
     客户端具有服务器地址及端口设置,用户注册,用户登陆,添加好友和删除好友,查看好友信       息,给好友发送消息等功能;






  • windows操作系统
  • Visual studio 2022 编译器
  • X86(debug)运行架构




















#pragma comment(lib,"ws2_32.lib")
using namespace std;#define DEFAULT_PORT 5055
#define BUFFER_LENGTH 1024
class user
public:user(string username, string ip, int sender_port, int receiver_port){this->username = username;this->ip = ip;this->sender_port = sender_port;this->receiver_port = receiver_port;//设置接收器的地址receiver.sin_family = AF_INET;receiver.sin_port = htons(receiver_port);char *addr = new char[ip.length() + 1];strcpy(addr, ip.c_str());receiver.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(addr);}string username;              //用户名string ip;                    //客户端ip地址int sender_port;              //发送器端口int receiver_port;           //接收器端口struct sockaddr_in receiver;  //存储接收器的地址
class server
public:bool Startup();                                                   //检测是否满足服务器运行的环境bool SetServerSocket();                                           //设置服务器用来监听信息的socket套接字bool Checktxt();                                                  //检测存储文件是否存在,若不存在,创建一个void work();                                                      //服务器运行的主函数void SendMessage(string message, struct sockaddr_in x);           //发送信息的函数void Sendonlinelist();                                            //向客户端发送好友在线列表bool TestUsernameAndPassword(string username, string password, int &flag);   //测试用户名和密码是否正确bool TestDuplicateLogin(string username);                         //测试是否重复登录bool TestDuplicateRigister(string username);                      //测试是否重复注册string Getusername(string ip, int port);                           //根据ip和端口号获得用户名int  Getuserindex(string username);                               //根据用户名获得用户在在线用户表的索引号    void extractLoginuserinfor(string userinfor, string &username, string &password, string &receiverport); //提取登录请求中的用户名密码和显示器端口号void extractRegisteruserinfor(string userinfor, string&username, string&password);                       //提取注册请求中的用户名和密码void extactPersonalMessageReceivername(string &message, string &receivername);                           //提取私聊消息中的接收者的姓名private:WSADATA wsaData;SOCKET sSocket;                            //用来接收消息的套接字struct sockaddr_in ser;                    //服务器地址struct sockaddr_in cli;                    //客户地址int cli_length = sizeof(cli);                //客户地址长度char recv_buf[BUFFER_LENGTH];              //接收数据的缓冲区vector<user> usertable;                    //在线用户表string sendmessage, printmessage;           //存储服务器转发、打印用的字符串int iSend, iRecv;                          //存储服务器发送和接收的字符串的长度
};bool server::Startup()
{if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData) != 0){cout << "Failed to load Winsock." << endl;return false;}return true;
bool server::SetServerSocket()
{//产生服务器端套接口sSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);if (sSocket == INVALID_SOCKET){cout << "socket()Failed:" << WSAGetLastError() << endl;return false;}//建立服务器端地址ser.sin_family = AF_INET;ser.sin_port = htons(DEFAULT_PORT);               //htons()函数把一个双字节主机字节顺序的数转换为网络字节顺序的数ser.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);          //htonl()函数把一个主机字节顺序的数转换为网络字节顺序的数   if (bind(sSocket, (LPSOCKADDR)&ser, sizeof(ser)) == SOCKET_ERROR){cout << "bind()Failed:" << WSAGetLastError() << endl;return false;}return true;
void server::SendMessage(string message, struct sockaddr_in x)
{char *send_buf = new char[message.length() + 1];strcpy(send_buf, message.c_str());SOCKET rSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);if (rSocket == INVALID_SOCKET){cout << "socket()Failed:" << WSAGetLastError() << endl;return;}iSend = sendto(rSocket, send_buf, message.length() + 1, 0, (SOCKADDR*)&(x), sizeof(x));if (iSend == SOCKET_ERROR){cout << "sendto failed:" << WSAGetLastError() << endl;closesocket(rSocket);return;}closesocket(rSocket);
void server::Sendonlinelist()
{string onlinelist;for (int i = 0; i < usertable.size(); i++)onlinelist = onlinelist + usertable[i].username + "#";onlinelist = onlinelist + "$";                //结束标志SendMessage(onlinelist, cli);
bool server::TestUsernameAndPassword(string username, string password, int &flag)
{if (!Checktxt()){cout << "无法找到存储文件." << endl << endl;flag = 0;                                 //未找到用户名的标志return false;}fstream in("C:\\userform\\userform.txt");string line;string username_txt, password_txt;while (getline(in, line)){for (int i = 0; i < line.size(); i++){if (line[i] == '#'){username_txt = line.substr(0, i);password_txt = line.substr(i + 1);break;}}if (username_txt == username)         //该用户名存在{if (password == password_txt)     //且密码正确{in.close();return true;                  //返回验证成功}cout << "用户" << username << "登录密码错误" << endl << endl;       //返回密码错误的信息flag = 1;                        //密码错误的标志return false;}}in.close();cout << "未注册过的用户:" << username << endl << endl;flag = 0;                                 //未找到用户名的标志return false;
bool server::TestDuplicateLogin(string username)
{int i;for (i = 0; i < usertable.size(); i++)if (usertable[i].username == username) break;if (i == usertable.size())     //该用户还没有登录过return false;else{cout << "用户" << username << "重复登录" << endl;return true;}
bool server::TestDuplicateRigister(string username)
{if (!Checktxt()){cout << "无法找到存储文件." << endl << endl;return true;}fstream in("C:\\userform\\userform.txt");string line;while (getline(in, line)){string username_txt;for (int i = 0; i < line.size(); i++){if (line[i] == '#'){username_txt = line.substr(0, i);              //提取用户名if (username_txt == username)                  //对比,相等则表明已经注册过{in.close();cout << "用户名" << username << "重复注册" << endl << endl;return true;}break;                                         //否则继续对比下一个用户名}}}in.close();return false;                                               //代码执行到这说明该用户名还没有注册过
string server::Getusername(string ip, int port)
{for (int i = 0; i < usertable.size(); i++)if (usertable[i].ip == ip&&usertable[i].sender_port == port)return usertable[i].username;cout << "非法的用户连接上服务器" << endl;cout << "ip地址为:" << ip << endl << "端口号为:" << port << endl;return "";
int server::Getuserindex(string username)
{int i = 0;for (i = 0; i < usertable.size(); i++)if (usertable[i].username == username) break;return i;
void server::extractLoginuserinfor(string userinfor, string &username, string &password, string &receiverport)
{int i;for (i = 0; i < userinfor.length(); i++)           //提取用户名{if (userinfor[i] == '#'){username = userinfor.substr(0, i);break;}}for (int j = i + 1; j < userinfor.length(); j++)  //提取密码和显示器端口号{if (userinfor[j] == '#'){password = userinfor.substr(i + 1, j - i - 1);receiverport = userinfor.substr(j + 1);break;}}
void server::extractRegisteruserinfor(string userinfor, string&username, string&password)
{for (int i = 0; i < userinfor.size(); i++){if (userinfor[i] == '#'){username = userinfor.substr(0, i);password = userinfor.substr(i + 1);break;}}
void server::extactPersonalMessageReceivername(string &message, string &receivername)
{for (int i = 0; i < message.size(); i++){if (message[i] == '#'){receivername = message.substr(0, i);message = message.substr(i + 1);break;}}
bool server::Checktxt()
{FILE *fp = fopen("C:\\userform\\userform.txt", "r");if (fp == NULL){system("md C:\\userform");ofstream out("C:\\userform\\userform.txt");if (!out)return false;out.close();return true;}return true;
void server::work()
{cout << "-----------------" << endl;cout << "Server running" << endl;cout << "-----------------" << endl;while (true)                                       //进入一个无限循环,进行数据接收和发送{memset(recv_buf, 0, sizeof(recv_buf));         //初始化接收缓冲区iRecv = recvfrom(sSocket, recv_buf, BUFFER_LENGTH, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&cli, &cli_length);if (iRecv == SOCKET_ERROR){cout << "recvfrom()Failed:" << WSAGetLastError() << endl;continue;}//获取发送方的地址(ip和端口)char *x = inet_ntoa(cli.sin_addr); string address(x);         //获取客户端ipint userport = ntohs(cli.sin_port);                           //获取客户端端口string infortype = string(recv_buf);                          //根据infortype[0]来判断消息的类型       if (infortype[0] == 'L')                                      //登录请求{string userinfor = infortype.substr(1);                   //除去消息类型string username, password, receiver_port;extractLoginuserinfor(userinfor, username, password, receiver_port);  //提取用户名和密码//向不合法用户发送登录失败的回应int flag = 0;if (!TestUsernameAndPassword(username, password, flag)){if (flag == 0)SendMessage("0", cli);if (flag == 1)SendMessage("1", cli);continue;}//查询该用户是否重复登录if (TestDuplicateLogin(username)){SendMessage("2", cli);continue;}//将合法的未登录的用户加入列表int receiver_port_int = atoi(receiver_port.c_str());user newuser(username, address, userport, receiver_port_int);usertable.push_back(newuser);printmessage = "(上线消息)" + newuser.username + "已上线";               //设置要打印的消息sendmessage = printmessage;                                           //设置要转发的消息 SendMessage("Y", cli);                                                //向客户端发送登录成功的回应}else if (infortype[0] == 'R')                 //注册信息{string userinfor = infortype.substr(1);                  //除去消息类型     string username, password;extractRegisteruserinfor(userinfor, username, password); //提取用户名和密码//检测用户名是否已经注册过if (TestDuplicateRigister(username)){SendMessage("N", cli);continue;}//向文件写入新注册的用户名和密码if (!Checktxt()){SendMessage("N", cli);continue;}fstream out("C:\\userform\\userform.txt", ios::app);out << userinfor << endl;out.close();//发送注册成功的回应SendMessage("Y", cli);cout << "注册成功" << endl << "新用户名为:" << username << endl << endl;continue;}else if (infortype[0] == 'G')                                          //群聊消息{string message = infortype.substr(1);string sendername = Getusername(address, userport);                  //获取发送者姓名if (sendername == "")   continue;printmessage = "(群消息)" + sendername + ":" + message;             //设置要打印的消息sendmessage = printmessage;//sendmessage = "G#"+sendername + ":" + message;                       //设置要转发的消息}else if (infortype[0] == 'P')                     //私聊消息{if (infortype[1] == 'L')                      //获取在线好友列表的请求{Sendonlinelist();continue;}if (infortype[1] == 'M')                      //私聊消息{string message = infortype.substr(2);string sendername = Getusername(address, userport);  //提取发送者姓名if (sendername == "")  continue;//提取接收者姓名string receivername;extactPersonalMessageReceivername(message, receivername);//检查接收者是否离线int i = Getuserindex(receivername);if (i == usertable.size())                              //接收者已经离线{SendMessage("N", cli);continue;}SendMessage("Y", cli);                                  //向发送方发送成功的响应printmessage = "(私消息)" + sendername + "->" + receivername + ":" + message;               //设置要打印的消息cout << printmessage << endl;cout << "用户ip:" << address << endl;cout << "用户端口:" << userport << endl;cout << "当前在线人数:" << usertable.size() << endl << endl;sendmessage = printmessage;                                                                 //设置要发送的消息SendMessage(sendmessage, usertable[i].receiver);if (sendername != receivername){int j = Getuserindex(sendername);SendMessage(sendmessage, usertable[j].receiver);}continue;}}else if (infortype == "exit"){string sendername = Getusername(address, userport);if (sendername == "") continue;int i = Getuserindex(sendername);if (i >= usertable.size() || i < 0) continue;SendMessage("exit", usertable[i].receiver);                                 //向该用户显示器发送退出命令usertable.erase(usertable.begin() + i);printmessage = "(下线消息)" + sendername + "已下线";                         //设置要打印的消息sendmessage = printmessage;                                                 //设置要转发的消息}//在服务器上打印消息 cout << printmessage << endl;cout << "用户ip:" << address << endl;cout << "用户端口:" << userport << endl;cout << "当前在线人数:" << usertable.size() << endl << endl;//向客户端发送消息for (int i = 0; i < usertable.size(); i++)SendMessage(sendmessage, usertable[i].receiver);}}int main()
{server x;if (x.Startup() == false)return 0;if (x.SetServerSocket() == false)return 0;x.work();return 0;


#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
#pragma comment(lib,"ws2_32.lib")#define DEFAULT_PORT 5055
#define DATA_BUFFER 1024class client
public:bool Startup();void SetServerAddress();int GeneratePort();               //随机生成显示器端口号bool Getonlinelist();             //获得在线的用户名void work();                      //发送器的主函数
private:WSADATA wsaData;SOCKET sClient;                       //发送信息和接收信息时使用的套接字struct sockaddr_in ser;               //保存服务器的地址int ser_length = sizeof(ser);struct sockaddr_in communication;int communication_length = sizeof(communication);char recv_buf[DATA_BUFFER];           //接收信息的缓冲区int receiver_port;                    //显示器的端口号vector<string> onlinelist;            //保存在线用户的用户名int iSend, iRecv;
};bool client::Startup()
{if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData) != 0){cout << "Failed to load Winsock." << endl;return false;}sClient = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);if (sClient == INVALID_SOCKET){cout << "socket()Failed:" << WSAGetLastError() << endl;return false;}return true;
void client::SetServerAddress()
{cout << "请输入ip地址:";string iptemp;cin >> iptemp;char *ip = new char[iptemp.length() + 1];strcpy(ip, iptemp.c_str());//建立服务器端地址ser.sin_family = AF_INET;ser.sin_port = htons(DEFAULT_PORT);ser.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip);
int client::GeneratePort()
{srand((unsigned)time(NULL));int x = 1024 + rand() % (5000 - 1024);return x;
bool client::Getonlinelist()            //向服务器请求获取好友在线列表
{if (onlinelist.size() > 0)onlinelist.clear();char getonlinelist[3] = "PL";iSend = sendto(sClient, getonlinelist, 3, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&ser, ser_length);if (iSend == SOCKET_ERROR){cout << "sendto()Failed:" << WSAGetLastError() << endl;return false;}memset(recv_buf, 0, sizeof(recv_buf));iRecv = recvfrom(sClient, recv_buf, sizeof(recv_buf), 0, (struct sockaddr*)&communication, &communication_length);   ///if (iRecv == SOCKET_ERROR){cout << "recvfrom() Failed" << WSAGetLastError() << endl;return false;}string list(recv_buf);string friendname;for (int i = 0; i < list.length(); i++){if (list[i] == '$')  break;else if (list[i] == '#'){onlinelist.push_back(friendname);friendname = "";}elsefriendname = friendname + list[i];}cout << "----------------------------" << endl;cout << "在线好友列表" << endl;for (int i = 0; i < onlinelist.size(); i++)cout << i << ":  " << onlinelist[i] << endl;cout << "----------------------------" << endl;return true;
}void client::work()
{while (true){memset(recv_buf, 0, sizeof(recv_buf));system("cls");cout << "****************************************" << endl;cout << "*                                      *" << endl;cout << "*       1.登录  2.注册  3.退出         *" << endl;cout << "*                                      *" << endl;cout << "****************************************" << endl;string choice;getline(cin, choice);if (choice == "1"){system("cls");cout << "请输入用户名:";string username;getline(cin, username);cout << "请输入密码:";string password;getline(cin, password);//产生显示器端口receiver_port = GeneratePort();//将端口号写入文件供显示器程序读取ofstream out("port.txt");out << receiver_port << "\n" << username;out.close();string init_infortemp = "L" + username + "#" + password + "#" + to_string(receiver_port);char *init_infor = new char[init_infortemp.length() + 1];strcpy(init_infor, init_infortemp.c_str());//向服务器验证用户信息iSend = sendto(sClient, init_infor, init_infortemp.length() + 1, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&ser, ser_length);//接收服务器回应的消息iRecv = recvfrom(sClient, recv_buf, sizeof(recv_buf), 0, (SOCKADDR*)&communication, &communication_length);if (iRecv == SOCKET_ERROR){cout << "recvfrom() Failed:" << GetLastError() << endl;cout << "未收到服务器的响应,登录失败,请输入Y返回首页:";string ret;while (getline(cin, ret)){if (ret == "Y")break;cout << "未收到服务器的响应,登录失败,请输入Y返回首页:";}continue;}if (recv_buf[0] == 'Y')   //登录成功{system("cls");ShellExecute(NULL, _T("open"), _T("receiver.exe"), NULL, NULL, SW_SHOW);     //运行显示器程序}else if (recv_buf[0] == '0'){cout << "未注册用户名,登录失败,请输入Y返回首页:";string ret;while (getline(cin, ret)){if (ret == "Y")break;cout << "未注册用户名,登录失败,请输入Y返回首页:";}continue;}else if (recv_buf[0] == '1'){cout << "密码错误,登录失败,请输入Y返回首页:" << endl;string ret;while (getline(cin, ret)){if (ret == "Y")break;cout << "密码错误,登录失败,请输入Y返回首页:";}continue;}else if (recv_buf[0] == '2'){cout << "重复登录,登录失败,请输入Y返回首页:" << endl;string ret;while (getline(cin, ret)){if (ret == "Y")break;cout << "重复登录,登录失败,请输入Y返回首页:";}continue;}//选择聊天方式while (true){system("cls");cout << "---------------------------------------------------" << endl;cout << "                 用户名:" << username << endl << endl;;cout << "            1.私聊  2.群聊  3.退出登录             " << endl << endl;cout << "---------------------------------------------------" << endl;string mode;getline(cin, mode);if (mode == "1")    //私聊{system("cls");cout << "私聊模式中,输入return返回上一级" << endl << endl;if (!Getonlinelist())    continue;                           //获取好友在线列表失败cout << "请选择私聊对象的序号" << endl;string choose;getline(cin, choose);if (choose == "return") continue;int i = 0;for (i = 0; i < choose.size(); i++)if (choose[i] > '9' || choose[i] < '0')break;if (i < choose.size()) continue;  stringstream stream(choose);int index = 0;stream >> index;if (index<0 || index>=onlinelist.size()) continue;while (true)                     //向该用户循环发送消息,直到输入return退出{system("cls");cout << "正在和" << onlinelist[index] << "私聊中" << ",输入return返回上一级" << endl << endl;string message;getline(cin, message);if (message == "return"){system("cls");break;}message = "PM" + onlinelist[index] + "#" + message;char *buf = new char[message.length() + 1];strcpy(buf, message.c_str());iSend = sendto(sClient, buf, message.length() + 1, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&ser, ser_length);if (iSend == SOCKET_ERROR){cout << "sendto()Failed:" << WSAGetLastError() << endl;break;}delete[]buf;iRecv = recvfrom(sClient, recv_buf, sizeof(recv_buf), 0, (SOCKADDR*)&communication, &communication_length);if (recv_buf[0] == 'Y') continue;else{cout << onlinelist[index] << "已下线" << "输入Y返回主菜单";string ret;while (getline(cin, ret)){if (ret == "Y") break;cout << onlinelist[index] << "已下线" << "输入Y返回主菜单";}break;}}}else if (mode == "2")    //群聊{system("cls");while (true){system("cls");cout << "群聊模式,输入return返回上一级" << endl << endl;string message;getline(cin, message);if (message == "return"){system("cls");break;}message = "G" + message;char *buf = new char[message.length() + 1];strcpy(buf, message.c_str());iSend = sendto(sClient, buf, message.length() + 1, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&ser, ser_length);delete[]buf;if (iSend == SOCKET_ERROR){cout << "sendto()Failed:" << WSAGetLastError() << endl;break;}}continue;}else if (mode == "3")                             //退出登录{char buf[] = "exit";iSend = sendto(sClient, buf, sizeof(buf), 0, (struct sockaddr*)&ser, ser_length);break;}elsecontinue;}}else if (choice == "2"){system("cls");cout << "请设置用户名:";string username;getline(cin, username);cout << "请设置登录密码:";string password;getline(cin, password);string init_infortemp = "R" + username + "#" + password;char *init_infor = new char[init_infortemp.length() + 1];strcpy(init_infor, init_infortemp.c_str());//向服务器发送注册用户信息iSend = sendto(sClient, init_infor, init_infortemp.length() + 1, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&ser, ser_length);//接收服务器回应的消息iRecv = recvfrom(sClient, recv_buf, sizeof(recv_buf), 0, (struct sockaddr*)&communication, &communication_length);if (recv_buf[0] == 'Y'){cout << "注册成功" << endl;continue;}else{cout << "用户名已存在,注册失败,请输入Y返回首页:" << endl;string ret;while (getline(cin, ret)){if (ret == "Y")break;cout << "用户名已存在,注册失败,请输入Y返回首页:";}continue;}}else if (choice == "3"){closesocket(sClient);WSACleanup;return;}elsecontinue;}
}int main()
{client x;if (x.Startup() == false)return 0;x.SetServerAddress();x.work();


#pragma comment(lib,"ws2_32.lib")
using namespace std;
#define DEFAULT_SPORT 5055
#define DEFAULT_CPORT 5056
#define BUFFER_LENGTH 1024void main()
{WSADATA wsaData;if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData) != 0){cout << "Failed to load Winsock." << endl;return;}//建立显示器端地址struct sockaddr_in receiver;//读取分配好的端口ifstream in("port.txt");string receiver_port;string username;getline(in, receiver_port);getline(in, username);in.close();remove("port.txt");int receiver_port_int = atoi(receiver_port.c_str());receiver.sin_family = AF_INET;receiver.sin_port = htons(receiver_port_int);    //htons()函数把一个双字节主机字节顺序的数转换为网络字节顺序的数receiver.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);    //htonl()函数把一个主机字节顺序的数转换为网络字节顺序的数   SOCKET rSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);if (rSocket == INVALID_SOCKET){cout << "socket()Failed:" << WSAGetLastError() << endl;return;}if (bind(rSocket, (LPSOCKADDR)&receiver, sizeof(receiver)) == SOCKET_ERROR){cout << "bind()Failed:" << WSAGetLastError() << endl;return;}char recv_buf[BUFFER_LENGTH];                  //接收数据的缓冲区memset(recv_buf, 0, sizeof(recv_buf));         //初始化接收缓冲区struct sockaddr_in ser;                        //客户端地址int ser_length = sizeof(ser);                  //客户端地址长度cout << "----------------------------------------" << endl << endl;cout << "           显示器---" << username << endl << endl << endl;cout << "----------------------------------------" << endl << endl;while (true)                                   //进入一个无限循环,进行数据接收和发送{int iRecv = recvfrom(rSocket, recv_buf, BUFFER_LENGTH, 0, (SOCKADDR*)&ser, &ser_length);string transmessage(recv_buf);if (iRecv == SOCKET_ERROR){cout << "recvfrom()Failed:" << WSAGetLastError() << endl;break;}else if (transmessage == "exit") break;elsecout << transmessage << endl;}closesocket(rSocket);WSACleanup();


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