
Janus: Vim Distribution

This is a distribution of plug-ins and mappings for Vim, Gvim andMacVim.

It is designed to provide minimal working environment using the mostpopular plug-ins and the most common mappings.

The distribution is completely customisable using a ~/.vimrc.beforeand ~/.vimrc.after Vim RC files.

Updating to the latest version

To update to the latest version of the distribution, just run rakeinside your ~/.vim directory.

NOTE: If you ever have an error updating Janus relating to amissing commit in a submodule, please try running rake again beforesubmitting an issue.

Mailing list

The mailing list is hosted at GoogleGroups, please join it fordiscussion and announcements.


The distribution is designed to work with Vim >= 7.3.

The distribution also requires ack, ctags, git, ruby and rake.For the most comfortable experience, use the GUI version of Vim. Linuxusers should install gvim, OSX users should installMacVim. The recommended way ofinstalling MacVim is usingHomebrew, but before installingMacVim you need to use system-wide Python (If you are using python thatis):

  • If you're using pythonbrew: do pythonbrew off
$ brew install macvim

If you don't use Homebrew, you can still download MacVimhere.

Take a look at the Pre-requisites wikipage for moreinformation.


To install Janus, please use our automaticinstaller, which backs up any Vim files found in your home folder and installsJanus.

$ curl -L | bash


You can use ~/.gvimrc.before and ~/.vimrc.before for settings Janus itself uses,such as the leader setting. You may also use ~/.gvimrc.after and~/.vimrc.after for any additional settings; it is also a good place foroverriding Janus settings, as both files will be loaded at the end ofJanus.

For example, to override the default color schemes:

$ echo 'color desert'  >> ~/.vimrc.after
$ echo 'color molokai' >> ~/.gvimrc.after

If you want to do additional customization or add more Vim plugins,create a ~/.janus directory and add your plugins there, either with agit clone or by adding submodules to your own git repository there.This directory is treated like a normal pathogen directory. For example:

$ cd ~/.janus
$ git clone rename2

Or, if you have a git repository in ~/.janus, you can use a submodule:

$ cd ~/.janus
$ git submodule add rename2

If you would like to disable an included plug-in, you can do that withthe janus#disable_plugin() function from inside your~/.vimrc.before. This function takes a plug-in name as an argumentwithout the group. For example, if you would like to disable theNERDCommenter plug-in, you can do that with the command:

$ echo "call janus#disable_plugin('nerdcommenter')" >> ~/.vimrc.before

WARNING: We've noticed over and over, that people fork Janus just tocustomize it. This is bad practice for several reasons and you shouldnot do that, and here's why:

  • Janus is fully customisable and there's no need to change the core forusing a different plugin fork or using a different mapping.
  • Forking means maintenance; maintenance means burden. Do not burdenyourself with maintaining a fork; that's what the ~/.janus folderis for.

If you find yourself needing a customisation that is not possible withthe current setup, then please open an issue or consider submitting apull request to make it possible to continue using/improving the official repo.

WARNING: Any uncommited files inside the janus folder will beremoved the next time you run rake so make sure to either put them inthe custom folder (~/.janus), or commit them. We clean the janusfolder in case we replace a manually installed plugin (using rake tasks)with a submodule.

For more information on how to customize Janus, you might want to takea look at the Customization wikipage.

Intro to VIM

Here're some tips in case you've never used VIM before:


  • Type vimtutor into a shell to go through a brief interactivetutorial inside VIM.
  • Read the slides at VIM: Walking Without Crutches.
  • Watch the screencasts at
  • Watch Derek Wyatt's energetic tutorial videos at his site
  • Read wycats' perspective on learning Vim atEveryone who tried to convince me to use vim was wrong
  • Read this and other answers to a question about vim at StackOverflow:Your problem with Vim is that you don't grok vi
  • Read the Getting Started with Vim tutorial on SitePoint
  • Read the Effective Rails Development with Vim tutorial on SitePoint


  • VIM has three modes:

    • insert mode- stuff you type is added to the buffer
    • normal mode- keys you hit are interpreted as commands
    • visual mode- allows you to select blocks of text
  • To enter insert mode, hit i
  • To exit insert mode, hit <ESC>
  • To enter visual mode, hit v
  • To exit visual mode, hit <ESC>

Useful commands

  • Use :q to exit vim
  • Certain commands are prefixed with a <Leader> key, which maps to \by default. You can, for example, use let mapleader = "," to change this to a comma. If you want thisto be in effect for uses of <Leader> in the .vimrc file, make sure to definethis in ~/.vimrc.before
  • Keyboard cheat sheet.


This Vim distribution includes a number of packages built by others.

Base Customizations

Janus ships with a number of basic customizations for vim:

  • Line numbers
  • Ruler (line and column numbers)
  • No wrap (turn off per-buffer via :set wrap)
  • Soft 2-space tabs, and default hard tabs to 2 spaces
  • Show trailing whitespace as .
  • Make searching highlighted, incremental, and case insensitive unless acapital letter is used
  • Always show a status line
  • Allow backspacing over everything (indentations, eol, and startcharacters) in insert mode
  • <C-P> inserts the directory of the current file into a command
  • Automatically resize splits when resizing the Vim window (GUI only)
  • <leader>ew expands to :e (directory of current file)/ (open in thecurrent buffer)
  • <leader>es expands to :sp (directory of current file)/ (open in ahorizontal split)
  • <leader>ev expands to :vsp (directory of current file)/ (open ina vertical split)
  • <leader>et expands to :tabe (directory of current file)/ (open ina new tab)
  • Write a privileged file with :SudoW or :SudoWrite, it will promptfor sudo password when writing
  • <F4> toggles paste mode
  • <leader>fef formats the entire file
  • <leader>u converts the entire word to uppercase
  • <leader>l converts the entire word to lowercase
  • <leader>U converts the first char of a word to uppercase
  • <leader>L converts the first char of a word to lowercase
  • <leader>cd changes the path to the active buffer's file
  • <leader>md creates the directory of the active buffer's file(For example, when editing a new file for which the path does notexist.)
  • gw swaps the current word with the following word
  • <leader>ul underlines the current line with =
  • <leader>tw toggles wrap
  • <leader>fc finds the next conflict marker (tested with Gitconflicted files)
  • Remap <Down> and <Up> to gj and gk (Wrapped text is notconsidered a single long line of text.)
  • <leader>hs toggles highlight search
  • <leader>= adjusts viewports to the same size (<C-w>=)
  • <A-[ (<D-[ on MacVim) shifts current line or selected linesrightwards
  • <A-] (<D-] on MacVim) shifts current line or selected linesleftwards
  • <C-W>! invokes kwbd plugin; it closes all open buffers in the openwindows but keeps the windows open


Ack.vim uses ack to search inside the current directory for a pattern.You can learn more about it with :help Ack.

Customizations: Janus rebinds command-shift-f (<D-F>) to bring up:Ack.


Fuzzy file, buffer, mru and tag finder. Replaces Command-T

Customizations: For users of Command-T Janus maps CtrlP to command-t (<D-t>)


NERDCommenter allows you to wrangle your code comments, regardless offiletype. View :help NERDCommenter for all the details.

Customizations: Janus binds command-/ (<D-/>) to toggle comments.


NERDTree is a file explorer plugin that provides "project drawer"functionality to your vim projects. You can learn more about it with:help NERDTree.

Customizations: Janus adds a number of customizations to the coreNERDTree:


This plugin provides a lot of useful mappings, here's a brief example ofwhat it does provide:

Please check :helpunimpairedfor a complete list


In insert mode, start typing something and hit <TAB> to tab-completebased on the current context.


Syntastic is a syntax checking plugin that runs buffers through external syntaxcheckers as they are saved and opened. If syntax errors are detected, the useris notified and is happy because they didn't have to compile their code orexecute their script to find them.


Tagbar is a vim plugin for browsing the tags of source code files.

Customizations: Janus binds <Leader>rt to toggle Tagbar.


SnipMate defines text snippets (a series of characters) that expand toa useful piece of code when tab is pressed. For example, in a Rubyfile, def<TAB> expands to:

def method_nameend

After typing in the method name, press tab again to put the cursor rightwhere you want it on the next line. This repositoryhas a full list of the Snippets that are available in Janus.


EasyMotion provides a much simpler way to use some motions in vim. Ittakes the <number> out of <number>w or <number>f{char} by highlightingall possible choices and allowing you to press one key to jump directlyto the target.

When one of the available motions is triggered, all visible textpreceding or following the cursor is faded, and motion targets arehighlighted.

EasyMotion is triggered by one of the provided mappings.

check EasyMotion's homepage for more information.


Narrowing means focussing on a region and making the rest inaccessible.You simply select the region, call :NarrowRegion and the selected partwill open in a new scratch buffer. The rest of the file will beprotected, so you won't accidentally modify that buffer. In the newbuffer, you can do a global replace, search or anything else to modifythat part. When you are finished, simply write that buffer (e.g. by|:w|) and your modifications will be put in the original buffer makingit accessible again.

Git Support (Fugitive)

Fugitive adds pervasive git support to git directories in vim. For moreinformation, use :help fugitive

Use :Gstatus to view git status and type - on any file to stage orunstage it. Type p on a file to enter git add -p and stage specifichunks in the file.

Use :Gdiff on an open file to see what changes have been made to thatfile


Git Gutter

A Vim plugin which shows a git diff in the 'gutter' (sign column). Itshows whether each line has been added, modified, and where lines havebeen removed. You can also stage and revert individual hunks.


When working with split windows, ZoomWin lets you zoom into a window andout again using Ctrl-W o


Better JSON and JSONP with distinct highlighting for keywords versusvalues, strings colored differently from numbers and booleans and doublequotes concealed (disable with let g:vim_json_syntax_conceal = 0 in~/.vimrc.after, folding of {...} and [...] blocks (enable with:setlocal foldmethod=syntax, and JSON-specific warnings highlighted inred.

Customizations: Janus binds <leader>zw to :ZoomWin


Buffergator is a plugin for listing, navigating between, and selectingbuffers to edit. Upon invocation (using the command, :BuffergatorOpenor BuffergatorToggle, or the provided key mapping, <Leader>b), acatalog of listed buffers are displayed in a separate new window split(vertical or horizontal, based on user options; default = vertical).From this "buffer catalog", a buffer can be selected and opened in anexisting window, a new window split (vertical or horizontal), or a newtab page.

Selected buffers can be "previewed", i.e. opened in a window or tabpage, but with focus remaining in the buffer catalog. Even better, youcan "walk" up and down the list of buffers shown in the catalog by using<C-N> (or <SPACE>) / <C-P> (or <C-SPACE>). These keys select thenext/previous buffer in succession, respectively, opening it for previewwithout leaving the buffer catalog viewer.


VRoom is a plugin inspired by Gary Bernhardt's vimconfigfor running your ruby tests/specs/features.

Imagine you're hacking on a Rails controller, when you switch to thetest or specs for the controller, you can use <leader>r to run all thespecs or <leader>R to run the closest spec, then you can jump back tothe controller hack on it and use <leader>r to run the last spec youran last time, so you don't need to open the test again.

Then benefits of this plugin are to centralize your workflow in onewindow, one software to do it all, which is a huge speedup over usingtmux or multiple terminal tabs.


Out of the box, all you need to know is a single key Ctrl-n. Pressing the keyin Normal mode highlights the current word under the cursor in Visual mode andplaces a virtual cursor at the end of it. Pressing it again finds the nextoccurrence and places another virtual cursor at the end of the visual selection.If you select multiple lines in Visual mode, pressing the key puts a virtualcursor at every line and leaves you in Normal mode.

More at QuickStart


This plugin causes all trailing whitespace to be highlighted in red.

To fix the whitespace errors, just call :FixWhitespace. By default itoperates on the entire file. Pass a range (or use V to select some lines)to restrict the portion of the file that gets fixed.

Additional Syntaxes

Janus ships with a few additional syntaxes:

  • Markdown (bound to *.markdown, *.md, and *.mk)
  • Markdown auto styling (disabled by settingg:disable_markdown_autostyle in ~/.vimrc.before => letg:disable_markdown_autostyle = 1)
  • Mustache (bound to *.mustache)
  • Haml (bound to *.haml)
  • Sass (bound to *.sass)
  • SCSS (bound to *.scss)
  • An improved JavaScript syntax (bound to *.js)
  • Javascript for any file having nodejs in the shebang.
  • Map Gemfile, Rakefile, Vagrantfile, Procfile, Thorfile, and*.rake to Ruby.
  • Git commits (set your EDITOR to vim -f or mvim -f on OSX)$ echo "export EDITOR='vim -f'" >> ~/.bashrc, you can also use Gitglobal config to set this if you have EDITOR set to something else$ git config --global core.editor 'vim -f'


This code is free to use under the terms of the MIT license.

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaininga copy of this software and associated documentation files (the"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, includingwithout limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and topermit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject tothe following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be includedin all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



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