
作者:Shunsuke Aihara-http://argmax.jp

日期:February 2012

说明:Imprement some of color correction algorithms

要求:python2.6 or later



安装:% python setup.py build

% python setup.py install

弹劾算法:gray world


usage: image

max white


usage: image



usage: image



usage: image

retinex with adjust


usage: image

standard deviation weighted grey world


usage: image,subblock width(default:20), subblock height(default:20)

standard deviation and luminance weighted gray world


usage: image,subblock width(default:20), subblock height(default:20)

luminance weighted gray world


usage: image,subblock width(default:20), subblock height(default:20)

automatic color equalization


usage: image,slope(default:10),limit(default:1000)

示例用法:>>> import Image

>>> import colorcorrect.algorithm as cca

>>> from colorcorrect.util import from_pil, to_pil

>>> img = Image.open('/path/to/image')

>>> to_pil(cca.stretch(from_pil(img))).show()

参考文献:Denis. Nikitenko, M. Wirth and K. Trudel, "Applicability Of White-Balancing Algorithms to Restoring Faded Colour Slides: An Empirical Evaluation.", Journal of Multimedia, vol. 3, no. 5, 2008.

HK. Lam, OC. Au and CW. Wong, "Automatic white balancing using luminance component and standard deviation of RGB components", in Proc. ICASSP, 2004.

A. Rizzi, C. Gatta and D. Marini, "A new algorithm for unsupervised global and local color correction.", Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 24, no. 11, 2003.

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