CLOSE(2) Linux Programmer's Manual CLOSE(2)


close - close a file descriptor




int close(int fd);


close() closes a file descriptor, so that it no longer refers to any file and

may be reused. Any record locks (see fcntl(2)) held on the file it was

associated with, and owned by the process, are removed (regardless of the file

descriptor that was used to obtain the lock).



If fd is the last file descriptor referring to the underlying open file

description (see open(2)), the resources associated with the open file

description are freed; if the descriptor was the last reference to a file

which has been removed using unlink(2) the file is deleted.




close() returns zero on success. On error, -1 is returned, and errno is set





EBADF fd isn't a valid open file descriptor.


EINTR The close() call was interrupted by a signal; see signal(7).


EIO An I/O error occurred.



SVr4, 4.3BSD, POSIX.1-2001.


Not checking the return value of close() is a common but nevertheless serious

programming error. It is quite possible that errors on a previous write(2)

operation are first reported at the final close(). Not checking the return

value when closing the file may lead to silent loss of data. This can

especially be observed with NFS and with disk quota.



A successful close does not guarantee that the data has been successfully

saved to disk, as the kernel defers writes. It is not common for a file

system to flush the buffers when the stream is closed. If you need to be sure

that the data is physically stored use fsync(2). (It will depend on the disk

hardware at this point.)



It is probably unwise to close file descriptors while they may be in use by

system calls in other threads in the same process. Since a file descriptor

may be reused, there are some obscure race conditions that may cause

unintended side effects.





This page is part of release 3.29 of the Linux man-pages project. A

description of the project, and information about reporting bugs, can be found


Linux 2007-12-28 CLOSE(2)

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