cs_mode mode;unsigned char *code;size_t size;const char *comment;cs_opt_type opt_type;cs_opt_value opt_value;cs_opt_type opt_skipdata;size_t skipdata;
};static void print_string_hex(unsigned char *str, size_t len)
{unsigned char *c;printf("Code: ");for (c = str; c < str + len; c++) {printf("0x%02x ", *c & 0xff);}printf("\n");
}static void test()
{#define RANDOM_CODE "\xed\x00\x00\x00\x00\x1a\x5a\x0f\x1f\xff\xc2\x09\x80\x00\x00\x00\x07\xf7\xeb\x2a\xff\xff\x7f\x57\xe3\x01\xff\xff\x7f\x57\xeb\x00\xf0\x00\x00\x24\xb2\x4f\x00\x78"struct platform platforms[] = {{CS_ARCH_X86,CS_MODE_64,(unsigned char*)RANDOM_CODE,sizeof(RANDOM_CODE) - 1,},};csh handle;uint64_t address = 0x1000;cs_insn *insn;cs_err err;int i;size_t count;for (i = 0; i < sizeof(platforms)/sizeof(platforms[0]); i++) {err = cs_open(platforms[i].arch, platforms[i].mode, &handle);if (err) {printf("Failed on cs_open() with error returned: %u\n", err);abort();}if (platforms[i].opt_type)cs_option(handle, platforms[i].opt_type, platforms[i].opt_value);// turn on SKIPDATA modecs_option(handle, CS_OPT_SKIPDATA, CS_OPT_ON);cs_option(handle, platforms[i].opt_skipdata, platforms[i].skipdata);count = cs_disasm(handle, platforms[i].code, platforms[i].size, address, 0, &insn);if (count) {size_t j;print_string_hex(platforms[i].code, platforms[i].size);printf("Disasm:\n");for (j = 0; j < count; j++) {printf("0x%" PRIx64 ":\t%s\t\t%s\n",insn[j].address, insn[j].mnemonic, insn[j].op_str);}// print out the next offset, after the last insnprintf("0x%" PRIx64 ":\n", insn[j-1].address + insn[j-1].size);// free memory allocated by cs_disasm()cs_free(insn, count);} else {printf("****************\n");print_string_hex(platforms[i].code, platforms[i].size);printf("ERROR: Failed to disasm given code!\n");abort();}printf("\n");cs_close(&handle);}
}int main()
{test();return 0;

Capstone 在遇到 a broken instruction 时,自动跳过一些数据,用.byte代替,直到找到合法指令,然后从那里继续反汇编。
Capstone 跳过 1 个字节的数据并继续从输入流中的下一个字节进行反汇编。 在这种情况下,实际上 Capstone 将跳过数据视为指令 ID 为零的特殊指令,助记符为“.byte”,操作数字符串为其跳过的字节序列的十六进制代码。

2.3 改变助记符例程

如上所述,Capstone 认为数据将被跳过具有默认助记符“.byte”的指令。 要更改此助记符,请使用带有 CS_OPT_SKIPDATA_SETUP 的 cs_option(),如下所示:

csh handle;
cs_open(CS_ARCH_X86, CS_MODE_32, &handle);cs_opt_skipdata skipdata = {.mnemonic = "db",
};// customize SKIPDATA mode
cs_option(handle, CS_OPT_SKIPDATA_SETUP, &skipdata);// Turn on SKIPDATA mode
cs_option(handle, CS_OPT_SKIPDATA, CS_OPT_ON);
/* Capstone Disassembler Engine */#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>#include <capstone/platform.h>
#include <capstone/capstone.h>struct platform {cs_arch arch;cs_mode mode;unsigned char *code;size_t size;const char *comment;cs_opt_type opt_type;cs_opt_value opt_value;cs_opt_type opt_skipdata;size_t skipdata;
};static void print_string_hex(unsigned char *str, size_t len)
{unsigned char *c;printf("Code: ");for (c = str; c < str + len; c++) {printf("0x%02x ", *c & 0xff);}printf("\n");
}static void test()
{#define RANDOM_CODE "\xed\x00\x00\x00\x00\x1a\x5a\x0f\x1f\xff\xc2\x09\x80\x00\x00\x00\x07\xf7\xeb\x2a\xff\xff\x7f\x57\xe3\x01\xff\xff\x7f\x57\xeb\x00\xf0\x00\x00\x24\xb2\x4f\x00\x78"cs_opt_skipdata skipdata = {// rename default "data" instruction from ".byte" to "db""db",};struct platform platforms[] = {{CS_ARCH_X86,CS_MODE_64,(unsigned char*)RANDOM_CODE,sizeof(RANDOM_CODE) - 1,"X86 64 (Intel syntax) - Skip data",},{CS_ARCH_X86,CS_MODE_64,(unsigned char*)RANDOM_CODE,sizeof(RANDOM_CODE) - 1,"X86 64 (Intel syntax) - Skip data with custom mnemonic",CS_OPT_INVALID,CS_OPT_OFF,CS_OPT_SKIPDATA_SETUP,(size_t) &skipdata,},};csh handle;uint64_t address = 0x1000;cs_insn *insn;cs_err err;int i;size_t count;for (i = 0; i < sizeof(platforms)/sizeof(platforms[0]); i++) {printf("****************\n");printf("Platform: %s\n", platforms[i].comment);err = cs_open(platforms[i].arch, platforms[i].mode, &handle);if (err) {printf("Failed on cs_open() with error returned: %u\n", err);abort();}if (platforms[i].opt_type)cs_option(handle, platforms[i].opt_type, platforms[i].opt_value);// turn on SKIPDATA modecs_option(handle, CS_OPT_SKIPDATA, CS_OPT_ON);cs_option(handle, platforms[i].opt_skipdata, platforms[i].skipdata);// turn off SKIPDATA mode//cs_option(handle, CS_OPT_SKIPDATA, CS_OPT_OFF);count = cs_disasm(handle, platforms[i].code, platforms[i].size, address, 0, &insn);if (count) {size_t j;print_string_hex(platforms[i].code, platforms[i].size);printf("Disasm:\n");for (j = 0; j < count; j++) {printf("0x%" PRIx64 ":\t%s\t\t%s\n",insn[j].address, insn[j].mnemonic, insn[j].op_str);}// print out the next offset, after the last insnprintf("0x%" PRIx64 ":\n", insn[j-1].address + insn[j-1].size);// free memory allocated by cs_disasm()cs_free(insn, count);} else {printf("****************\n");printf("Platform: %s\n", platforms[i].comment);print_string_hex(platforms[i].code, platforms[i].size);printf("ERROR: Failed to disasm given code!\n");abort();}printf("\n");cs_close(&handle);}
}int main()
{test();return 0;



本文章主要讲解了cs_option函数和Capstone的SKIPDATA mode。




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