imfilter 可进行多维图像(RGB等)进行空间滤波,且可选参数较多

filter2 只能对二维图像(灰度图)进行空间滤波


imfilter N-D filtering of multidimensional images.
    B = imfilter(A,H) filters the multidimensional array A with the
    multidimensional filter H.  A can be logical or it can be a 
    nonsparse numeric array of any class and dimension.  The result, 
  Each element of the output, B, is computed using double-precision
    floating point.  If A is an integer or logical array, then output 
    elements that exceed the range of the given type are truncated, 
    and fractional values are rounded.    B, has the same size and class as A.

filter2 Two-dimensional digital filter.
    Y = filter2(B,X) filters the data in X with the 2-D FIR
    filter in the matrix B.  The result, Y, is computed 
    using 2-D correlation and is the same size as X.

Y = filter2(B,X,SHAPE) returns Y computed via 2-D
    correlation with size specified by SHAPE:

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