





  根据德《商标及其他标识保护法》(MarkenG)及其实施条例,在德申请注册需有固定住所或工商营业所。德国国籍的自然人、在德注册的法人、人和公司均可申请。正在注册过程中的有限责任公司,可以“注册中的有限公司”(GmbH in G.)”名义注册商标。因此,我已在德成立子公司的企业,可通过子公司注册商标,已有代表机构的,可授权其注册。在德尚未设立机构的,应委托德律师或专利律师作为代理人,办理相关手续。

With the continuous development of Sino-German economic and trade cooperation, Mercedes Benz, BMW, Siemens and other German brands have long been familiar in China and become synonymous with excellent quality of German products. At the same time, our own brands in the German market has been little known. In addition to the small amount of goods of the own brand in the trade structure, most of our enterprises have not yet established overseas brand development strategies, and only a few enterprises have registered their own trademarks in Germany, starting a difficult but gratifying brand road. In order to realize the sustainable development of German cooperation, it is very important to strengthen the protection of trademarks in Germany. This paper briefly introduces the practice of applying for international trademarks and territorial extension, expounds in detail the steps of direct registration in Germany and the management of its use, and puts forward some preliminary suggestions on how to strengthen the protection of trademarks in Germany, for the reference of the competent departments and enterprises striving to develop their business in Germany.

Two Ways of Registering Trademarks in Germany


( 1 ) Apply for an international trademark through my trademark authority

International trademark refers to the trademark registered between the members of the Madrid Alliance under the ' Madrid Agreement on International Registration of Trademarks ' or the ' Protocol on International Registration of Trademarks '. Currently, the Madrid Alliance has 78 Parties. China joined the agreement on October 4, 1989 and November 12, 1995, respectively. Germany joined the agreement on December 1, 1922 and March 20, 1996. An enterprise that has registered or is applying for a registered trademark in the country may directly or entrust a trademark agency to submit an application to the Trademark Office of the State Administration of Industry and Commerce of China for registration of an international trademark to the World Intellectual Property Office ( WIPO ) in Geneva, Switzerland. After successful registration, it can be applied to extend all or part of the goods and services represented by the trademark to Germany or the European Union, and become a German or European trademark.


According to the World Intellectual Property Office ( WIPO ) charging standard, the cost of applying for German trademark is 373 Swiss francs ( including 73 Swiss francs for national fee and 300 Swiss francs for basic fee ), which must be agreed by the German Patent and Trademark Office and applied to 25 member countries. After receiving the application for registration of European trademark, WIPO is transferred to the European Union Internal Market Affairs Coordination Agency ( HABM ) in Alicant, Spain. The Coordinating Bureau ( Coordinating Bureau ) shall seek the views of member states and implement the one-vote veto system. If it fails to pass a review by the competent department of a member state, it shall not register the EU trademark.

( 2 ) Registered trademarks directly in Germany


Under the German MarkenG Law and its implementing regulations, applications for registration in Germany require a fixed residence or business premises. Natural persons of German nationality, legal persons registered in Germany, persons and companies can apply. A limited liability company in the process of registration can be registered in the name of ' GmbH in G. ' Therefore, I have set up a subsidiary in Germany enterprises, can be registered through the subsidiary trademark, has representative institutions, can authorize its registration. Where an institution has not yet been established in Germany, a German lawyer or a patent lawyer shall be entrusted with the relevant formalities as an agent.


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