问题: Library auk_dspip_lib not found

当使用QuartusII的 FIR IP后,在利用Modelsim进行仿真时,出现以下错误:

# ** Error: E:/Altera/Test_V80/IP/FIR/fir_ast.vhd(32): Library auk_dspip_lib not found.
# ** Error: E:/Altera/Test_V80/IP/FIR/fir_ast.vhd(33): (vcom-1136) Unknown identifier "auk_dspip_lib".
# ** Error: E:/Altera/Test_V80/IP/FIR/fir_ast.vhd(36): VHDL Compiler exiting
# ** Error: D:/modeltech_6.5c/win32/vcom failed.


(1) 使用的源文件被加密,仿真时用<fir_variation_name>.vho/.vo而不是FIR 库源文件

(2) It appears to be a bug in a script somewhere that breaks when your FIR variation is in a sub-directory. For some reason putting it into a sub-directory includes *both* the .v and the .vo in the Modelsim .do file. Modelsim then chokes on the .v file.

Workaround: Move your generated megafunction files back to the main project folder. This correctly only puts the .vo into the .do file.

Strangely it doesn't seems to affect other megafunctions, such as Reed Solomon don't choke on the .v file, although it's still in the .do file when created in a sub-directory.

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