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<p id="text">In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.In front of the bed there was moonlight, and I thought it

was frost on the ground.Looking up the bright moon, lower the head to

think of home.</p>





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