


3)批量插入删除数据性能提升,可通过加载,删除分区表实现,可以避免批量 DELETE 导致的 VACUUM 开销。



  • 范围划分:表被根据一个关键列或一组列划分为“范围”,不同的分区的范围之间没有重叠。例如,我们可以根据日期范围划分,或者根据特定业务对象的标识符划分。

  • 列表划分:通过显式地列出每一个分区中出现的键值来划分表。

  • 哈希划分:通过为每个分区指定模数和余数来对表进行分区。每个分区所持有的行都满足:分区键的值除以为其指定的模数将产生为其指定的余数。

四 、示例

1. 声明式范围分区表

mkdir /{tbs1,tbs2,tbs3,tbs4}create tablespace tbs1 owner sysdba location '/tbs1';
create tablespace tbs2 owner sysdba location '/tbs2';
create tablespace tbs3 owner sysdba location '/tbs3';
create tablespace tbs4 owner sysdba location '/tbs4';--创建主表
create table order_main (id int not null,datetime date not null,name varchar(50),amount int,price numeric) partition by range (datetime);--创建分表
create table order_main202201_03 partition of order_main for values from ('2022-01-01') to ('2022-04-01') tablespace tbs1;
create table order_main202204_06 partition of order_main for values from ('2022-04-01') to ('2022-07-01') tablespace tbs2;
create table order_main202207_09 partition of order_main for values from ('2022-07-01') to ('2022-10-01') tablespace tbs3;
create table order_main202210_12 partition of order_main for values from ('2022-10-01') to ('2023-01-01') tablespace tbs4;--分区字段建索引(会在每个分区表自动创建索引,后续增加的分区也会包含索引)
create index on order_main (datetime);--确保 enable_partition_pruning 开启,若不是 on,需要开启。
show enable_partition_pruning;alter system set enable_partition_pruning = 'on';
select pg_reload_conf();--分区维护(移除旧分区)
alter table order_main detach partition order_main202201_03;    --首选
drop table order_main202201_03;--分区维护(添加新分区)
mkdir /tbs5
create tablespace tbs5 owner sysdba location '/tbs5';
create table order_main202301_03 partition of order_main for values from ('2023-01-01') to ('2023-04-01') tablespace tbs5;--分区维护(将已有的表作为分区表进行挂载,表结构要与父表相同,数据要符合分区条件约束)
alter table order_main attach partition order_main202201_03 for values from ('2022-01-01') to ('2022-04-01');--分区维护(后期有大量数据时,父表不允许使用 concurrently 选项创建索引,正常创建索引会堵塞dml操作,可使用如下操作)
create index order_main_id_idx on only order_main (id);2)各个分区表使用 concurrently 选项创建索引
create index concurrently order_main202201_03_id_idx on order_main202201_03 (id);
create index concurrently order_main202204_06_id_idx on order_main202204_06 (id);
create index concurrently order_main202207_09_id_idx on order_main202207_09 (id);
create index concurrently order_main202210_12_id_idx on order_main202210_12 (id);
create index concurrently order_main202301_03_id_idx on order_main202301_03 (id);3)将各个分区索引全部附加到父表索引后,父表索引自动生效
alter index order_main_id_idx attach partition order_main202201_03_id_idx;
alter index order_main_id_idx attach partition order_main202204_06_id_idx;
alter index order_main_id_idx attach partition order_main202207_09_id_idx;
alter index order_main_id_idx attach partition order_main202210_12_id_idx;
alter index order_main_id_idx attach partition order_main202301_03_id_idx;--限制

2. 声明式列表分区表

mkdir /{tbs1,tbs2}create tablespace tbs1 owner sysdba location '/tbs1';
create tablespace tbs2 owner sysdba location '/tbs2';--创建主表
create table register_all(id int,name varchar(20),sex varchar(5),age int) partition by list(sex);--创建分表
create table register_01 partition of register_all for values in ('男') TABLESPACE tbs1;
create table register_02 partition of register_all for values in ('女') TABLESPACE tbs2;--分区字段建索引(会在每个分区表自动创建索引,后续增加的分区也会包含索引)
create index on register_all (id);--确保 enable_partition_pruning 开启,若不是 on,需要开启。
show enable_partition_pruning;alter system set enable_partition_pruning = 'on';
select pg_reload_conf();--分区维护(移除旧分区)
alter table register_all detach partition register_01;    --首选
drop table register_01;--分区维护(添加新分区)
mkdir /tbs3
create tablespace tbs5 owner sysdba location '/tbs3';
create table register_03 partition of register_all for values in ('中') TABLESPACE tbs3;--分区维护(将已有的表作为分区表进行挂载,表结构要与父表相同,数据要符合分区条件约束)
alter table register_all attach partition register_01 for values in ('男');--分区维护(后期有大量数据时,父表不允许使用 CONCURRENTLY 选项创建索引,正常创建索引会堵塞dml操作,可使用如下操作)
CREATE INDEX register_all_sex_idx ON ONLY register_all (sex);2)各个分区表使用 CONCURRENTLY 选项创建索引
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY register_01_sex_idx ON register_01 (sex);
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY register_02_sex_idx ON register_02 (sex);
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY register_03_sex_idx ON register_03 (sex);3)将各个分区索引全部附加到父表索引后,父表索引自动生效
ALTER INDEX register_all_sex_idx ATTACH PARTITION register_01_sex_idx;
ALTER INDEX register_all_sex_idx ATTACH PARTITION register_02_sex_idx;
ALTER INDEX register_all_sex_idx ATTACH PARTITION register_03_sex_idx;--插入测试数据
insert into register_all select generate_series(1,10000),repeat(chr(int4(random()*26)+65),3),'男',(random()*(10^2))::integer;
insert into register_all select generate_series(10001,20000),repeat(chr(int4(random()*26)+65),3),'女',(random()*(10^2))::integer;--限制

3. 声明式哈希分区表

mkdir /{tbs1,tbs2,tbs3,tbs4}create tablespace tbs1 owner sysdba location '/tbs1';
create tablespace tbs2 owner sysdba location '/tbs2';
create tablespace tbs3 owner sysdba location '/tbs3';
create tablespace tbs4 owner sysdba location '/tbs4';--创建主表
create table student(name varchar(20),ctime timestamp(6) without time zone) partition by hash(name);--创建分表
create table student_01 partition of student for values with(modulus 4, remainder 0) tablespace tbs1;
create table student_02 partition of student for values with(modulus 4, remainder 1) tablespace tbs2;
create table student_03 partition of student for values with(modulus 4, remainder 2) tablespace tbs3;
create table student_04 partition of student for values with(modulus 4, remainder 3) tablespace tbs4;--分区字段建索引(会在每个分区表自动创建索引,后续增加的分区也会包含索引)
create index on student (name);--确保 enable_partition_pruning 开启,若不是 on,需要开启。
show enable_partition_pruning;alter system set enable_partition_pruning = 'on';
select pg_reload_conf();--分区维护(移除旧分区)
alter table student detach partition student_01;    --首选
drop table student_01;--分区维护(添加新分区,必须移除一个空闲分区位置)
mkdir /tbs5
create tablespace tbs5 owner sysdba location '/tbs5';
create table student_05 partition of student for values with(modulus 4, remainder 0) tablespace tbs5;--分区维护(将已有的表作为分区表进行挂载,表结构要与父表相同,数据要符合分区条件约束)
alter table student attach partition student_01 for values with(modulus 4, remainder 0);--分区维护(后期有大量数据时,父表不允许使用 concurrently 选项创建索引,正常创建索引会堵塞dml操作,可使用如下操作)
create index student_ctime_idx on only student (ctime);2)各个分区表使用 concurrently 选项创建索引
create index concurrently student_01_ctime_idx on student_01 (ctime);
create index concurrently student_02_ctime_idx on student_02 (ctime);
create index concurrently student_03_ctime_idx on student_03 (ctime);
create index concurrently student_04_ctime_idx on student_04 (ctime);3)将各个分区索引全部附加到父表索引后,父表索引自动生效
alter index student_ctime_idx attach partition student_01_ctime_idx;
alter index student_ctime_idx attach partition student_02_ctime_idx;
alter index student_ctime_idx attach partition student_03_ctime_idx;
alter index student_ctime_idx attach partition student_04_ctime_idx;--限制

4. 继承式分区表

create table almart(date_key date,hour_key smallint,client_key integer,item_key integer,account integer,expense numeric);--创建分区表
create table almart_2022_02_10 () inherits (almart);
create table almart_2022_02_11 () inherits (almart);
create table almart_2022_02_12 () inherits (almart);
create table almart_2022_02_13 () inherits (almart);--分区表添加范围约束
alter table almart_2022_02_10 add constraint almart_2022_02_10_check_date_key check (date_key = '2022-02-10'::date);
alter table almart_2022_02_11 add constraint almart_2022_02_11_check_date_key check (date_key = '2022-02-11'::date);
alter table almart_2022_02_12 add constraint almart_2022_02_12_check_date_key check (date_key = '2022-02-12'::date);
alter table almart_2022_02_13 add constraint almart_2022_02_13_check_date_key check (date_key = '2022-02-13'::date);--分区表添加索引
create index almart_date_key_2022_02_10 on almart_2022_02_10 (date_key);
create index almart_date_key_2022_02_11 on almart_2022_02_11 (date_key);
create index almart_date_key_2022_02_12 on almart_2022_02_12 (date_key);
create index almart_date_key_2022_02_13 on almart_2022_02_13 (date_key);--创建分区函数
create or replace function almart_partition_trigger()
returns trigger as $$
if new.date_key = date '2022-02-10'
insert into almart_2022_02_10 values (new.*);
elsif new.date_key = date '2022-02-11'
insert into almart_2022_02_11 values (new.*);
elsif new.date_key = date '2022-02-12'
insert into almart_2022_02_12 values (new.*);
elsif new.date_key = date '2022-02-13'
insert into almart_2022_02_13 values (new.*);
elsif new.date_key = date '2022-02-14'
insert into almart_2022_02_14 values (new.*);
end if;
return null;
language plpgsql;--创建分区触发器
drop trigger insert_almart_partition_trigger on almart;
create trigger insert_almart_partition_trigger
before insert on almart
for each row execute procedure almart_partition_trigger();--检查 constraint_exclusion 值
constraint_exclusion 的允许值是on(对所有表检查约束)、off(从不检查约束)和 partition(只对继承的子表和UNION ALL子查询检查约束)。
partition 是默认设置。它通常与传统的继承树一起使用来提高性能。 show constraint_exclusion;alter system set constraint_exclusion = 'partition';
select pg_reload_conf();--分区维护(移除旧分区)
alter table almart_2022_02_13 no inherit almart;   --首选
drop table almart_2022_02_13;--分区维护(添加新分区)
create table almart_2022_02_14 () inherits (almart);
alter table almart_2022_02_14 add constraint almart_2022_02_14_check_date_key check (date_key = '2022-02-14::date);
create index almart_date_key_2022_02_14 on almart_2022_02_14 (date_key);--性能测试对比
create table almart_all(date_key date,hour_key smallint,client_key integer,item_key integer,account integer,expense numeric); 2)插入1000万条测试数据
insert into almart_all
from generate_series('2022-02-10'::date,'2022-02-13'::date,'1 day'::interval) as t(i)
)[floor(random()*4)+1] as date_key,
floor(random()*24) as hour_key,
floor(random()*1000000)+1 as client_key,
floor(random()*100000)+1 as item_key,
floor(random()*20)+1 as account,
floor(random()*10000)+1 as expense
generate_series(1,10000000,1);insert into almart select * from almart_all;3) 查询测试
explain analyze select * from almart where date_key between '2022-02-10 00:00:00.0' and '2022-02-11 00:00:00.0';
explain analyze select * from almart_all where date_key between '2022-02-10 00:00:00.0' and '2022-02-11 00:00:00.0';

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