
Let jQuery play the tunes, with these fresh jQuery Media Player plugins.

1. jMP3 – Jquery Mp3 Plugin

jMP3 (javaScript MP3 player) is an easy way make any MP3 playable directly on most any web site (to those with Flash & javaScript enabled), using the sleek Flash Single MP3 Player & the fantabulous jQuery.

2. Create an amazing music player using mouse gestures and hotkeys in jQuery

I had never seen an implementation, with only XHTML and jQuery as a library could accomplish something so advanced and functional, which undoubtedly enrich the user experience without sacrificing usability. I ran into a tutorial that shows how to implement an audio player with jQuery.

3. jQuery Media Plugin

The jQuery Media Plugin supports unobtrusive conversion of standard markup into rich media content. It can be used to embed virtually any media type, including Flash, Quicktime, Windows Media Player, Real Player, MP3, Silverlight, PDF and more, into a web page. The plugin converts an element (usually an ) into a

which holds the object, embed or iframe tags neccessary to render the media content.

4. The Cloud Player- Web-based iTunes Clone using JQuery

The Cloud Player is a web-based music player that let?s you.

  • Find and play all tracks from SoundCloud
  • Save playlist to your Google Account
  • Make smart playlists based on genre, BPM, etc.
  • Share your ready-made playlists with your friends and
  • Collaborate in making the best playlists ever.

5. jQuery Media-A Fun Tutorial on Sounds-Video and Roll Overs

<!-- AdSense Now! V1.63 --> <!-- Post[count: 2] -->

<script type="text/javascript">&lt;!-- google_ad_client = &quot;pub-9534545081248849&quot;; /* Jquery */ google_ad_slot = &quot;9018830443&quot;; google_ad_width = 300; google_ad_height = 250; //--&gt; </script><script src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js" type="text/javascript"> </script><script>google_protectAndRun(&quot;ads_core.google_render_ad&quot;, google_handleError, google_render_ad)</script> This article was written out of joy in finding out that jQuery has the capabilities to play sounds and music on your website. Hurray! I love the possibilities of javascript and xml and embrace it as much as I can without making the website too overwhelming with AJAX or non-search friendly.

6. Using jQuery To Play Media Files

Ok, so there is probably a million and one ways to play media on your website, whether its with XML and FLASH, or FLASH and JavaScript, or just FLASH, but I am going to show you the most productive way (I guess you could say that) of playing a MP3.

7. jPlayer – jQuery audio player plugin

jPlayer is a jQuery plugin that allows you to:

  • play and control audio files in your webpage
  • create and style an audio player using just HTML and CSS
  • add sound effects to your jQuery projects
  • stream faster using HTML5 and alternative ogg format support

8. jQuery Music Player

A simple music player developed by using the write less do more code, jQuery.

9. BS Sound jQuery Plugin

With this BS SOUND plugin you will be able to add mp3 file to your page without any player. Just with custom button.

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