官网:Beginner’s Guide

翻译部分:Setting Up a Simple Proxy Server


One of the frequent uses of nginx is setting it up as a proxy server, which means a server that receives requests, passes them to the proxied servers, retrieves responses from them, and sends them to the clients.


We will configure a basic proxy server, which serves requests of images with files from the local directory and sends all other requests to a proxied server.


In this example, both servers will be defined on a single nginx instance.


First, define the proxied server by adding one more server block to the nginx’s configuration file with the following contents:

server {listen 8080;root /data/up1;location / {}


This will be a simple server that listens on the port 8080 (previously, the listen directive has not been specified since the standard port 80 was used) and maps all requests to the /data/up1 directory on the local file system.


Create this directory and put the index.html file into it.


Note that the root directive is placed in the server context.

请注意,root指令在server 块里面。

Such root directive is used when the location block selected for serving a request does not include its own root directive.


Next, use the server configuration from the previous section and modify it to make it a proxy server configuration.


In the first location block, put the proxy_pass directive with the protocol, name and port of the proxied server specified in the parameter (in our case, it is http://localhost:8080):

server {location / {proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;}location /images/ {root /data;}

在第一个 location块中放置参数带有被代理服务器协议、名称和端口的proxy_pass指令





We will modify the second location block, which currently maps requests with the /images/ prefix to the files under the /data/images directory, to make it match the requests of images with typical file extensions. The modified location block looks like this:

location ~ \.(gif|jpg|png)$ {root /data/images;

接着修改第二个location块 ,这个块映射前缀为/images/的请求/data/images目录下的文件。为了使它匹配带有常见扩展名的图像请求,修改第二个location块如下:

~ 表示 \.(gif|jpg|png)$ 是正则表达式,.gif  .jpg .png结尾的请求都会去到/data/images去找。

The parameter is a regular expression matching all URIs ending with .gif.jpg, or .png.

这个参数是一个匹配所有以.gif  .jpg  .png结尾的URI的正则表达式。

A regular expression should be preceded with ~.


The corresponding requests will be mapped to the /data/images directory.

相应的请求将映射到/data/images目录 。

When nginx selects a location block to serve a request it first checks location directives that specify prefixes, remembering location with the longest prefix, and then checks regular expressions.

当nginx选择一个location块来服务请求的时候,它首先检查有指定前缀的location指令,并记住拥有最长前缀的那个location块,然后在检查正则表达式(~ xxx)

If there is a match with a regular expression, nginx picks this location or, otherwise, it picks the one remembered earlier.


The resulting configuration of a proxy server will look like this:

server {location / {proxy_pass http://localhost:8080/;}location ~ \.(gif|jpg|png)$ {root /data/images;}


This server will filter requests ending with .gif.jpg, or .png and map them to the /data/images directory (by adding URI to the root directive’s parameter) and pass all other requests to the proxied server configured above.

以.gif .jpg .png结尾的请求被映射到/data/images目录中,将其他所有请求转发到上面配置的被代理服务器(http://localhost:8080)上.

To apply new configuration, send the reload signal to nginx as described in the previous sections.

记得重启 nginx -s reload

There are many more directives that may be used to further configure a proxy connection.


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