
Firefox is one of the most popular browsers out now, while you browse around or check sites that can be malicious if not careful you would want to make sure you have plugins and add-ons that can be the turning point in your safety and anonymity while using the browser.  Here is a good list of modifications you can use for Mozilla Firefox.

AdBlock Plus:
Very good and important plugin that can block and disable ads on any site. (Download)

The best security you can get in a web browser! Allow active content to run only from sites you trust, and protect yourself against XSS and Clickjacking attacks. (Download)

Protect your privacy. See who’s tracking your web browsing and block them with Ghostery. (Download)

Parasite enables switching a page between hosting/staging environments. E.g. Browse http://www.your-site.com/my-page.html, select ‘LOCAL’ from the host list and Firefox will navigate to http://localhost/my-page.html. (Download)

Firebug integrates with Firefox to put a wealth of development tools at your fingertips while you browse. You can edit, debug, and monitor CSS, HTML, and JavaScript live in any web page… (Download)

FoxyProxy Standard:
FoxyProxy is an advanced proxy management tool that completely replaces Firefox’s limited proxying capabilities. It offers more features than SwitchProxy, ProxyButton, QuickProxy, xyzproxy, ProxyTex, TorButton, etc. (Download)

Scroogle SSL Search:
Scroogle SSL search (lets you search with Google anonymously). (Download)

Secure Login:
Secure Login is a login extension for Mozilla Firefox integrated password manager.  Its main feature is similar to Opera’s (the browser) Wand login. (Download)

TrackMeNot, now compatible with Firefox 9.0, is a lightweight browser extension that helps protect web searchers from surveillance and data-profiling by search engines. (Download)

Users of social networking sites, such as Facebook or MySpace, need to trust a site to properly deal with their personal information. Unfortunately, this trust is not always justified. FaceCloak is a Firefox extension that replaces your personal information with fake information before sending it to a social networking site. (Download)

Your content should remain your content. At least at Privly, we think so. However, services like Facebook, Google, Twitter and the like, don’t seem to agree. Every time you accept their Terms of Service agreements, you give them the right to do whatever they wish with your data. More often than not, that involves selling your privacy. (Download) (also for Chome)

There are lots more add-ons and plugins that may not be too popular but still work and can do a whole lot to protect you, just search and you may find.


Nightly Tester Tools 3.3 - Useful tools for the nightly tester. (Also
useful for Forcing addon compatibility, better than Addon compatibility
Adblock Plus Pop-up Addon 0.4 - Adblock Plus Pop-up Addon extends the
blocking functionality of Adblock Plus to those annoying pop-up windows
that are being opened on mouse clicks or other user actions.
Element Hiding Helper for Adblock Plus 1.2.3 - Fight the text ads!
Element Hiding Helper is a companion extension for Adblock Plus meant to
make creating element hiding rules easier.
BetterPrivacy 1.68 - Remove or manage a new and uncommon kind of
cookies, better known as LSO's.The BetterPrivacy safeguard offers
various ways to handle Flash-cookies set by Google, YouTube, Ebay and
BrowserProtect 1.1.3 - Alert and block browser hijacks on your Firefox.
(for Linux and Windows)
Collusion 0.16.3 - Visualize who's tracking you in real time. To get
started, click on the Collusion icon in the bottom-right corner of your
browser. (You may need to show the Add-on Bar to see the icon.)
GoogleSharing 0.22 - GoogleSharing provides a level of anonymity that
will prevent google from tracking your searches and web activity.
TrackMeNot 0.6.728 - Protects privacy in web-search. By issuing
randomized queries to popular search-engines, including Google, Bing,
and Baidu, TrackMeNot obfuscates users' search data profiles.
User Agent Switcher 0.7.3 - The User Agent Switcher extension adds a
menu and a toolbar button to switch the user agent of a browser. (A
large, regularly updated import list of user agents is available here:
HTTPS-Everywhere 2.1 - Encrypt the web! Automatically use HTTPS security
on many sites.
Exif Viewer 1.28 - Displays the Exif and IPTC data in local and remote
JPEG images.
Cookie Manager+ 1.5.1 - Cookies manager to view, edit and create new
cookies. It also shows extra information about cookies, allows edit
multiple cookies at once and backup/restore them.
Murdoch Block copy.rev2.3 - Blocks websites owned by Newscorp.
LeechBlock 0.6.3 - LeechBlock is a simple productivity tool designed to
block those time-wasting sites that can suck the life out of your
working day. All you need to do is specify which sites to block and when
to block them.
MAFIAAFire Redirector 0.9d - Un-censor the net and illegally taken down
MAFIAAFire: ThePirateBay Dancing - Automatically
routes your website request via a random proxy for some (that you
choose) sites. This has the effect of "unblocking" blocked sites
(blocked via DNS/IP address at the ISP level) as well as making
'tracking' you next to impossible.
MAFIAAFire: Gee! No evil! - Reminding the big G that:Censoring
is evil, don't be evil...
and showing the MAFIAA we are still very much kicking!
MAFIAAFire is not a one trick pony, we are here to make things BAAAD for
the people who like the dirty C word (Censorship).
ProxyMate 1.3.1 - Unblocks youtube, grooveshark, hulu and soon
everything you want!
Stop Internet Censorship! 1.3.rev76 - Plugin which blocks all domains
who are lobbying for pushing SOPA through legislation.
Stop SOPA 1.1.0 - This extension lets you know which websites support SOPA.
FEBE - FEBE (Firefox Environment Backup Extension) allows you to
quickly and easily backup your Firefox extensions. In fact, it goes
beyond just backing up -- It will actually rebuild your extensions
individually into installable .xpi files.
CLEO 5.0.1 - CLEO (Compact Library Extension Organizer) is a Firefox
extension that works with FEBE* to package any number of
extensions/themes into a single, installable .xpi file.
Greasefire 1.0.8 - Automatically find user scripts on Userscripts.org
<http://Userscripts.org> (requires Greasemonkey or Scriptish)
Scriptish 0.1.7 - The greatest user script engine on the Internet (a
fork of Greasemonkey).
Quick Torrent Search 20110709 - Search for torrents directly from the
context menu. Simply select some text, right click, and search for
torrents on your favourite site.
pwgen - Password Generator 0.5 - For Sysadmins / Network Engineers / and
why not everybody who needs a quick password generator.. simple, yet
We have made a  Firefox portable with all of these and some extra stuff pre built (Here)
We have also made one for Chrome as well (Here)
(Here) is another awesome plugin we found recently as well.

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