ubuntu 擦除磁盘

This post introduces how to erase / blank / format a DVM+RW media on Linux in the command line.

这篇文章介绍了如何在命令行上在Linux上擦除/空白/格式化DVM + RW介质。

First, you need to find out the device of the DVD/CD+RW drive on your Linux box. For example, on my box with Linux 3.3.4 kernel, my DVD/CD+RW drive is /dev/sr0. You can also see what the /dev/cdrom links to to find out the device path for the DVD/CD+RW drive. For example:

首先,您需要在Linux机器上找到DVD / CD + RW驱动器的设备。 例如,在装有Linux 3.3.4内核的盒子上,我的DVD / CD + RW驱动器为/dev/sr0 。 您还可以查看/dev/cdrom链接到的内容,以找到DVD / CD + RW驱动器的设备路径。 例如:

# ls /dev/cdrom  -l
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 3 Aug  1 17:00 /dev/cdrom -> sr0

To format/erase a DVD+RW disk, we need the dvd+rw-tools tool. Install it if it has not installed yet:

要格式化/擦除DVD + RW磁盘,我们需要dvd+rw-tools工具 。 如果尚未安装,请安装:

# yum install dvd+rw-tools

Then we can format/erase the DVD+RW (actually no need to blank them explicitly)/DVD-RW disk using the dvd+rw-format tool after inserting it into the drive:

然后,在将DVD + RW插入驱动器后,可以使用dvd+rw-format工具格式化/擦除DVD + RW(实际上无需显式地将其清空)/ DVD-RW磁盘:

# dvd+rw-format -force /dev/sr0

BTW: the command to erase a CD+RW disk using cdrecord (provided by wodim):

BTW:使用cdrecord擦除CD + RW磁盘的命令(由wodim提供):

# cdrecord dev=/dev/sr0 blank=fast

翻译自: https://www.systutorials.com/linux-format-erase-dvdrw-disks/

ubuntu 擦除磁盘

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