首先打开Twitter Support的页面



1. Where are you experiencing this issue?

按照实际情况选咯,看是iphone, Android 还是computer.

2. Description of problem


“ Account suspended. Could not unsuspend it through phone number. Pls help to unsuspend the account. Thanks. "

3.Your Information

Full name: 这个是填你将来显示的Twitter名字。

Twitter user name: 填你的推特账号/用户名

Your email: 用来联系你的邮箱地址,不一定要用注册的那个。

Phone number (optional): 电话号码可填可不填。






Your account appears to have exhibited automated behavior that violates the Twitter Rules: https://support.twitter.com/articles/18311.

In order to continue safely using Twitter, please follow these steps:

1. Log in to your account on the web or open your Twitter app (iOS or Android).

2. You ’ ll see a prompt letting you know your account has been locked. Click or tap “ Start ”.

3. Select your country/region from the drop down menu, and then enter your phone number.

4. Click “ Send code ” and Twitter will send you a text message with a confirmation code (note that your standard message rates may apply).

5. Enter the code you received in the “ Your code ” box and click “ Submit ”.

6. You will see a confirmation message that your account is now unlocked.

Once you confirm your identity, it may take up to a few minutes for your account to be unlocked.

If you ’ re still experiencing an issue after confirming your identity, please reply to this message and provide us with specific details of the problem you're experiencing. We ’ ll do our best to help!


Twitter Support



I'm having similar trouble. Getting to "We are calling +86{我手机号} with a verification code. Enter that code below." The phone number is 100% working but no call ever comes. Been trying for days now.

Best Regards



Your account is now unlocked, and we ’ re sorry for the inconvenience.

Twitter has automated systems that find and remove automated spam accounts and it looks like your account got caught up in one of these spam groups by mistake. This sometimes happens when an account exhibits automated behavior in violation of the Twitter Rules ( https://twitter.com/rules).

Again, we apologize for the inconvenience. Please do not respond to this email as replies will not be monitored.


Twitter Support




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