
1. 用Timer来管理贪吃蛇线程。
2. 实现按钮,键盘的事件响应。
3. 随机产生食物。
4. 游戏结束的判断:蛇头触碰到蛇身或者蛇头触碰到边界。
5. 实现游戏过程中的暂停以及贪吃蛇运行速度调整。
6. … …







package my.games.snake.model;

import java.awt.Color;import java.awt.Graphics2D;import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;import java.io.Serializable;import my.games.snake.contants.SnakeGameConstant;

/** *  * 贪吃蛇游戏用到的格子类 *  * @author Eric *  */public class Grid implements Serializable {

   private static final long serialVersionUID = 5105993927776028563L;

 private int x; // x location

    private int y; // y location

    private Color color; // color for square

    public Grid() {   }

   public Grid(int x, int y, Color color) {      this.x = x;      this.y = y;      this.color = color;  }

   /**    * Draw Grid   *     * @param g2  */   public void draw(Graphics2D g2) {     int clientX = SnakeGameConstant.SNAKE_GAME_PANEL_LEFT + x               * SnakeGameConstant.GRID_SIZE;        int clientY = SnakeGameConstant.SNAKE_GAME_PANEL_TOP + y                * SnakeGameConstant.GRID_SIZE;        Rectangle2D.Double rect = new Rectangle2D.Double(clientX, clientY,               SnakeGameConstant.GRID_SIZE, SnakeGameConstant.GRID_SIZE);        g2.setPaint(color);       g2.fill(rect);        g2.setPaint(Color.BLACK);     g2.draw(rect);    }

   /**    * @return the color  */   public Color getColor() {     return color; }

   /**    * @param color   *            the color to set     */   public void setColor(Color color) {       this.color = color;  }

   /**    * @return the x  */   public int getX() {       return x; }

   /**    * @param x   *            the x to set     */   public void setX(int x) {     this.x = x;  }

   /**    * @return the y  */   public int getY() {       return y; }

   /**    * @param y   *            the y to set     */   public void setY(int y) {     this.y = y;  }

package my.games.snake.model;

import java.awt.Graphics2D;import java.io.Serializable;import java.util.LinkedList;import java.util.List;

import my.games.snake.contants.SnakeGameConstant;import my.games.snake.enums.Direction;

public class Snake implements Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -1064622816984550631L;

    private List<Grid> list = null;

  private Direction direction = Direction.RIGHT;

 public Snake() {      this.list = new LinkedList<Grid>();    }

   public void changeDirection(Direction direction) {        if (direction.isUpDirection()) {          if (!this.direction.isUpDirection()                   && !this.direction.isDownDirection()) {               this.direction = direction;          }     } else if (direction.isRightDirection()) {            if (!this.direction.isRightDirection()                    && !this.direction.isLeftDirection()) {               this.direction = direction;          }     } else if (direction.isDownDirection()) {         if (!this.direction.isUpDirection()                   && !this.direction.isDownDirection()) {               this.direction = direction;          }     } else if (direction.isLeftDirection()) {         if (!this.direction.isRightDirection()                    && !this.direction.isLeftDirection()) {               this.direction = direction;          }     } }

   public void draw(Graphics2D g2) {     for (Grid grid : list) {          grid.draw(g2);        } }

   /**    * @return the list   */   public List<Grid> getList() {       return list;  }

   /**    * @param list    *            the list to set  */   public void setList(List<Grid> list) {      this.list = list;    }

   /**    * @return the direction  */   public Direction getDirection() {     return direction; }

   /**    * @param direction   *            the direction to set     */   public void setDirection(Direction direction) {       this.direction = direction;  }

   public void move() {      Grid currentHead = list.get(0);      int headX = currentHead.getX();      int headY = currentHead.getY();      currentHead.setColor(SnakeGameConstant.SNAKE_BODY_COLOR);

       if (direction.isDownDirection()) {            list.add(0, new Grid(headX, headY + 1,                   SnakeGameConstant.SNAKE_HEADER_COLOR));           list.remove(list.size() - 1);     } else if (direction.isUpDirection()) {           list.add(0, new Grid(headX, headY - 1,                    SnakeGameConstant.SNAKE_HEADER_COLOR));           list.remove(list.size() - 1);     } else if (direction.isRightDirection()) {            list.add(0, new Grid(headX + 1, headY,                   SnakeGameConstant.SNAKE_HEADER_COLOR));           list.remove(list.size() - 1);     } else if (direction.isLeftDirection()) {         list.add(0, new Grid(headX - 1, headY,                    SnakeGameConstant.SNAKE_HEADER_COLOR));           list.remove(list.size() - 1);     }


package my.games.snake.ui;

import java.awt.Container;import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;import java.awt.event.ActionListener;import javax.swing.ButtonGroup;import javax.swing.JFrame;import javax.swing.JMenu;import javax.swing.JMenuBar;import javax.swing.JMenuItem;import javax.swing.JOptionPane;import javax.swing.JRadioButtonMenuItem;import my.games.snake.contants.SnakeGameConstant;import my.games.snake.enums.GameState;

public class SnakeGameFrame extends JFrame {

   private static final long serialVersionUID = 998014032682506026L;

  private SnakeGamePanel panel;

   private Container contentPane;

  private JMenuItem startMI = new JMenuItem("Start");

  private JMenuItem pauseMI = new JMenuItem("Pause");

  private JMenu speedMenu = new JMenu("Speed");

    private JMenuItem exitMI = new JMenuItem("Exit");

    private JMenuItem aboutMI = new JMenuItem("About");

  private JRadioButtonMenuItem speedMI1 = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Speed1",         true);

  private JRadioButtonMenuItem speedMI2 = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Speed2",         false);

 private JRadioButtonMenuItem speedMI3 = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Speed3",         false);

 private JRadioButtonMenuItem speedMI4 = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Speed4",         false);

 private JRadioButtonMenuItem speedMI5 = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Speed5",         false);

 public int speedFlag = 1;

  public SnakeGameFrame() {     setTitle(SnakeGameConstant.SNAKE_GAME);       setSize(SnakeGameConstant.SNAKE_GAME_FRAME_WIDTH,             SnakeGameConstant.SNAKE_GAME_FRAME_HEIGHT);       setResizable(false);

        JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();       setJMenuBar(menuBar);

       JMenu setMenu = new JMenu("Set");      JMenu helpMenu = new JMenu("Help");

      setMenu.setMnemonic('s');       setMenu.setMnemonic('H');

     menuBar.add(setMenu);     menuBar.add(helpMenu);

      setMenu.add(startMI);     setMenu.add(pauseMI);     setMenu.addSeparator();

     setMenu.addSeparator();       setMenu.add(speedMenu);       setMenu.addSeparator();       setMenu.add(exitMI);

        ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup();       group.add(speedMI1);      group.add(speedMI2);      group.add(speedMI3);      group.add(speedMI4);      group.add(speedMI5);

        speedMenu.add(speedMI1);      speedMenu.add(speedMI2);      speedMenu.add(speedMI3);      speedMenu.add(speedMI4);      speedMenu.add(speedMI5);

        startMI.addActionListener(new StartAction());     pauseMI.addActionListener(new PauseAction());     exitMI.addActionListener(new ExitAction());       speedMI1.addActionListener(new SpeedAction());        speedMI2.addActionListener(new SpeedAction());        speedMI3.addActionListener(new SpeedAction());        speedMI4.addActionListener(new SpeedAction());        speedMI5.addActionListener(new SpeedAction());

      helpMenu.add(aboutMI);        aboutMI.addActionListener(new AboutAction());

       contentPane = getContentPane();      panel = new SnakeGamePanel(this);        contentPane.add(panel);

     startMI.setEnabled(true);     pauseMI.setEnabled(false);

      // 设置游戏状态是初始化状态       panel.setGameState(GameState.INITIALIZE); }

   private class StartAction implements ActionListener {     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {          startMI.setEnabled(false);            pauseMI.setEnabled(true);         panel.setGameState(GameState.RUN);            panel.getTimer().start();     } }

   private class PauseAction implements ActionListener {     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {          pauseMI.setEnabled(false);            startMI.setEnabled(true);         panel.setGameState(GameState.PAUSE);          if (panel.getTimer().isRunning()) {               panel.getTimer().stop();          }

       } }

   private class SpeedAction implements ActionListener {     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {          Object speed = event.getSource();            if (speed == speedMI1) {                speedFlag = 1;           } else if (speed == speedMI2) {             speedFlag = 2;           } else if (speed == speedMI3) {             speedFlag = 3;           } else if (speed == speedMI4) {             speedFlag = 4;           } else if (speed == speedMI5) {             speedFlag = 5;           }

           panel.getTimer().setDelay(1000 - 200 * (speedFlag - 1));      } }

   private class ExitAction implements ActionListener {      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {          int result = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(SnakeGameFrame.this,                  SnakeGameConstant.QUIT_GAME, SnakeGameConstant.SNAKE_GAME,                    JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);           if (result == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {             System.exit(0);           }     } }

   private class AboutAction implements ActionListener {     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {          String string = SnakeGameConstant.KEYBOARDS_DESCRIPTION;         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(SnakeGameFrame.this, string);       } }

package my.games.snake.ui;

import java.awt.Color;import java.awt.Graphics;import java.awt.Graphics2D;import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;import java.awt.event.ActionListener;import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;import java.awt.event.KeyListener;import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;import java.io.Serializable;import java.util.LinkedList;import java.util.List;import java.util.Random;import javax.swing.JOptionPane;import javax.swing.JPanel;import javax.swing.Timer;import my.games.snake.contants.SnakeGameConstant;import my.games.snake.enums.Direction;import my.games.snake.enums.GameState;import my.games.snake.model.Grid;import my.games.snake.model.Snake;

public class SnakeGamePanel extends JPanel {

  private static final long serialVersionUID = -4173775119881265176L;

    private int flag[][] = new int[SnakeGameConstant.GRID_COLUMN_NUMBER][SnakeGameConstant.GRID_ROW_NUMBER];// 在一个20*30的界面中,设置每个方块的flag

 private Color color[][] = new Color[SnakeGameConstant.GRID_COLUMN_NUMBER][SnakeGameConstant.GRID_ROW_NUMBER];// 在一个20*30的界面中,设置每个方块的颜色

  private Snake snake;

    private Grid food;

  public TimerAction timerAction;

 private int score;

  private SnakeGameFrame frame;

   private Timer timer;

    private Grid grid;

  private GameState gameState = GameState.INITIALIZE;

    //private GameOverType gameOverType = GameOverType.TOUCH_EDGE;

 private boolean needToGenerateFood = false;

    public SnakeGamePanel(SnakeGameFrame frame) {     for (int i = SnakeGameConstant.LEFT; i <= SnakeGameConstant.RIGHT; i++) {          for (int j = SnakeGameConstant.UP; j <= SnakeGameConstant.DOWN; j++) {             flag[i][j] = 0;          }     }     addKeyListener(new KeyHandler());     setFocusable(true);       init();

     timerAction = new TimerAction();     timer = new Timer(1000, timerAction);        score = 0;       this.frame = frame;      grid = new Grid();   }

   private void init() {     initSnake();      initFood();   }

   private void initSnake() {        snake = new Snake();     List<Grid> list = new LinkedList<Grid>();        list.add(new Grid(4, 1, SnakeGameConstant.SNAKE_BODY_COLOR));     list.add(0, new Grid(5, 1, SnakeGameConstant.SNAKE_HEADER_COLOR));        snake.setList(list);  }

   private void initFood() {     food = new Grid();       needToGenerateFood = true;       this.generateFoodByRandom();  }

   public void setGameState(GameState state) {       gameState = state;   }

   private void judgeGameOver() {        if (isSnakeHeadTouchEdge() || isSnakeHeadTouchBody()) {           gameState = GameState.OVER;          int result = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(frame,                    SnakeGameConstant.GAME_OVER, SnakeGameConstant.SNAKE_GAME,                    JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);           if (result == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {             for (int i = SnakeGameConstant.LEFT; i <= SnakeGameConstant.RIGHT; i++) {                  for (int j = SnakeGameConstant.UP; j <= SnakeGameConstant.DOWN; j++) {                     flag[i][j] = 0;                  }             }

               gameState = GameState.RUN;               score = 0;               init();               timer.start();            } else {              System.exit(0);           }     } }

   public void drawGameFrame(Graphics2D g2) {


   public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {      super.paintComponent(g);      Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;

        g2.draw(new Rectangle2D.Double(SnakeGameConstant.SNAKE_GAME_PANEL_LEFT,               SnakeGameConstant.SNAKE_GAME_PANEL_TOP,               SnakeGameConstant.SNAKE_GAME_PANEL_RIGHT,             SnakeGameConstant.SNAKEGAME_PANEL_BOTTOM));

     if (gameState.isInitializedState()) {         return;       }

       draw(g2);     drawScore(g); }

   private void draw(Graphics2D g2) {        drawSnake(g2);        drawFood(g2);     for (int i = SnakeGameConstant.LEFT; i <= SnakeGameConstant.RIGHT; i++) {          for (int j = SnakeGameConstant.UP; j <= SnakeGameConstant.DOWN; j++) {             if (flag[i][j] == 1) {                  grid.setX(i);                 grid.setY(j);                 grid.setColor(color[i][j]);                   grid.draw(g2);                }         }     } }

   private void drawScore(Graphics g) {      g.drawString("Score: " + score,                SnakeGameConstant.SNAKE_GAME_PANEL_RIGHT + 20, 200); }

   private void drawSnake(Graphics2D g2) {       snake.draw(g2);   }

   private void drawFood(Graphics2D g2) {        food.draw(g2);    }

   private class KeyHandler implements KeyListener {     public void keyPressed(KeyEvent event) {          if (!gameState.isRunState()) {                return;           }         int keyCode = event.getKeyCode();            switch (keyCode) {            case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT:                snake.changeDirection(Direction.LEFT);                break;

          case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT:               snake.changeDirection(Direction.RIGHT);               break;

          case KeyEvent.VK_UP:              snake.changeDirection(Direction.UP);              break;

          case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN:                snake.changeDirection(Direction.DOWN);                break;            default:              break;            }         repaint();        }

       public void keyReleased(KeyEvent event) {     }

       public void keyTyped(KeyEvent event) {        } }

   private class TimerAction implements ActionListener, Serializable {

     private static final long serialVersionUID = 749074368549207272L;

      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {          if (!gameState.isRunState()) {                return;           }

           generateFoodByRandom();           snake.move();         eatFood();            judgeGameOver();

            repaint();        } }

   private boolean isFoodAvailable(int x, int y) {       for (Grid grid : snake.getList()) {           if (x == grid.getX() && y == grid.getY()) {               return false;         }     }     return true;  }

   private void generateFoodByRandom() {

       if (needToGenerateFood) {         Random r = new Random();         int randomX = r.nextInt(SnakeGameConstant.GRID_COLUMN_NUMBER);           int randomY = r.nextInt(SnakeGameConstant.GRID_ROW_NUMBER);

            if (isFoodAvailable(randomX, randomX)) {              food = new Grid(randomX, randomY, SnakeGameConstant.FOOD_COLOR);

               needToGenerateFood = false;          } else {              generateFoodByRandom();           }     } }

   private boolean isSnakeHeadTouchEdge() {      Grid head = this.snake.getList().get(0);     if ((head.getX() >= SnakeGameConstant.GRID_COLUMN_NUMBER)             || (head.getX() < 0)) {            //this.gameOverType = GameOverType.TOUCH_EDGE;           return true;      }     if ((head.getY() >= SnakeGameConstant.GRID_ROW_NUMBER)                || (head.getY() < 0)) {            //this.gameOverType = GameOverType.TOUCH_EDGE;           return true;      }

       return false; }

   private boolean isSnakeHeadTouchBody() {      Grid head = this.snake.getList().get(0);     int length = snake.getList().size();

       for (int i = 1; i < length; i++) {          if (head.getX() == snake.getList().get(i).getX()                    && head.getY() == snake.getList().get(i).getY()) {              //this.gameOverType = GameOverType.TOUCH_BODY;               return true;          }     }

       return false; }

   private boolean isFoodTouched() {     Grid head = snake.getList().get(0);      return head.getX() == food.getX() && head.getY() == food.getY();  }

   private void eatFood() {      if (isFoodTouched()) {            Grid tail = snake.getList().get(snake.getList().size() - 1);         snake.getList().add(tail);            this.needToGenerateFood = true;          this.score += 10;

     } }

   /**    * @return the timer  */   public Timer getTimer() {     return timer; }

   /**    * @param timer   *            the timer to set     */   public void setTimer(Timer timer) {       this.timer = timer;  }




... ...


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