
Nowadays we can write our asynchronous code in a synchronous way thanks to the async and await keywords. This makes it easier to read and understand. Recently I wondered, however, how the same effect could be achieved without using these keywords.

如今, 借助asyncawait关键字,我们可以以同步方式编写异步代码。 这样可以更容易阅读和理解。 但是,最近我想知道,不使用这些关键字怎么能达到相同的效果。

It turns out to be quite simple, since the behavior of async and await can easily be emulated using generators. Let’s have a look!

事实证明这很简单,因为可以使用生成器轻松模拟asyncawait的行为。 我们来看一下!

Go ahead, clone the repository and let’s get started.

继续,克隆存储库 ,让我们开始吧。

发电机 (Generators)

I am going to assume you have little to no experience with generators since, honestly, most of the time they aren’t particularly useful and you can easily manage without them. So don’t worry — we’ll start with a quick reminder.

我要假设您几乎没有发电机的经验,因为老实说,大多数时候它们并不是特别有用,并且没有它们,您可以轻松地进行管理。 因此,请放心-我们将快速提醒您。

Generators are objects created by generator functions — functions with an * (asterisk) next to their name.

生成器是由生成器函数创建的对象,这些函数的名称旁边带有* (星号)。

These generators have an amazing ability that lets us stop the execution of code — whenever we want — by using the keyword yield.


Consider this example:


const generator = (function*() {// waiting for .next()const a = yield 5;// waiting for .next()console.log(a); // => 15
})();console.log(generator.next()); // => { done: false, value: 5 }
console.log(generator.next(15)); // => { done: true, value: undefined }

Given that these are absolute basics, I would recommend that, before you scroll any further, you read this article to get a grasp on what is really going on here.


If you feel like you have a strong understanding of the underlying ideas, we can move on.


等一下等一下 (Hold on, await a minute)

Haven’t you ever wondered how await really works?


Somehow it just waits for our promise to return a value and proceed with the execution. For me, that seems like something a generator would be able to do after a little tweaking.

它以某种方式只是等待我们的承诺返回值并继续执行。 对我来说,经过一些调整后,生成器似乎可以执行某些操作。

What we could do is just take every yielded value, put it into a promise, and then wait for the promise to be resolved. Afterwards, we just return it to the generator by calling generator.next(resolvedValue).

我们所能做的就是将每个产生的值取走,放入一个承诺中,然后等待该承诺被解决。 然后,我们通过调用generator.next(resolvedValue)将其返回给生成器。

Sounds like a plan. But first, let’s write some tests just to be sure that everything is working as expected.

听起来像是个计划。 但是首先,让我们编写一些测试,以确保一切都按预期进行。

What our asynq function should do:


  • wait for asynchronous code before continuing the execution等待异步代码,然后继续执行
  • return a promise with the returned value from the function


  • make try/catch work on asynchronous code

    在异步代码上进行try / catch工作

Note: because we are using generators, our await becomes yield.


import { asynq } from '../src';describe('asynq core', () => {test('Waits for values (like await does)', () => {return asynq(function*() {const a = yield Promise.resolve('a');expect(a).toBe('a');});});test('Catches the errors', () => {return asynq(function*() {const err = new Error('Hello there');try {const a = yield Promise.resolve('a');expect(a).toBe('a');const b = yield Promise.resolve('b');expect(b).toBe('b');const c = yield Promise.reject(err);} catch (error) {expect(error).toBe(err);}const a = yield Promise.resolve(123);expect(a).toBe(123);});});test('Ends the function if the error is not captured', () => {const err = new Error('General Kenobi!');return asynq(function*() {const a = yield Promise.reject(err);const b = yield Promise.resolve('b');}).catch((error) => {expect(error).toBe(err);});});test('Returns a promise with the returned value', () => {return asynq(function*() {const value = yield Promise.resolve(5);expect(value).toBe(5);return value;}).then((value) => {expect(value).toBe(5);});});

Alright, great! Now we can talk about the implementation.

好吧,太好了! 现在我们可以谈谈实现。

Our asynq function takes as a parameter a function generator — by calling it, we create a generator.


Just to be sure, we call isGeneratorLike which checks if the received value is an object and has methods next and throw.

可以肯定的是,我们调用isGeneratorLike ,它检查接收到的值是否是一个对象,并具有nextthrow方法。

Then, recursively, we consume each yield keyword by calling generator.next(ensuredValue). We wait for the returned promise to be settled, and then return its result back to the generator by repeating the whole process.

然后,递归地,我们消耗每个收益 通过调用generator.next(ensuredValue)关键字 我们等待返回的诺言得到解决,然后通过重复整个过程将其结果返回给生成器。

We must also attach the catch handler, so that, should the function throw an exception, we can catch it and return the exception inside the function by calling generator.throw(error).

我们还必须附加 捕获处理程序,因此,如果函数抛出异常,我们可以通过调用generator.throw(error)捕获它并在函数内部返回异常。

Now, any potential errors will be handled by catch. If there wasn’t a try/catch block in place, an error would simply stop the execution altogether — like any unhandled exception would — and our function would return a rejected promise.

现在,任何潜在的错误将由catch处理。 如果没有try / catch块,则发生错误 就像所有未处理的异常一样,将完全停止执行,并且我们的函数将返回被拒绝的Promise。

When the generator is done, we return the generator’s return value in a promise.


import { isGeneratorLike } from './utils';type GeneratorFactory = () => IterableIterator<any>;function asynq(generatorFactory: GeneratorFactory): Promise<any> {const generator = generatorFactory();if (!isGeneratorLike(generator)) {return Promise.reject(new Error('Provided function must return a generator.'),);}return (function resolve(result) {if (result.done) {return Promise.resolve(result.value);}return Promise.resolve(result.value).then((ensuredValue) => resolve(generator.next(ensuredValue))).catch((error) => resolve(generator.throw(error)));})(generator.next());

Now, having run our tests, we can see that everything is working as expected.


结语 (Wrapping up)

While this implementation is probably not the one used inside the JavaScript engines, it sure feels good to be able to do something like this on our own.


Feel free to go over the code again. The better your understanding of the underlying ideas, the more you will be able to appreciate the brilliance of the creators of the async and await keywords.

随意再次检查代码。 您对基本思想的理解越深入,您就越能体会到asyncawait关键字的创建者的才华。

Thank you very much for reading! I hope you found this article informative. I also hope it helped you see there is no magic involved in the async and await keywords, and that they can be easily replaced with generators.

非常感谢您的阅读! 希望您能从这篇文章中获得启发。 我也希望它能帮助您看到asyncawait关键字中没有魔术,并且可以轻松地将它们替换为生成器。

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to put them in the comments section below or send me a message.

如果您有任何问题或意见,请随时将其放在下面的评论部分或给我发送消息 。

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看看我的社交媒体 !

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加入我的时事通讯 !

Originally published at www.mcieslar.com on August 6, 2018.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-implement-async-and-await-with-generators-11ab0859010f/



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