
newlib库存在nano模式,如esp sdk开启模式配置:

make menuconfig -> Component config ---> Newlib -->[ ] Enable 'nano' formatting options for printf/scanf family



版本分类 版本大小
未开启Nano模式 148K




NEWLIB has two implementations of malloc family's functions, one in`mallocr.c' and
the other one in `nano-mallocr.c'.  This optionsenables the nano-malloc implementation,
which is for small systems with very limited memory.

2、不支持long double,只支持C89标准

 1) The non-wide-char formatted I/O functions only support the C89standard.  The only exception is the configuration option provideslimited support for long double.  Internally, the nano formatted I/Ofunctions use double so accuracy is only guaranteed to doubleprecision.2) Floating-point support is split out of the formatted I/O code intoweak functions which are not linked by default.  Programs that needfloating-point I/O support must explicitly request linking of one orboth of the floating-point functions: _printf_float or _scanf_float.This can be done at link time using the -u option which can be passedto either gcc or ld.  The -u option forces the link to resolve thosefunction references.  Floating-point format specifiers are recognizedby default, but if the floating-point functions are not explicitlylinked in, this may result in undefined behavior for programs thatneed floating-point I/O support.3) Integer-only versions of the formatted I/O functions (the iprintf/iscanf family) simply alias their regular counter-parts.The affected functions are:
 4) As mentioned, the option does not affect wide-char formatted I/O.The following configuration options are ignored for non-wide-charformatted I/O functions, and can be thought of as disabled.
 5) As a rule, no features from outside of C89 standard will beconsidered in this implementation.

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