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Spelling words are a fact of life with elementary school kids.

My struggle has always been making them interesting. We’ve got to practice them, right? So, how can we have fun?

Luckily, there are many fun ways to practice spelling words that you can try. Here are over 30 ideas that will keep your spelling work fun and interesting.

How to Make Spelling Fun

For the longest time, the only ideas for practicing spelling words I could come up with were practice tests and writing them over and over and over again. Boring!

So, let’s think outside the box to come up with some ways to make spelling fun.

Here’s some things to consider:

Can we use something other than a pencil to write our words?

How can we take our work outside?

Is there a way to keep active kids moving?

What unique supplies can I find to help with our homework?

In addition to these questions, you also need to think about your child’s interests. Do they enjoy art? Do they love LEGOs? What are their favorite toys and activities? And, can you incorporate that into your spelling homework in order to make it more fun?

Also, make sure you have several ideas in your pocket. Try some of these spelling activities for ideas – there are over 30 activities listed. You’ve got to mix it up and provide some variety!

Fun Ways to Practice Spelling Words

In the following list you’ll find many different ways to learn. There are active ideas and artistic ideas. Some activities are fine motor and others are gross motor.

No matter what you child enjoys, you’ll find some great options to help make their spelling homework fun.

Spelling practice doesn't have to be boring! Try these fun, hands-on ways to practice spelling words at home or in the classroom.

Today, we are going to share the 23rd funny way to spell words.


单词拼写(1) | Spelling Word BINGO

单词拼写(2) | 彩虹字 Rainbow Writing Spelling Word Practice

单词拼写(3) | 擦拭粉笔字 Chalkboard Spelling Word Erase

单词拼写(4) | 乐高拼单词 LEGO Spelling Words Activity

单词拼写(5) | 手指画 Finger Painting Spelling Words

单词拼写(6) | 单词解密 Secret Code Spelling Words

单词拼写(7) | 一盘盐拼写单词 Salt Tray Spelling Words

单词拼写(8) | 便利贴拼单词 Practice Spelling Words with Sticky Notes

单词拼写(9) | 点点画笔拼单词 Dot Marker Spelling Words

单词拼写(10) | 粘土拼写单词 Create Play Dough Spelling Words

单词拼写(11) | 颜料袋拼写单词 Write Spelling Words with Paint in a Bag

单词拼写(12) | Watercolor Resist Spelling Words

单词拼写(13) | Make Scrabble Tile Spelling Words

单词拼写(14) | 毛根拼单词 Practice Spelling with Pipe Cleaner Words

单词拼写(15) | Write Spelling Words on the Window

单词拼写(16) | 玩具小汽车拼单词 Car Spelling Word Tracing

单词拼写(17) |(附在线生成网址) Create a Spelling Words Word Search

单词拼写(18) | 扎针孔拼写单词 Pinprick Spelling Words

单词拼写(19) | 单词消失了?Disappearing Spelling Words

单词拼写(20) | 木衣夹拼写单词 Make Words with Alphabet Clothespins

单词拼写(21) | 棉签写单词 Make Spelling Fun by Writing with Cotton Swabs

单词拼写(22) | 乱序字母拼写单词 Spelling Word Scramble

23. Type Spelling Words on a Computer

My kid loves screen time. And, really, don’t all kids?

I have discovered that they’re not all that picky about what they doing during that screen time.

Sometimes it’s something fun, sometimes it’s something educational, and sometimes we’re just watching an interesting video.

So, when it occurred to me that we could use my laptop to type spelling words, my girls were eager to get going!

How to Set-up


Grab your laptop (or sit down in front of a desktop) and open up your word processing program. My girls like a large font when they do this, so go ahead and get everything set up the way you like it.

Tip: Mix it up a little and let your child choose a fun font. Swirly, bold, it doesn’t matter. But, if it makes it more fun – why not?

Type Spelling Words


Have your child type their spelling words. Call the words out to them and let them spell by memory. Or, if they’re just learning their words, let them refer to the list.

This is such a win-win activity. The kids get screen time. They’re practicing their spelling words and they’re getting familiar with typing in a word processing program. Let’s face it, that’s a skill they’re going to need in life anyway.

When they’re done, I just close everything down. We don’t save or print; there’s really no need. This is such a fun (and very low-prep) way to practice spelling words.


Simon English Club




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