
比如经常说的“x的估计值”the estimate of x,那什么时候用estimate的名词,什么时候用estimation呢?


The word "estimate" can be used both as a noun and a verb.  For example, as a noun, "I will give you an estimate on the amount of time it will take to complete this job".  As a verb, "I will estimate the time it will take to complete this job".  

    "Estimation" is usually used only as a noun.  It is the act or process of estimating.   For example, "The amount of time it will take to complete this job is approximately 4 hours.  This is only an estimation of the time.  The job could take longer." or,  This is only an estimate of the amount of time.

综上所述,当都作为名词的时候,estimate专指结果,而estimation指过程(process of estimating)。


estimate of x


estimation of  x



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