


打开cmd,输入:net start mysql80,其中80是之前你安装mysql时设置的服务器的名称,




net stop mysql80






(1)show databases;

(2)use 某个数据库;

(3)show tables;

(4)create table student(name varchar(10));


(5)desc student;或者describe student;


(6)select * from student;


(7)insert into student values('张三');

(8)update student set name='王四';

(9)delete from student where name='王四';

(10)drop table student;

(11)create table student(name varchar(10), id int); alter table student add primary key(id);desc student;

| Field | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| name  | varchar(10) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| id    | int         | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |


alter table student modify id int primary key;


删除所有的primary key:

alter table student drop primary key;

(12)create table student(name varchar(10), unique(name));

创建唯一的primary key。

(13)alter table student drop index name;

删除唯一的primary key。

(14)create table student(name varchar(10) not null);


(15)alter table student modify name varchar(10);

删除非空约束, 通过modify间接去掉了原来的约束。

(16)create table student(name varchar(10) default '张三', id int);


(17)alter table student modify name varchar(10);


(18)create table class(name varchar(10), id int primary key);create table student(name varchar(10), id int primary key, class_id int, foreign key(class_id) references class(id));








(1) 建表

# 创建数据库data1
CREATE DATABASE data1;# 使用数据库data1
USE data1;# 创建学生表
CREATE TABLE student (num VARCHAR(20) PRIMARY KEY,name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,gender VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,birthday DATE,class VARCHAR(20)
);# 创建教师表
CREATE TABLE teacher (num VARCHAR(20) PRIMARY KEY,name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,gender VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,birthday DATE,profession VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,department VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL
);# 创建课程表
);# 成绩表
CREATE TABLE score (s_num VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,c_num VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, score DECIMAL,FOREIGN KEY(s_num) REFERENCES student(num),    FOREIGN KEY(c_num) REFERENCES course(num),PRIMARY KEY(s_num, c_num)  # 这里设置联合primary key的原因是学生的num和课程的num只能有一个是相同的,因为同一个学生不会选两个一样的课
);# 查看所有表
SHOW TABLES;# 添加学生表数据
INSERT INTO student VALUES('101', '曾华', '男', '1977-09-01', '95033');
INSERT INTO student VALUES('102', '匡明', '男', '1975-10-02', '95031');
INSERT INTO student VALUES('103', '王丽', '女', '1976-01-23', '95033');
INSERT INTO student VALUES('104', '李军', '男', '1976-02-20', '95033');
INSERT INTO student VALUES('105', '王芳', '女', '1975-02-10', '95031');# 添加教师表数据
INSERT INTO teacher VALUES('804', '李诚', '男', '1958-12-02', '副教授', '计算机系');
INSERT INTO teacher VALUES('856', '张旭', '男', '1969-03-12', '讲师', '电子工程系');
INSERT INTO teacher VALUES('825', '王萍', '女', '1972-05-05', '助教', '计算机系');# 添加课程表数据
INSERT INTO course VALUES('3-105', '计算机导论', '825');
INSERT INTO course VALUES('3-245', '操作系统', '804');
INSERT INTO course VALUES('6-166', '数字电路', '856');# 添加添加成绩表数据
INSERT INTO score VALUES('103', '3-105', '92');
INSERT INTO score VALUES('103', '3-245', '86');
INSERT INTO score VALUES('103', '6-166', '85');
INSERT INTO score VALUES('105', '3-105', '88');
INSERT INTO score VALUES('105', '3-245', '75');
INSERT INTO score VALUES('105', '6-166', '79');# 查看表结构
SELECT * FROM course;
SELECT * FROM score;
SELECT * FROM student;
SELECT * FROM teacher;


mysql> SELECT * FROM course;
| num   | name       | t_num |
| 3-105 | 计算机导论 | 825   |
| 3-245 | 操作系统   | 804   |
| 6-166 | 数字电路   | 856   |
+-------+------------+-------+mysql> SELECT * FROM score;
| s_num | c_num | score |
| 103   | 3-105 |    92 |
| 103   | 3-245 |    86 |
| 103   | 6-166 |    85 |
| 105   | 3-105 |    88 |
| 105   | 3-245 |    75 |
| 105   | 6-166 |    79 |
+-------+-------+-------+mysql> SELECT * FROM student;
| num | name | gender | birthday   | class |
| 101 | 曾华 | 男     | 1977-09-01 | 95033 |
| 102 | 匡明 | 男     | 1975-10-02 | 95031 |
| 103 | 王丽 | 女     | 1976-01-23 | 95033 |
| 104 | 李军 | 男     | 1976-02-20 | 95033 |
| 105 | 王芳 | 女     | 1975-02-10 | 95031 |
+-----+------+--------+------------+-------+mysql> SELECT * FROM teacher;
| num | name | gender | birthday   | profession | department |
| 804 | 李诚 | 男     | 1958-12-02 | 副教授     | 计算机系   |
| 825 | 王萍 | 女     | 1972-05-05 | 助教       | 计算机系   |
| 856 | 张旭 | 男     | 1969-03-12 | 讲师       | 电子工程系 |

(2) 查表操作

mysql> select * from student;
| num | name | gender | birthday   | class |
| 101 | 曾华 | 男     | 1977-09-01 | 95033 |
| 102 | 匡明 | 男     | 1975-10-02 | 95031 |
| 103 | 王丽 | 女     | 1976-01-23 | 95033 |
| 104 | 李军 | 男     | 1976-02-20 | 95033 |
| 105 | 王芳 | 女     | 1975-02-10 | 95031 |
+-----+------+--------+------------+-------+# 选取某些字段的行,注意了字段的顺序会决定最后表的呈现顺序
mysql> select name, gender, class from student;
| name | gender | class |
| 曾华 | 男     | 95033 |
| 匡明 | 男     | 95031 |
| 王丽 | 女     | 95033 |
| 李军 | 男     | 95033 |
| 王芳 | 女     | 95031 |
+------+--------+-------+mysql> select distinct department from teacher;
| department |
| 计算机系   |
| 电子工程系 |
+------------+mysql> select * from score where score between 60 and 80;
| s_num | c_num | score |
| 105   | 3-245 |    75 |
| 105   | 6-166 |    79 |
+-------+-------+-------+# 注意要加括号哦
mysql> select * from score where score in (80, 86, 88);
| s_num | c_num | score |
| 103   | 3-245 |    86 |
| 105   | 3-105 |    88 |
+-------+-------+-------+mysql> select * from student order by class desc;
| num | name | gender | birthday   | class |
| 101 | 曾华 | 男     | 1977-09-01 | 95033 |
| 103 | 王丽 | 女     | 1976-01-23 | 95033 |
| 104 | 李军 | 男     | 1976-02-20 | 95033 |
| 102 | 匡明 | 男     | 1975-10-02 | 95031 |
| 105 | 王芳 | 女     | 1975-02-10 | 95031 |
+-----+------+--------+------------+-------+mysql> select * from score order by c_num asc, score desc;
| s_num | c_num | score |
| 103   | 3-105 |    92 |
| 105   | 3-105 |    88 |
| 103   | 3-245 |    86 |
| 105   | 3-245 |    75 |
| 103   | 6-166 |    85 |
| 105   | 6-166 |    79 |
+-------+-------+-------+mysql> select count(*) from student where class='95031';
| count(*) |
|        2 |
+----------+mysql> select s_num, c_num from score where score=(select max(score) from score);
| s_num | c_num |
| 103   | 3-105 |
+-------+-------+或者:mysql> select s_num, c_num from score order by score desc limit 0,1;
| s_num | c_num |
| 103   | 3-105 |
+-------+-------+mysql> select c_num, avg(score) from score group by c_num;
| c_num | avg(score) |
| 3-105 |    90.0000 |
| 3-245 |    80.5000 |
| 6-166 |    82.0000 |
+-------+------------+mysql> select c_num, avg(score), count(*) from score group by c_num having count(c_num)>=2 and c_num like '3%';
| c_num | avg(score) | count(*) |
| 3-105 |    90.0000 |        2 |
| 3-245 |    80.5000 |        2 |
+-------+------------+----------+mysql> select name, c_num, score from student, score where student.num=score.s_num;
| name | c_num | score |
| 王丽 | 3-105 |    92 |
| 王丽 | 3-245 |    86 |
| 王丽 | 6-166 |    85 |
| 王芳 | 3-105 |    88 |
| 王芳 | 3-245 |    75 |
| 王芳 | 6-166 |    79 |
+------+-------+-------+mysql> select c_num, avg(score) from score where s_num in (select num from student where class = '95031')-> group by c_num;
| c_num | avg(score) |
| 3-105 |    88.0000 |
| 3-245 |    75.0000 |
| 6-166 |    79.0000 |
+-------+------------+mysql> select c_num, avg(score), count(*) from score group by c_num having count(c_num)>=2 and c_num like '3%';
| c_num | avg(score) | count(*) |
| 3-105 |    90.0000 |        2 |
| 3-245 |    80.5000 |        2 |
+-------+------------+----------+mysql> select name, c_num, score from student, score where student.num=score.s_num;
| name | c_num | score |
| 王丽 | 3-105 |    92 |
| 王丽 | 3-245 |    86 |
| 王丽 | 6-166 |    85 |
| 王芳 | 3-105 |    88 |
| 王芳 | 3-245 |    75 |
| 王芳 | 6-166 |    79 |
+------+-------+-------+mysql> select num, name,birthday from student where year(birthday)-> in (select year(birthday) from student where num in  (101, 108));
| num | name | birthday   |
| 101 | 曾华 | 1977-09-01 |

--------------to be continued--------------------2020.5.20


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