用人话谈谈相对论是什么 What is relativity

  • 写在最前面 At First
  • 你必须要明白的重要结论 Important conclusion
  • 相对论推导过程 Relativistic derivation process

写在最前面 At First

这篇文章的目的是要让所有人都能读懂相对论, 其实相对论并不是你想的那样复杂
为什么相对论让很多人都觉得非常复杂, 那是爱因斯坦的问题, 把简单的问题讲解得太复杂了
如果你读不懂, 那不是你的智商和理解能力有问题, 而是我的表达能力有问题
The purpose of this article is to make relativity understandable to all people. In fact, relativity is not as complicated as you think
Why is relativity so complicated for many people? It’s Einstein’s problem. It’s too complicated to explain simple problems
You have to believe in your intelligence. You can read it
If you can’t read it, it’s not about your intelligence and understanding, it’s about my expression

你必须要明白的重要结论 Important conclusion

要理解相对论, 首先你得知道这个重要结论:
不管你在多快的火车上, 不管你自身的运行速度是多大, 测量真空光速都大概是30万千米/秒
你要知道这个结论, 去推导相对论, 就相当于一道小学数学题!

[地球绕太阳以 30千米/每秒 的速度旋转, 在冬天和夏天的时候, 公转的速度刚好相反, 速度相差58km/s
我们分别在夏天和冬天测量光速, 如果自身运行速度会影响测量结果, 那么你在冬天和夏天测得的光速将不相等
而实际却是: 夏天和冬天测得的光速都为30万千米每秒, 所以
不管你自身的运行速度是多大, 测量真空光速都是30万千米/秒]

To understand relativity, you need to know this important conclusion first:
No matter how fast you are on the train, no matter how fast you are running, the speed of vacuum light is about 300000 km / s
You need to know this conclusion, to deduce relativity, is equivalent to a primary school mathematics problem!

[* the earth rotates around the sun at a speed of 30 km / S. in winter and summer, the revolution speed is just the opposite, with a speed difference of 58 km / s
We measure the speed of light in summer and winter respectively. If your speed will affect the measurement results, the speed of light you measure in winter and summer will not be the same
But the reality is: the speed of light measured in summer and winter is 300000 km / s, so no matter how fast you run, the speed of light measured in vacuum is 300000 km / s *]

相对论推导过程 Relativistic derivation process

接下来, 我们就要开始推导相对论:
Next, we will start to deduce the theory of Relativity:

A B两人手中都拿了一个手电筒,

A B同时打开手电筒发射一段光波
A坐着火车以150000km/s的速度朝终点开过去, 将在2秒到达终点
当火车头到达终点时, 游戏结束

因为 不管你在多快的火车上, 不管你自身的运行速度是多大, 测量真空光速都大概是30万千米/秒
A会观察到: 他发出的光波从他手上到火车头, 光波总共走了300000千米, 用时1秒, 火车也在1秒的时候到达了终点
B会观察到: 他发出的光波从他手上到终点, 总共走了600000千米, 用时2秒
也就是说 A的1秒 等于 B的2秒 , A的时间比B要慢一倍
What !!!
刺激不? 惊喜惊讶不? 懵圈不?

A and B both have a flashlight in their hands,
At the same time:

A B turn on the flashlight at the same time and send out a light wave
A drives towards the destination at 150000km / s by train, and will arrive at the destination in 2 seconds
B stay where you are
When the locomotive reaches the end, the game is over

Because * * no matter how fast you are on the train, no matter how fast you are running, the speed of vacuum light is about 300000 km / s**
A will observe that the light wave from his hand to the locomotive has traveled a total of 300000 kilometers, taking one second, and the train has reached the destination in one second
B will observe that the light wave from his hand to the end of the road has traveled 600000 kilometers in two seconds
And the light waves they send out also reach the end at the same time
That is to say, one second of * * a * * is equal to two seconds of * * b * *, and the time of a is twice as slow as that of B

What !!!
Is it exciting? Is it a surprise? Is it a circle?
This is the theory of relativity

联系邮箱: 574907580@qq.com
我很喜欢科学, 我非常乐意大家能联系到我的邮箱和我一起交流
一个热爱科学的自由职业者, 有些时候在写代码, 有些时候在研究量子力学…
反正我什么都会, 感觉这个世界上就没有我不会的东西

Author: Lin Cen
Time: December 23, 2019
Contact email: 574907580@qq.com
I like science very much. I’d like you to contact my email and communicate with me
A freelancer who loves science, sometimes writing code, sometimes studying quantum mechanics
Anyway, I know everything. I feel like there’s nothing in the world that I don’t know


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