
Was Anzio indeed the "greatest missed opportunity of the Second World War" as some would argue? No. The story of how this invasion, code named SHINGLE, came to be originated, planned and executed is one which makes for a enlightening case study regarding the operational art of war. Using the framework of the Operational Factors of Space, Time and Forces, SHINGLE can be seen as the undesirable product of several interrelations, most damagingly the Space-Time-Force interrelation which caused the Allies to rush insufficient forces to a beachhead that was too far removed from the front which it was supposed to be influencing. A further examination of SHINGLE, using the framework of the joint operational functions, can provide numerous operational lessons-learned for modern U.S. military planners - the most important of which pertain to operational maneuver and movement, and operational command and control. Time and hindsight may be able to spin SHINGLE into a strategic success, but there is no doubt that it was an operational failure at the time. As an operation, it was correctly identified by the man defending against it, German Field Marshal Albert Kesselring, as "doomed."


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