
新开了一门外教课程,Object-oriented Programming(JAVA), 记录一些学习经验,以及部分和c++的区别感悟。本文为性格测试数据统计作业demo, 大概要求是对一个.txt文件里的数据进行统计并打印输出要求格式。

Zhang San


Zhang San: [90, 15, 10, 10] = ISTJ

注:数字为选项B的比例,后边的字母为对应的性格,详见:Keirsy Temperament Sorter


  • class constant可以强增代码的可读性,对于编写文档有帮助,但有时也会使程序不那么灵活
  • 数组array(包括int[] String[]等)是用引用方式references传递的
  • 一条一条读进数据,再一条一条写到文件中,个人觉得更加合理。(因为当数据量较大时,内存可能无法一次读进来所有数据,有点像深度学习里训练网络需要用个生成器,边训练边送数据)

自己的总结与思考,目前水平有限,若有建议欢迎指教! 代码如下:

package demo;import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;public class Personality {/** Some magic number of this program* */// most of arrays' capacity.private static final int FOUR = 4;// question group of personality.private static final int QUEGROUP = 10;// question number of one group.private static final int QUENUM = 7;// dimension index for combine i loop.private static final int[] DIM = {0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3};/** Four dimension of personality test* X mean 50% result* */private static final String[] DIM0 = {"E", "I"};private static final String[] DIM1 = {"S", "N"};private static final String[] DIM2 = {"T", "F"};private static final String[] DIM3 = {"J", "P"};private static final String[][] PERDIM= {DIM0, DIM1, DIM2, DIM3};private static final String X = "X";// relative pathprivate static final String PATH = "./";public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {Scanner console_input = new Scanner(System.in);openMenu();Scanner input_file = readInString(console_input);stasticDbFile(input_file, console_input);closeMenu();}/** short introduction* */private static void openMenu(){System.out.println("You can obtain statistics data of the personality test in this program");}/** Ask the user for the name of the input.* If not exist, ask again.* */private static Scanner readInString(Scanner console_input){while (true){System.out.print("personality test database file name? ");String file_name = console_input.nextLine().trim();String path = PATH + file_name;try {Scanner input_file = new Scanner(new File(path));return input_file;}catch ( Exception e ) {System.out.println("Please check the file name!");}}}/** Read the input file.* Name the output file.* */private static void stasticDbFile(Scanner input_file, Scanner console_input) throws FileNotFoundException{String ouput_file = readOutString(console_input);PrintStream output = new PrintStream(new File(ouput_file));;while ( input_file.hasNextLine() ) {String name = input_file.nextLine();String data = input_file.nextLine();statistics(name, data, output);}input_file.close();}/** Ask the user for the name of the output.* */private static String readOutString(Scanner console_input){System.out.print("statistics data file name(ouput)? ");String file_name = console_input.nextLine().trim();return file_name;}/** statistics the input file.* three main parts(methods) all in this part.* compareAB: estimate A or B or X.* percentB: B percent of every dimension.* perType: dimension chose.* */private static void statistics(String name, String data, PrintStream output){// counts of A and Bint A_count[] = new int[FOUR]; int B_count[] = new int[FOUR];for (int i = 0; i < QUEGROUP; i++){// every group have the same structure of questions.int group = i * QUENUM;for (int num = 0; num < QUENUM; num++){// DIM use here to combine the i and question dimension.// For example, i = 1 and 2, are the DIM1("S" or "N") questioncompareAB(A_count, B_count, data.charAt(num+group), DIM[num]);}      }int[] B_percent =  percentB(A_count, B_count);String pertype = perType(B_percent);// print the data of One person in the output file.printAnswer(name, B_percent, pertype, output);}private static void compareAB(int[] A_count, int[] B_count, char data, int dim){if (data == 'A' || data == 'a'){A_count[dim]++;}if (data == 'B' || data == 'b'){B_count[dim]++;}}private static int[] percentB(int[] A_count, int[] B_count){int[] B_percent = new int[FOUR];for (int i = 0; i < FOUR; i++){// turn in the double, than back to int.B_percent[i] = (int) Math.round( ( ((double)B_count[i]) / ((double)(A_count[i]+B_count[i])) ) * 100 );}return B_percent;}private static String perType(int[] B_percent){String pertype = " ";for (int i = 0; i < FOUR; i++){if (B_percent[i] > 50) { pertype = pertype + PERDIM[i][1]; }else if (B_percent[i] < 50) { pertype = pertype + PERDIM[i][0]; }else { pertype = pertype + X; }}return pertype;}/** print the data of One person in the output file.* */private static void printAnswer(String name, int[] B_percent, String pertype, PrintStream output){output.println(name + ": [" + B_percent[0]+", "+ B_percent[1]+", "+B_percent[2]+", "+B_percent[3] + "] =" + pertype);}/** Say goodbye to user.* a flag of program is finished* */private static void closeMenu(){System.out.println("statistics finshed! Bye!");}}


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