

As every publisher develops its own storefront for you to purchase, download, and play games, it can be difficult to remember which games are where. Unify your collection and your friends lists with GOG Galaxy 2.0.

当每个发行商都开发自己的店面供您购买,下载和玩游戏时,可能很难记住哪些游戏在哪里。 使用GOG Galaxy 2.0统一您的收藏和您的朋友列表。

First, download GOG Galaxy 2.0 from the official website and install it on Windows or macOS.

首先,从官方网站下载GOG Galaxy 2.0 ,然后将其安装在Windows或macOS上。

Once the GOG Galaxy client is up and running, click on the cog icon in the top left. Hover your mouse over “Add Games & Friends” and select “Connect platforms”.

GOG Galaxy客户端启动并运行后,单击左上方的齿轮图标。 将鼠标悬停在“添加游戏和好友”上,然后选择“连接平台”。

Here, you can select from a list of integrations with the most popular PC gaming platforms, including Xbox Live, Epic Games Store, Origin, PlayStation Network, Steam, and Uplay. You can use the “Search GitHub” field to look for additional integrations, such as games on Humble Bundle, Battle.net, Bethesda.net, Rockstar, Paradox Plaza. Individual games, like Path of Exile and Minecraft, also have integrations.

在这里,您可以从与最受欢迎的PC游戏平台的集成列表中进行选择,这些平台包括Xbox Live,Epic Games Store,Origin,PlayStation Network,Steam和Uplay。 您可以使用“搜索GitHub”字段来查找其他集成,例如Humble Bundle,Battle.net,Bethesda.net,Rockstar和Paradox Plaza上的游戏。 流放之路和Minecraft之类的单个游戏也具有集成功能。

Find the platform you want to integrate into GOG Galaxy, then click “Connect”.

找到要集成到GOG Galaxy的平台,然后单击“连接”。

A new window will appear, displaying what features from your games and friends will work, alongside some fine print about the feature. When you’re ready to proceed, click “Connect”.

将出现一个新窗口,显示您的游戏和朋友可以使用的功能,以及有关该功能的详细信息。 当您准备好继续时,请单击“连接”。

You’ll be prompted to log in with the username and password you use for the service you want to connect. If you use two-factor authentication for that service, you’ll need to enter your code next. Repeat this for any additional platforms.

系统将提示您使用要连接的服务使用的用户名和密码登录。 如果您对该服务使用两因素身份验证,则需要接下来输入代码。 对其他平台重复此步骤。

Return to the GOG Galaxy client, and you’ll find all your PC games can be installed, launched, and played from this client. Once all of your libraries are set up, you may want to keep any other clients installed as some features may not function properly if you uninstall them.

返回GOG Galaxy客户端,您会发现可以从该客户端安装,启动和玩所有PC游戏。 设置完所有库之后,您可能希望保留所有其他客户端,因为如果卸载它们,某些功能可能无法正常运行。

This process only takes a few minutes, assuming you manage to remember all your passwords. GOG has always been a favorite in the community for its anti-DRM practices, and this user-friendly feature helps to further cement that reputation.

假设您设法记住了所有密码,则此过程仅需几分钟。 GOG一直以其反DRM做法而受到社区的喜爱,并且此用户友好的功能有助于进一步巩固这一声誉。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/664490/how-to-consolidate-your-pc-games-with-gog-galaxy/


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