
// These are the variable you may want to change

// Spreadsheet processing
// Collecting and assigning player names to trials
// This variable indicates the spreadsheet metadata column we need to collect player names from
var _requiredDigitsSetColumn: string = ‘digitsSet’;

// This variable indicates the spreadsheet column we need to assign player names to
var _requiredDigitsAssignmentColumn: string = ‘digits’;

// This variable indicates the key in which we’ll store the random number used to shuffle the playerNames
// This way, if we need to rebuild the shuffled names for whatever reason (the participant refreshes the screen for example)
// They’ll get the same spreadsheet setup
var _randomSeedKey: string = ‘randomKeySeed’;

// Dynamic display
// This variable indicates the display name for trials where we want to add the dynamic content
var _requiredDynamicDisplay: string = ‘presentation’;

// random number

// The preProcessSpreadsheet hook allows us to define functionality that Gorilla will execute before randomising the
// spreadsheet contents based on randomise trials and randomise blocks
gorillaTaskBuilder.preProcessSpreadsheet((spreadsheet: any) => {
// Collect our set of potential player names
var digitsSet: string[] = [];

// loop through the whole spreadsheet
for(var i = 0; i < spreadsheet.length; i++){// Check that the column exists and that it's contents is more than the empty stringif(spreadsheet[i][_requiredDigitsSetColumn] && spreadsheet[i][_requiredDigitsSetColumn] != ''){// add the contents to our set of player namesdigitsSet.push(spreadsheet[i][_requiredDigitsSetColumn])}
// Shuffle our set of player names// First, retrieve our random seed from the store
var randomSeed: number = gorilla.retrieve(_randomSeedKey, null, false);
// if we don't have one, create one using the current date timestamp
if(!randomSeed){randomSeed = Date.now();gorilla.store(_randomSeedKey, randomSeed, false);
}var shuffledDigitsSet: string[] = gorilla.shuffle(digitsSet, randomSeed);// STAGE THREE
// Generate a new spreadsheet with the player names from shuffledPlayerNameSet
// To do this, for each row with the required display we find, we'll draw a name from the shuffled list
// While you should have more names than you do trials, we'll still include a check for this
var modifiedSpreadsheet: any = [];
var currentDigitsPosition: number = 0;
// loop through existing spreadsheet
for(var i = 0; i < spreadsheet.length; i++){// check if the display in the current row matches our target displayif(_requiredDynamicDisplay && spreadsheet[i].display == _requiredDynamicDisplay){// check that our current iteration variable is within the range of the shuffled arrayif(currentDigitsPosition < shuffledDigitsSet.length){// add our player name to the spreadsheet row, iterate and push to the modified spreadsheetspreadsheet[i][_requiredDigitsAssignmentColumn] = shuffledDigitsSet[currentDigitsPosition];currentDigitsPosition++;modifiedSpreadsheet.push(spreadsheet[i]);} else { // just push the row as ismodifiedSpreadsheet.push(spreadsheet[i]);}} else { // push the row as ismodifiedSpreadsheet.push(spreadsheet[i]);}
}return modifiedSpreadsheet;



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