Start Developing Mac Apps Today

Do you want to create a great Mac app but don’t know where to begin? This road map provides the perfect starting point for Mac app development, even if you’re an expert iOS developer. Apple makes it easy to create apps and distribute them through the Mac App Store. Follow this road map to learn how to get the tools you need, understand the major concepts and best practices, and see where to find more information.

你是否想要创建一个伟大的Mac 应用,但是不知道从哪里开始?上面这张进度表给Mac 应用开发提供了完美的起点,即使你是一个iOS开发的专家。Apple 使创建应用和在Mac 应用商店里发布它们变得简单。沿着这个进度表去学习如何获取你需要的工具,理解主要概念和最佳实践, 然后参见去哪查找更多信息。

As you proceed through the road map, you will use Xcode—Apple’s integrated development environment—to create a simple Mac app. You will learn the basics of programming with Objective-C, the language that powers all Mac apps and frameworks. You will explore the Cocoa programming environment, and you will learn how to submit an app to the Mac App Store.

正如你看到的进度表,你将用到Xcode--Apple 公司的集成开发环境--来创建一个简单的Mac应用。你将学习用Objective-C进行基础编程, Objective-C是所有Mac应用和框架的权利语言。你将探索Cocoa编程环境, 你也将学习如何把一个应用提交到Mac应用商店。

Each page in the road map introduces a new topic and links to one or more short articles about that topic. The road map provides you with a breadth of knowledge to get you started, and the last page, Where to Go from Here, includes links to documents you should read next. After you finish the road map, you will be prepared to learn more about any individual topic. You'll have the knowledge, tools, and skills to start developing Mac apps.

进度表的每一页都是一个新主题。每个链接都连向一个或多个有关那个主题的短文章。进度表给你提供了广泛的知识,让你开始,最后一页--Where to Go from Here--包括了你应该继续阅读的文档。当你结束了这个进度表,你将准备学习更多关于独立主题的任何知识。你将拥有知识,工具和技能开始开发Mac应用。

If you are an iOS developer: You’ll find that you already know a lot about Mac app development. As you follow the road map, focus on the platform differences. Although you use the same tools and languages, there are some significant distinctions between developing for iOS and OS X.

如果你是一个iOS开发者:你将发现你已经知道了很多关于Mac应用开发的知识。当你跟随这个进度表时,请关注各个平台之间的区别。 尽管你使用一样的工具和语言,开发iOS和OS X也存在一些重大差别。



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