
// Halide tutorial lesson 2: Processing images
// Halide入门第二课: 处理图像// This lesson demonstrates how to pass in input images and manipulate
// them.
// 本课展示了如何读入图像数据,并操作像素// On linux, you can compile and run it like so:
// 在linux操作系统,你可以按照如下方式编译和运行该代码
// 运行之前确保操作系统安装了libpng和libjpeg库,可以到对应的sourceforge上找到对应的代码编译安装,
// 或者采用linux系统的包管理系统进行安装,debian系操作系统
// sudo apt-get install libpng
// sudo apt-get install libjpeg
// g++ lesson_02*.cpp -g -I ../include -I ../tools -L ../bin -lHalide `libpng-config --cflags --ldflags` -ljpeg -lpthread -ldl -o lesson_02 -std=c++11
// LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../bin ./lesson_02// On os x:
// g++ lesson_02*.cpp -g -I ../include -I ../tools -L ../bin -lHalide `libpng-config --cflags --ldflags` -ljpeg -o lesson_02 -std=c++11
// DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=../bin ./lesson_02// If you have the entire Halide source tree, you can also build it by
// running:
//    make tutorial_lesson_02_input_image
// in a shell with the current directory at the top of the halide
// source tree.// The only Halide header file you need is Halide.h. It includes all of Halide.
#include "Halide.h"// Include some support code for loading pngs.
// halide_image_io.h提供了png格式图片的读写函数
#include "halide_image_io.h"
using namespace Halide::Tools;int main(int argc, char **argv) {// This program defines a single-stage imaging pipeline that// brightens an image.// 该程序定义了一个阶段的图像处理pipeline,将图像对应的像素点放大一定倍数// 达到提升图像亮度的目的。// First we'll load the input image we wish to brighten.// halide_image_io.h提供的图像IO函数,读入要处理的图像数据Halide::Buffer<uint8_t> input = load_image("images/rgb.png");// See figures/lesson_02_input.jpg for a smaller version.// Next we define our Func object that represents our one pipeline// stage.// 接下来定义Func对象,Func对象表示我们将要进行的图像亮度提升pipelineHalide::Func brighter;// Our Func will have three arguments, representing the position// in the image and the color channel. Halide treats color// channels as an extra dimension of the image.// 接下来定义操作图像像素的索引,即Var(变量)x(column),y(row),c(channel)// x,y为坐标索引,c为颜色通道索引。Halide::Var x, y, c;// Normally we'd probably write the whole function definition on// one line. Here we'll break it apart so we can explain what// we're doing at every step.// For each pixel of the input image.// value表达式表示c通道(x,y)坐标处的像素值Halide::Expr value = input(x, y, c);// Cast it to a floating point value.// 为了进行浮点计算,先将数据类型转换成单精度浮点类型value = Halide::cast<float>(value);// Multiply it by 1.5 to brighten it. Halide represents real// numbers as floats, not doubles, so we stick an 'f' on the end// of our constant.// 将c通道(x,y)坐标处的像素值放大1.5倍value = value * 1.5f;// Clamp it to be less than 255, so we don't get overflow when we// cast it back to an 8-bit unsigned int.// 为了防止数据溢出,将放大后的像素值clip到[0,255]区间,并转换成8位无符号整型value = Halide::min(value, 255.0f);// Cast it back to an 8-bit unsigned integer.value = Halide::cast<uint8_t>(value);// Define the function.// 定义函数,将亮度提升后的像素值,赋值给函数对象的(x,y,c)点brighter(x, y, c) = value;// The equivalent one-liner to all of the above is://// brighter(x, y, c) = Halide::cast<uint8_t>(min(input(x, y, c) * 1.5f, 255));//// In the shorter version:// - I skipped the cast to float, because multiplying by 1.5f does//   that automatically.// - I also used an integer constant as the second argument in the//   call to min, because it gets cast to float to be compatible//   with the first argument.// - I left the Halide:: off the call to min. It's unnecessary due//   to Koenig lookup.// Remember, all we've done so far is build a representation of a// Halide program in memory. We haven't actually processed any// pixels yet. We haven't even compiled that Halide program yet.// 上述所有操作知识在内存中建立Halide程序,告诉Halide怎么去进行算法操作,即对算法进行了定义。// 实际上还没有开始进行任何像素的处理。甚至Halide程序还没有进行编译// So now we'll realize the Func. The size of the output image// should match the size of the input image. If we just wanted to// brighten a portion of the input image we could request a// smaller size. If we request a larger size Halide will throw an// error at runtime telling us we're trying to read out of bounds// on the input image.// 现在将要实现函数。输出图像的尺寸必须和输入图像的尺寸相匹配。如果我们只想提高输入图像部分区域//像素点的亮度,可以指定一个小一点的尺寸。如果需要一个更大尺寸的输出,Halide在运行时会抛出一个//错误告诉我们,边界超出输入图像。Halide::Buffer<uint8_t> output =brighter.realize(input.width(), input.height(), input.channels());// Save the output for inspection. It should look like a bright parrot.// 写下被处理过的图像save_image(output, "brighter.png");// See figures/lesson_02_output.jpg for a small version of the output.printf("Success!\n");return 0;


$ g++ lesson_02*.cpp -g -I ../include -I ../tools -L ../bin -lHalide `libpng-config --cflags --ldflags` -ljpeg -lpthread -ldl -o lesson_02 -std=c++11
// 注: 可以将Halide的bin目录添加到环境变量中,或者在实验时
// export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../bin
// 这样就不需要每次都指定halide动态链接库所在路径
$ ./lesson_02


$ Success!




1. 读取待处理图像数据
2. 定义变量,表达式
3. 定义Func,算法实现(此时只是内存中的算法,并没有开始对像素点进行操作)
4. 算法调度,调用Func的realize成员变量,实现算法(开始对像素进行操作,进行图像处理)
5. 将output数据写回硬盘

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