
伴随着66正式版本的发布,Mozilla Firefox 67.0 Beta 12 (Quantum)今日也紧随其后来到了Beta目录,67版本的最大改进是支持多个配置文件一同运行,在“文件”菜单中,用户可以选择从另一个浏览器导入配置文件。并且,除非您在设置中允许,否则添加到浏览器的任何新扩展都无法在隐私模式中运行。


  • Intent to ship: WebRender was enabled by default in Betas since Firefox 64 for Desktop NVIDIA GPUs on Windows 10 and should be released with Firefox 67 in May

  • Firefox 67 willl be able to run different Firefox installs side by side by default.

  • Tabs can now be pinned from the Page Actions menu in the address bar

  • Users can block known cryptominers and fingerprinters in the Custom settings or their Content Blocking preferences

  • The Import Data from Another Browser feature is now also available from the File menu

  • Firefox will now protect you against running older versions of Firefox which can lead to data corruption and stability issues.


  • Various security fixes


  • Firefox no longer supports handling webcal: links with

  • Change to extensions in Private Windows: Any new extensions you add to the browser won’t work in Private Windows unless you allow this in the settings.


  • The DevTools Changes panel now supports copying modified CSS. You can either copy the full changes or individual changed rules.

细心的用户可能注意到了,近期的Firefox Beta测试过程都是从Beta 3开始的,而更早一些的版本则会出现在nightly目录里。



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