
  • 1. 过去式构造
    • 1.1 选词填空
  • 2. things that happened one after another
  • 3. 圈出正确的动词形式
  • 4. 构造否定句
    • 4.1 造句训练
  • 5. 疑问结构
    • 5.1 疑问句构造
    • 5.2 特殊疑问词 + 一般过去时

1. 过去式构造

1.1 选词填空

2. things that happened one after another

1.stood 2.heard 3.opened 3.came 5.did not see 6.said

7.took 8.gave 9.held 10.didn’t read

11.said 12.did 13.wrote 14.ran 15.turned

3. 圈出正确的动词形式

1.broke 2.didi not play 3.worked 4.know 5.feel

  • write sb. letters
  • write letters to sb.

6.came 7.see 8.write 9.arrive 10.like.

4. 构造否定句

1.I didn’t play football last weenkend.
2.We didn’t speak Arabic together.
3. My uncle didn’t teach science.
4. Bill didn’t cook the fish.

5.I didn’t take my father to the mountains.
6.We didn’t tell the police everything.
7.I didn’t write to my sister.

4.1 造句训练

1.but broke the other one.
2.didn’t work the week before.
3.changed his shirt.
4.didn’t answer the others.
5.didn’t go to her house
6.brought some chocolates.

7.bought a very nice dress.
8.didn’t eat the meat.
9.didn’t keep the letters.
10.spoke German
11.didn’t shave at weekends.

5. 疑问结构

1.took 2.hear 3.bring 4.start

5.saw 6.began 7.break 8.leave 9.speak

10.keep 11.learnt 12.forgot 13.come 14.say

5.1 疑问句构造

1.did he enjoy the music?
2.did she remember it?
3.did you pay the others?
4.did you like the film?

5.did he play well?
6.did you give them any money?
7.did she write to her mother?
8.did he learn English?

9.did she get up early enough?
10.did you shut the front door?
11.did they take the dog?
12.did she feel OK yesterday?
13.did he forget the address as well?

5.2 特殊疑问词 + 一般过去时

1.Who did pete see?
2.Where did John go?
3.Who did Alice marry?

5.What did Mary break?
6.Where did Mike stay?
7.What did Joe study?
7.Where did Robert study?

9.What did Ann write?
10.Who did Catherine hear?
11.What did George understand?
12.What did Helen forget?
13.Where did Sarah go on holiday?


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