原文:《What is Aether》


Did you ever want to integrate Maven’s dependency resolution mechanism into your application and ended up trying to embed Plexus and an entire Maven distribution? Did you ever want to use Maven’s dependency resolution mechanism in a multi-threaded fashion and got burned by the stateful singletons in there? Did you ever want to have a little more control over how Maven calculates the resolved dependency graph, say use another strategy for conflict resolution or inspect some intermediate dependency graph?

Aether就是你要找的答案。它是一个与Maven 构建物仓库协同工作的易于嵌入的Java 类库,使你能够把构建物从远程仓库拉到本地使用,也能把本地构建物发布到远程仓库,以分享给他人。

Well, Aether is the answer. It’s an easily embeddable Java library to work with artifact repositories, enabling you to fetch artifacts from remote repositories for local consumption and to publish local artifacts to remote repositories for sharing with others.


There are many ways to transfer artifacts, to describe their relationships and to use them. Aether was designed with an open mind towards customization of these aspects, allowing you to augment or even replace stock functionality to fit your needs. In fact, the Aether Core itself doesn’t know how to deal with Maven repositories for instance. It’s tool agnostic and provides some general artifact resolution/deployment framework and leaves details like the repository format to extensions.

在这一点上,来自Apache Maven项目的 maven-aether-provider 可能是最有趣的扩展,因为它很好地支持了Maven仓库。所以如果你正在寻找一种从中央仓库获取并使用构建物的方式,Aether结合Maven Aether Provider 会是你最好的选择。以这种方式使用Aether不但能减轻处理构建物的工作量,而且能保证与其他操作Maven仓库的工具的互操作性。

At this point, the maven-aether-provider from the Apache Maven project is probably the most interesting extension as it brings support for, well Maven repositories. So if you’re looking for a way to consume artifacts from the Central Repository, Aether in combination with the Maven Aether Provider is your best bet. Usage of Aether in this way does not only ease your work when dealing with artifacts but also ensures interoperability with other tools that work with Maven repositories.

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