
最近按照wwwapp.txt安装worklist中www application server。总有一步看不透。

b) Then copy all executables from dcmtk/dcmwlm/wwwapps to
the same directory: preplock, readoviw, readwlst and writwlst.

我在dcmtk3.6.120120831的源码中dcmtk/dcmwlm/wwwapps并没有发现执行程序preplock, readoviw, readwlst and writwlst,只有.cc源码。所有执行程序只有在C:\Program Files\DCMTK\bin下才有exe,但也没有上述exe程序。



原来www application server 并不属于DCMTK,为了实现模拟医院的RIS系统,DCMTK将www appplication server 引入。当我们将dcmtk3.6.120120831源码编译成功之后,实际在我们编译后的二进制文件中已经有了相关exe,在D:\DCMTK\DCMTK-bin\bin\Debug  中可以看到上面四个exe以及其他很多exe,但如果我们编译后,选择了install,这些exe将会被部署到C:\\program files\DCMTK\bin下,但是上面四个exe并没部署,因为他们并不属于DCMTK.所以如果想用这四个exe配置worklist webserver,请在编译源码后,及时从D:\\DCMTK-bin\Debug\  拷贝出来。


Author Message
Post subject: wwwapp instalation
Posted: Thu, 2006-03-16, 19:28 

Joined: Tue, 2004-12-07, 00:13
Posts: 6

OS: FreeBSD 5.4
wwwapp.txt, INSTALLATION part, 3-rd paragraph "INSTALL FILES":

b) Then copy all executables from dcmtk/dcmwlm/wwwapps to the same directory: preplock, readoviw, readwlst and writwlst.

I made compilation and installation with all available modules, but I can't find these executables required for proper wwwapp operation. Do I need to compile them separately, if so how to do this? Maybe I need to add some configuration directives somewhere to compile these apps along with dcmtk?

Thanks in advance

Michael Onken
Post subject:
Posted: Fri, 2006-03-17, 10:30 

Joined: Fri, 2004-11-05, 14:47
Posts: 1154
Location: Oldenburg, Germany

Hm, I just tried under linux with 3.5.4 and they get built without additional configuration. Did all other files compile? (apps and src directories)?


Post subject:
Posted: Fri, 2006-03-17, 13:10 

Joined: Tue, 2004-12-07, 00:13
Posts: 6

Did all other files compile? (apps and src directories)?

Well, here is the list of available executables in "bin" directory after compilation and installation:

dcm2pnm dcmgpdir dcmpsmk dcod2lum storescp
dcm2xml dcmj2pnm dcmpsprt dconvlum storescu
dcmcjpeg dcmmkcrv dcmpsrcv dsr2html termscu
dcmconv dcmmkdir dcmpssnd dsr2xml wlmscpfs
dcmcrle dcmmklut dcmqridx dsrdump xml2dcm
dcmdjpeg dcmodify dcmqrscp dump2dcm xml2dsr
dcmdrle dcmp2pgm dcmqrti echoscu
dcmdspfn dcmprscp dcmquant findscu
dcmdump dcmprscu dcmscale movescu
dcmftest dcmpschk dcmsign pdf2dcm

But where are preplock, readoviw, readwlst and writwlst? As from wwwapp.txt I thought these executables would be compiled and stored in dcmtk source directory wwwapps, but all I can find there are source files (*.cc).
I didn't mention that I configured dcmtk with command:
./configure --prefix="/med"
So my installation is not in default place on the system, maybe that's the problem?

Post subject:
Posted: Sat, 2006-03-18, 17:40 

Joined: Tue, 2004-12-07, 00:13
Posts: 6

finally I found the answer: executables mentioned above had been compiled succefully, but when I finalized installation with "make distclean" command these executables were deleted. Sorry for bothering you 
Michael Onken
Post subject:
Posted: Mon, 2006-03-20, 10:17 

Joined: Fri, 2004-11-05, 14:47
Posts: 1154
Location: Oldenburg, Germany

You're welcome 
Post subject:
Posted: Tue, 2006-03-28, 17:51 

Joined: Tue, 2006-03-28, 17:48
Posts: 2

I have a similar probem with Mac OS 10.4.5 and DCMTK 3.5.4 - preplock, readoviw, readwlst and writwlst don't appear in the target directory after running "make install".

However, unlike meandog's experience, these executables are missing even before I run "make distclean".

Does anyone have any idea what might be going wrong here?

Thanks in advance,

Marco Eichelberg
Post subject:
Posted: Tue, 2006-03-28, 18:29 

Joined: Tue, 2004-11-02, 18:22
Posts: 1160
Location: Oldenburg, Germany

The worklist server web form support tools (preplock, readoviw, readwlst and writwlst) are not installed by "make install" because they don't belong into the end user's path where make install should install files to. You have to install them manually following the instructions in dcmwlm/docs/wwwapp.txt, the same also applies to the Perl scripts in dcmwlm/perl. However, the tools should be compiled when you run "make". Check if the compiler has produced any output in dcmwlm/wwwapps.
Post subject:
Posted: Wed, 2006-03-29, 10:38 

Joined: Tue, 2006-03-28, 17:48
Posts: 2


Thanks for the prompt reply - I had misunderstood meandog's post.

As you say, the executables are indeed in the /dcmwlm/wwwapps/ directory before you run "make distclean".

Many thanks,

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这个www application 是1996年在linux上开发展示用的,本来就没打算能在windows上运行,而且只是一个小例子,已经过时了。

Dear qimo,

> I've followed all instructions in the wwwapp.txt file <http://support.dcmtk.org/docs/file_wwwapp.html>.I'm trying to create a www server
> application to create , modify anddelete worklist entries using a Web browser ,but there isn't no management interface.
> Also I have compiled DCMTK3.6.120120831 on win7. But I can only find readoviw.exe, readwlst.exe and writwlst.exe, but no preplock.exe in
> bin\debug directory.just like the forum topic <http://forum.dcmtk.org/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=723> .

first of all, all questions related to DCMTK should be posted to the discussion forum
at http://forum.dcmtk.org/ so that other people can benefit from the answers given there.
If you send us a mail with your designed user name, we can create login/password for you.

Concerning your specific question, the Web Server user interface has never been developed
for Windows, and we have never tried to run it on Windows. This was intended for a
demonstration at an exhibition in 1996 (more than 15 years ago!) and seen very little
maintenance ever after. At that time even Apache as a webserver did not yet exist.

The underlying principle is that the web server generates the user interface by running
the Perl scripts from dcmwlm/perl and the binaries from dcmwlm/wwwapps through the
CGI interface.

The problem with running this on Windows is that the API for locking files (which is
used to prevent the DICOM worklist server from accessing worklist entries while the
web server is modifying them) does not work on Windows, which is the reason why the
preplock tool cannot be compiled there.

Summary: It's outdated software, not intended for anything except a demo anyway,
and it does not run on Windows.

Best regards,
Dr. Marco Eichelberg

Dr. Marco Eichelberg
Gruppenleiter Integrationstechnik | Manager Integration Technology Group

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