
本文与CodeWarrior5.1 IDE与CPU12密切相关,对二者进行深入了解有助于理解MC9S12XE的具体启动细节,所以需要参考CodeWarrior5.1 IDE的参考手册:HC(S)08/RS08 and S12(X) Build Tools Utilities Manual和S12(X)Build Tools Reference Manual以及CPU12 的参考手册CPU12/CPU12X Reference Manual。二者均可在NXP官网下载。
1)HC(S)08/RS08 and S12(X) Build Tools Utilities Manual和S12(X)Build Tools Reference Manual主要介绍了CodeWarrior 5.1的个主要工具,具体如下:

2)CPU12/CPU12X Reference Manual主要介绍CPU12和CPU12X的CPU结构、寻址方式和汇编指令集,具体内容如下:

1.CodeWarrior 5.1智能链接器

C程序经过编译后生成obj文件,然后链接器将其链接成最终可执行程序。在CodeWarrior 5.1中链接器生成.abs文件,然后烧录器再将.abs文件转换成.abs.s19文件。具体链接过程为:链接器将导入的obj文件中程序用到的初始化数据、启动数据结构、需要拷贝的数据、堆栈、固定页代码、非固定页代码、数据等代码或数据类型根据prm文件中设置的对应代码或数据类型指定的内存资源进行整合、归类并进行地址分配。例如在prm文件中,PLACEMENT…END如下定义:

      _PRESTART,              /* Used in HIWARE format: jump to _Startup at the code start */_PRESTART,                /* startup data structures */ROM_VAR,                /* constant variables */STRINGS,                /* string literals */VIRTUAL_TABLE_SEGMENT,  /* C++ virtual table segment *///.ostext,                /* eventually OSEK code  */NON_BANKED,             /* runtime routines which must not be banked */COPY                    /* copy down information: how to initialize variables *//* in case you want to use ROM_4000 here as well, make surethat all files (incl. library files) are compiled with theoption: -OnB=b */INTO  ROM_C000;


  • 该部分定义的是对应类型代码和数据对应的地址和所在的内存资源块,如.init、.startData、.copy、text由于prm文件中PLACEMENT定义将_PRESTART、START、COPY、NON_BNAKED置于ROM_C000,所以链接器将其分配到ROM_C0000,地址范围为0xC000-0xC052。
  • 该段定义的对应类型的代码和数据包含的具体函数和数据。Delay_Ms、Test_Func1、Test_Func2、main、init函数属于.text,所以包含在ROM_C000内。变量Test_Var1_Init、Test_Var2_Init是定义的全局变量属于.data,所以放在RAM内,Test_Var1_No_Init是定义的全局const变量,所以属于.rodata.也就是只读数据,放电ROM_C000.
  • .copy文件,对于初始化的全局变量来说,在启动过程中需要将ROM内的变量拷贝到RAM内对全局变量的进行初始化,所以链接器内含有.copy模块用于启动时将负责的变量从ROM拷贝到RAM内,Test_Var1_Init和Test_Var2_Init是需要初始化的全局变量,所以在.copy内。
  • _startupData是链接器生成的用于对所使用RAM进行清零并将ROM内的数据拷贝到RAM内进行数据初始化等的结构体数据,链接器生成的_startupData位于.map文件。本工程生成的如下:


typedef struct _Range {unsigned char * __far beg; int size;      /* [beg..beg+size] */
} _Range;typedef struct _Copy {int size; unsigned char * __far dest;
} _Copy;
extern struct _tagStartup {
#ifndef __NO_FLAGS_OFFSETunsigned char   flags;
#ifndef __NO_MAIN_OFFSET_PFunc          main;            /* top level procedure of user program */
#ifndef __NO_STACKOFFSET_OFFSETWord            stackOffset;     /* 16bit, initial value of the stack pointer */
#endifunsigned int    nofZeroOuts;     /* number of zero out ranges */_Range *PTR16   pZeroOut;        /* vector of ranges with nofZeroOuts elements */
#if defined(__BANKED_COPY_DOWN)_Copy *__pptr    toCopyDownBeg;   /* rom-address where copydown-data begins */
#else_Copy *PTR16    toCopyDownBeg;   /* rom-address where copydown-data begins */
#if 0 /* switch on to implement ROM libraries */unsigned int    nofLibInits;     /* number of library startup descriptors */_LibInit *PTR16 libInits;        /* vector of pointers to library startup descriptors */
#ifdef __cplusplusunsigned int    nofInitBodies;   /* number of init functions for C++ constructors */_Cpp *PTR16     initBodies;      /* vector of function pointers to init functions for C++ constructors */unsigned int    nofFiniBodies;   /* number of fini functions for C++ destructors */_Cpp *PTR16     finiBodies;      /* vector of function pointers to fini functions for C++ destructors */
} _startupData;









该代码的具体意思为#define INIT_SP_FROM_STARTUP_DESC() __asm LDS #__SEG_END_SSTACK;,也即是将堆栈栈尾的地址载入堆栈指针SP。

#if defined(__HIWARE_OBJECT_FILE_FORMAT__) && defined(__LARGE__)LDX   _startupData.pZeroOut:1   ; in the large memory model in the HIWARE format, pZeroOut is a 24 bit pointer
#elseLDX   _startupData.pZeroOut    ; *pZeroOut
#endifLDY   _startupData.nofZeroOuts ; nofZeroOutsBEQ   CopyDown                 ; if nothing to zero outNextZeroOut: PSHY                           ; save nofZeroOuts
#if defined(FAR_DATA)LDAB  1,X+                     ; load page of destination addressLDY   2,X+                     ; load offset of destination address
#if defined(__HCS12X__)STAB  __GPAGE_ADR__
#else /* defined(__HCS12X__) */__PIC_JSR(_SET_PAGE)           ; sets the page in the correct page register
#endif /* defined(__HCS12X__) */
#else   /* FAR_DATA */LDY   2,X+                     ; start address and advance *pZeroOut (X = X+4)
#endif  /* FAR_DATA */#if defined(__HCS12X__) && defined(FAR_DATA)PSHXLDX   0,X                      ; byte count
#if defined(__OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE__)CLRA
NextWord:    GSTAA 1,Y+                     ; clear memory byte__FEED_COP_IN_HLI()            ; feed the COP if necessary /*lint !e505 !e522 asm code */DBNE  X, NextWord              ; dec byte count
#elseLDD #0LSRXBEQ   LoopClrW1                ; do we copy more than 1 byte?
NextWord:    GSTD 2,Y+                      ; clear memory word__FEED_COP_IN_HLI()            ; feed the COP if necessary /*lint !e505 !e522 asm code */DBNE  X, NextWord              ; dec word count
LoopClrW1:BCC   LastClr                  ; handle last byteGSTAA 1,Y+                                          ; handle last byte
#endifPULXLEAX  2,X
#elif defined(__OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE__)               /* -os, default */LDD   2,X+                     ; byte count
NextWord:    CLR   1,Y+                     ; clear memory byte__FEED_COP_IN_HLI()            ; feed the COP if necessary /*lint !e505 !e522 asm code */DBNE  D, NextWord              ; dec byte count
#else /* __OPTIMIZE_FOR_TIME__ */LDD   2,X+                     ; byte countLSRD                           ; /2 and save bit 0 in the carryBEQ   LoopClrW1                ; do we copy more than 1 byte?PSHXLDX   #0
LoopClrW:    STX   2,Y+                     ; Word-Clear__FEED_COP_IN_HLI()            ; feed the COP if necessary /*lint !e505 !e522 asm code */DBNE  D, LoopClrWPULX
LoopClrW1:BCC   LastClr                  ; handle last byteCLR   1,Y+
#endif /* __OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE__/__OPTIMIZE_FOR_TIME__ */PULY                           ; restore nofZeroOutsDEY                            ; dec nofZeroOutsBNE  NextZeroOut


#if defined(__BANKED_COPY_DOWN)LDAA  _startupData.toCopyDownBeg:0 ; get PAGE address of .copy sectionSTAA    __PPAGE_ADR__          ; set PPAGE addressLDX   _startupData.toCopyDownBeg:1 ; load address of copy down desc.
#elif defined(__ELF_OBJECT_FILE_FORMAT__)LDX   _startupData.toCopyDownBeg ; load address of copy down desc.
#elseLDX   _startupData.toCopyDownBeg:2 ; load address of copy down desc.
NextBlock:LDD   2,X+                     ; size of init-data -> DBEQ   funcInits                ; end of copy down desc.
#ifdef FAR_DATAPSHD                           ; save counterLDAB  1,X+                     ; load destination pageLDY   2,X+                     ; destination address
#if defined(__HCS12X__)STAB  __GPAGE_ADR__
#else  /* __HCS12X__ */__PIC_JSR(_SET_PAGE)           ; sets the destinations page register
#endif /* __HCS12X__ */PULD                           ; restore counter
#else  /* FAR_DATA */LDY   2,X+                     ; load destination address
#endif /* FAR_DATA */#if defined(__HCS12X__) && defined(FAR_DATA)
#if defined(__OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE__)               /* -os, default */
Copy:        PSHALDAA  1,X+GSTAA  1,Y+                    ; move a byte from ROM to the data areaPULA__FEED_COP_IN_HLI()            ; feed the COP if necessary /*lint !e505 !e522 asm code */DBNE  D,Copy                   ; copy-byte loop
#elseLSRD                           ; /2 and save bit 0 in the carryBEQ    Copy1                   ; do we copy more than 1 byte?Copy:        PSHDLDD   2,X+GSTD  2,Y+                     ; move a word from ROM to the data areaPULD__FEED_COP_IN_HLI()            ; feed the COP if necessary /*lint !e505 !e522 asm code */DBNE  D,Copy                   ; copy-word loop
Copy1:BCC   NextBlock                ; handle last byte?LDAA  1,X+GSTAA  1,Y+                    ; move a byte from ROM to the data area
#elif defined(__OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE__)               /* -os, default */
Copy:        MOVB  1,X+,1,Y+                ; move a byte from ROM to the data area__FEED_COP_IN_HLI()            ; feed the COP if necessary /*lint !e505 !e522 asm code */DBNE  D,Copy                   ; copy-byte loop
#else /* __OPTIMIZE_FOR_TIME__ */LSRD                           ; /2 and save bit 0 in the carryBEQ   Copy1                    ; do we copy more than 1 byte?
Copy:        MOVW  2,X+,2,Y+                ; move a word from ROM to the data area__FEED_COP_IN_HLI()            ; feed the COP if necessary /*lint !e505 !e522 asm code */DBNE  D,Copy                   ; copy-word loop
Copy1:BCC   NextBlock                ; handle last byte?MOVB  1,X+,1,Y+                ; copy the last byte
#endif /* __OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE__/__OPTIMIZE_FOR_TIME__ */BRA   NextBlock


funcInits:                                  ; call of global construtors is only in c++ necessary
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#if defined(__ELF_OBJECT_FILE_FORMAT__)
#if defined( __BANKED__) || defined(__LARGE__)LDY   _startupData.nofInitBodies; load number of cpp.BEQ   done                     ; if cppcount == 0, goto doneLDX   _startupData.initBodies  ; load address of first module to initialize
nextInit:LEAX   3,X                     ; increment to next initPSHX                           ; save address of next function to initializePSHY                           ; save cpp counterCALL  [-3,X]                   ; use double indirect call to load the page register alsoPULY                           ; restore cpp counterPULX                           ; restore actual addressDEY                            ; decrement cpp counterBNE    nextInit
#else  /* defined( __BANKED__) || defined(__LARGE__) */LDD   _startupData.nofInitBodies; load number of cpp.BEQ   done                     ; if cppcount == 0, goto doneLDX   _startupData.initBodies  ; load address of first module to initialize
nextInit:LDY   2,X+                     ; load address of first module to initializePSHDPSHX                           ; save actual addressJSR   0,Y                      ; call initialization functionPULX                           ; restore actual addressPULD                           ; restore cpp counterDBNE D, nextInit
#endif /* defined( __BANKED__) || defined(__LARGE__) */
#else /* __ELF_OBJECT_FILE_FORMAT__  */LDX   _startupData.mInits      ; load address of first module to initialize
#if defined( __BANKED__) || defined(__LARGE__)
nextInit:    LDY   3,X+                     ; load address of initialization functionBEQ   done                     ; stop when address  == 0; in common environments the offset of a function is never 0, so this test could be avoided
#ifdef __InitFunctionsMayHaveOffset0__BRCLR -1,X, done, 0xff         ; stop when address  == 0
#endif  /* __InitFunctionsMayHaveOffset0__ */PSHX                           ; save address of next function to initializeCALL  [-3,X]                   ; use double indirect call to load the page register also
#else  /* defined( __BANKED__) || defined(__LARGE__) */
nextInit:LDY   2,X+                     ; load address of first module to initializeBEQ   done                     ; stop when address of function == 0PSHX                           ; save actual addressJSR   0,Y                      ; call initialization function
#endif /* defined( __BANKED__) || defined(__LARGE__) */PULX                           ; restore actual addressBRA   nextInit
#endif  /* __ELF_OBJECT_FILE_FORMAT__  */
#endif /* __cplusplus */}
#endif /* __ONLY_INIT_SP */#if defined( __ELF_OBJECT_FILE_FORMAT__) && defined(__cplusplus ) && 0 /* the call to main does not support to return anymore */#if !defined(FAR_DATA) && (defined( __BANKED__) || defined(__LARGE__))
static void __far Fini(void)
static void Fini(void)
/* purpose:     1) call global destructors in C++ */asm {
#if defined( __BANKED__) || defined(__LARGE__)LDY   _startupData.nofFiniBodies; load number of cpp.BEQ   done                     ; if cppcount == 0, goto doneLDX   _startupData.finiBodies  ; load address of first module to finalize
nextInit2:LEAX   3,X                     ; increment to next initPSHX                           ; save address of next function to finalizePSHY                           ; save cpp counterCALL  [-3,X]                   ; use double indirect call to load the page register alsoPULY                           ; restore cpp counterPULX                           ; restore actual addressDEY                            ; decrement cpp counterBNE    nextInit2
#else  /* defined( __BANKED__) || defined(__LARGE__) */LDD   _startupData.nofFiniBodies; load number of cpp.BEQ   done                     ; if cppcount == 0, goto doneLDX   _startupData.finiBodies  ; load address of first module to finalize
nextInit2:LDY   2,X+                     ; load address of first module to finalizePSHDPSHX                           ; save actual addressJSR   0,Y                      ; call finalize functionPULX                           ; restore actual addressPULD                           ; restore cpp counterDBNE D, nextInit2
#endif /* defined(__BANKED__) || defined(__LARGE__) */


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