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This is a limitation of versions of cx_Oracle 5 and earlier. The new version (cx_Oracle 6) doesn't have this limitation. You can upgrade using this command:

python -m pip install cx_Oracle --upgrade



cx_oracle读取oracle wm_concate函数操作过后的长文本clob字段,当使用fetchall或者fetchmany读取数据时,报上面的错

In cx_Oracle 5 and earlier the LOB locators were stored in the array used for fetching; so each round trip to the database would overwrite the LOB locators from the previous fetch. In cx_Oracle 6, the LOB locators are associated with the LOBs themselves.


Internally, Oracle uses LOB locators which are allocated based on the cursor array size. Thus, it is important that the data in the LOB object be manipulated before another internal fetch takes place. The safest way to do this is to use the cursor as an iterator. In particular, do not use the fetchall() method. The exception “LOB variable no longer valid after subsequent fetch” will be raised if an attempt to access a LOB variable after a subsequent fetch is detected.

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