


1.1.1 List of Fake Samples and Public/Private LB split

首先测试集和训练集统计分析非常相似,但是unique value统计差别大。所以猜想测试集由真实样本由真实样本采样而生成的。由此可以找到100000个fake example、100000个real example。又假设采样是再分public/private LB后进行的,所以real example可以分出50000 public+50000 private

1.1.2 giba single model public 0.9245 private 0.9234


>Reverse features

#Reverse features
for var in features:if np.corrcoef( train_df['target'], train_df[var] )[1][0] < 0:train_df[var] = train_df[var] * -1test_df[var]  = test_df[var]  * -1

每个特征生成四个特征,为本值、count、feature_id、rank值。(不是很理解feature_id的作用),后面还对var做了归一化。 但生成的是(40000000, 4)的矩阵,也就是竖列的堆叠。

def var_to_feat(vr, var_stats, feat_id ):new_df = pd.DataFrame()new_df["var"] = vr.valuesnew_df["hist"] = pd.Series(vr).map(var_stats)new_df["feature_id"] = feat_idnew_df["var_rank"] = new_df["var"].rank()/200000.return new_df.valuesTARGET = np.array( list(train_df['target'].values) * 200 )TRAIN = []
var_mean = {}
var_var  = {}
for var in features:tmp = var_to_feat(train_df[var], var_stats[var], int(var[4:]) )var_mean[var] = np.mean(tmp[:,0]) var_var[var]  = np.var(tmp[:,0])tmp[:,0] = (tmp[:,0]-var_mean[var])/var_var[var]TRAIN.append( tmp )
TRAIN = np.vstack( TRAIN )del train_df
_=gc.collect()print( TRAIN.shape, len( TARGET ) )


model = lgb.LGBMClassifier(**{'learning_rate': 0.04,'num_leaves': 31,'max_bin': 1023,'min_child_samples': 1000,'reg_alpha': 0.1,'reg_lambda': 0.2,'feature_fraction': 1.0,'bagging_freq': 1,'bagging_fraction': 0.85,'objective': 'binary','n_jobs': -1,'n_estimators':200,})MODELS = []
skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=10, shuffle=True, random_state=11111)
for fold_, (train_indexes, valid_indexes) in enumerate(skf.split(TRAIN, TARGET)):print('Fold:', fold_ )model = model.fit( TRAIN[train_indexes], TARGET[train_indexes],eval_set = (TRAIN[valid_indexes], TARGET[valid_indexes]),verbose = 10,eval_metric='auc',early_stopping_rounds=25,categorical_feature = [2] )MODELS.append( model )del TRAIN, TARGET


为什么最后还要sub[‘target’] = sub[‘target’].rank() / 200000.???
原话: rank or not it produces the same score since the metric is rank based (AUC). I used rank just to normalize to the range [0-1]

ypred = np.zeros( (200000,200) )
for feat,var in enumerate(features):tmp = var_to_feat(test_df[var], var_stats[var], int(var[4:]) )tmp[:,0] = (tmp[:,0]-var_mean[var])/var_var[var]for model_id in range(10):model = MODELS[model_id]ypred[:,feat] += model.predict_proba( tmp )[:,1] / 10.
ypred = np.mean( logit(ypred), axis=1 )sub = test_df[['ID_code']]
sub['target'] = ypred
sub['target'] = sub['target'].rank() / 200000.
sub.to_csv('golden_sub.csv', index=False)
print( sub.head(10) )

I studied your code some more. This is a brilliant solution !! Reversing some variables and stacking all of them into 4 columns is really ingenious. It simulates ideas from an NN convolution where the model can use patterns it learns from one variable to assist in its pattern detection of another variable. This also prevents LGBM from modeling spurious interactions between variables. But it’s more advanced than a convolution (that uses the same weights for all variables) because you provide column 3 which has the original variable’s number (0-199), so your LGBM can customize its prediction for each variable. Lastly you combine everything back together mathematically accurate by using mean logit. Very very nice. Setting the frequency count as a categorical value is a nice touch which allows LGBM to efficiently divide the different distributions. You maximized the modeling ability of an LGBM duplicating other participants’ success with NNs. I am quite impressed !!


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