

主要使用2D 画图,


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;namespace Hanoi_02
{public partial class Form1 : Form{public Form1(){InitializeComponent();}int penWidth = 1;//画笔的粗细int diskHCut = 15; //圆盘的宽度差,单一一侧的差值。(宽度差要*2)H 横向int diskVSpace = 3;//圆盘之间高度上下的距离。V纵向int diskWidth = 200; //最大号圆盘的宽度int diskHeight = 17;//圆盘的高度int moveSpeed = 500;//每秒移动的像素点速度int moveInterval = 20;//每次移动的像素点个数int bmpWidth = 660;int bmpHeight = 420;int dPillar = 10;//柱子间间距int pillarHeight = 300;//柱子高度int count = 3;//圆盘的个数private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e){drawPicBoxBackground();initDisk(count);comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0;}void initDisk(int num){count = num;Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(bmpWidth, bmpHeight);Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);Pen p = new Pen(Color.Blue, penWidth);//背景粗细int pw = bmpWidth / 3;for (int i = 0; i < num; i++){int nowDiskWidth = diskWidth - i * diskHCut;int x0 = (pw - nowDiskWidth) / 2;int y0 = (bmpHeight - diskVSpace * i - diskHeight * i - 1 - diskVSpace - diskHeight);int x1 = nowDiskWidth;int y1 = diskHeight;g.DrawRectangle(p, x0, y0, x1, y1);}pictureBox1.Image = bmp;p.Dispose();g.Dispose();}public void drawPicBoxBackground(){pictureBox1.Width = bmpWidth;pictureBox1.Height = bmpHeight;Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(bmpWidth, bmpHeight);Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);Pen p = new Pen(Color.Black, 1);//背景粗细int pw = bmpWidth / 3;for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){int Vline = pw / 2 + pw * i - 1;g.DrawLine(p, Vline, bmpHeight - pillarHeight, Vline, bmpHeight - 1);g.DrawLine(p, dPillar + pw * i, bmpHeight - 1, pw * i + pw - dPillar - 1, bmpHeight - 1);}pictureBox1.BackgroundImage = bmp;pictureBox1.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.None;p.Dispose();g.Dispose();}public Disk getTop(string index){int pw = bmpWidth / 3;int i = index == "A" ? 0 : index == "B" ? 1 : index == "C" ? 2 : -1;int Vline = pw / 2 + pw * i - 1;int topY = 0;Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(pictureBox1.Image);while (bmp.GetPixel(Vline, bmpHeight - topY - diskHeight - diskVSpace - 1).ToArgb() == Color.Blue.ToArgb()){topY += diskVSpace + diskHeight;}if (topY == 0)return new Disk(0, bmpHeight - 1, 0, 0);int y = bmpHeight - topY - 1;int x = Vline;while (bmp.GetPixel(--x, y).ToArgb() == Color.Blue.ToArgb()) ;x++;int width = (Vline - x + 1) * 2;return new Disk(x, y, width, diskHeight);}Disk GDIMove(Disk d, string direct, int distance){//要移动的圆盘d ,移动的方向 [UP|DOWN|LEFT|RIGHT] ,移动的距离 distance。Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(pictureBox1.Image);for (int times = 0; times < distance / moveInterval; times++){System.Threading.Thread.Sleep((moveInterval * 1000) / moveSpeed);for (int i = 0; i < d.Width + 1; i++){if (i == 0 || i == d.Width){int liteBug = 0;if (i == d.Width && bmp.GetPixel(i + d.X, d.Y).ToArgb() != Color.Blue.ToArgb()){liteBug = 1;}for (int j = 0; j < d.Height + 1; j++){try{bmp.SetPixel(i + d.X - liteBug, j + d.Y, Color.White);}catch{//}}}else{bmp.SetPixel(i + d.X, d.Y, Color.White);bmp.SetPixel(i + d.X, d.Y + d.Height, Color.White);}}if (direct == "LEFT"){d.X -= moveInterval;}if (direct == "RIGHT"){d.X += moveInterval;}if (direct == "UP"){d.Y -= moveInterval;}if (direct == "DOWN"){d.Y += moveInterval;}for (int i = 0; i < d.Width + 1; i++){if (i == 0 || i == d.Width){for (int j = 0; j < d.Height + 1; j++){if (direct == "LEFT"){bmp.SetPixel(i + d.X, j + d.Y, Color.Blue);}if (direct == "RIGHT"){bmp.SetPixel(i + d.X, j + d.Y, Color.Blue);}if (direct == "UP"){bmp.SetPixel(i + d.X, j + d.Y, Color.Blue);}if (direct == "DOWN"){bmp.SetPixel(i + d.X, j + d.Y, Color.Blue);}}}else{if (direct == "LEFT"){bmp.SetPixel(i + d.X, d.Y, Color.Blue);bmp.SetPixel(i + d.X, d.Y + d.Height, Color.Blue);}if (direct == "RIGHT"){bmp.SetPixel(i + d.X, d.Y, Color.Blue);bmp.SetPixel(i + d.X, d.Y + d.Height, Color.Blue);}if (direct == "UP"){bmp.SetPixel(i + d.X, d.Y, Color.Blue);bmp.SetPixel(i + d.X, d.Y + d.Height, Color.Blue);}if (direct == "DOWN"){bmp.SetPixel(i + d.X, d.Y, Color.Blue);bmp.SetPixel(i + d.X, d.Y + d.Height, Color.Blue);}}}pictureBox1.Image = bmp;pictureBox1.Refresh();}return d;}void hanoi(int n, string a, string b, string c){if (n > 0){hanoi(n - 1, a, c, b);move(a, b);hanoi(n - 1, c, b, a);}}void move(string src, string dst){int distance = bmpWidth / 3;if (src + dst == "AB"){int ay = getTop("A").Y;int by = getTop("B").Y;if (by > ay){Disk d = GDIMove(getTop("A"), "RIGHT", distance);GDIMove(d, "DOWN", by - ay - diskHeight - diskVSpace);}else{Disk d = GDIMove(getTop("A"), "UP", ay - by + diskVSpace + diskHeight);GDIMove(d, "RIGHT", distance);}}if (src + dst == "BA"){int ay = getTop("A").Y;int by = getTop("B").Y;if (ay > by){Disk d = GDIMove(getTop("B"), "LEFT", distance);GDIMove(d, "DOWN", ay - by - diskHeight - diskVSpace);}else{Disk d = GDIMove(getTop("B"), "UP", by - ay + diskVSpace + diskHeight);GDIMove(d, "LEFT", distance);}}if (src + dst == "AC"){int ay = getTop("A").Y;int cy = getTop("C").Y;int by = getTop("B").Y;if (ay >= by && cy >= by)//中间被b上的圆盘阻断,所以要先向上移动在向右在向下{Disk d = GDIMove(getTop("A"), "UP", ay - by + diskVSpace + diskHeight);d = GDIMove(d, "RIGHT", distance * 2);GDIMove(d, "DOWN", cy - by);}else{if (cy > ay){Disk d = GDIMove(getTop("A"), "RIGHT", distance * 2);GDIMove(d, "DOWN", cy - ay - diskVSpace - diskHeight);}else{Disk d = GDIMove(getTop("A"), "UP", ay - cy + diskVSpace + diskHeight);GDIMove(d, "RIGHT", distance * 2);}}}if (src + dst == "CA"){int ay = getTop("A").Y;int cy = getTop("C").Y;int by = getTop("B").Y;if (ay >= by && cy >= by)//中间被b上的圆盘阻断,所以要先向上移动在向右在向下{Disk d = GDIMove(getTop("C"), "UP", cy - by + diskVSpace + diskHeight);d = GDIMove(d, "LEFT", distance * 2);GDIMove(d, "DOWN", ay - by);}else{if (ay > cy){Disk d = GDIMove(getTop("C"), "LEFT", distance * 2);GDIMove(d, "DOWN", ay - cy - diskHeight - diskVSpace);}else{Disk d = GDIMove(getTop("C"), "UP", cy - ay + diskVSpace + diskHeight);GDIMove(d, "LEFT", distance * 2);}}}if (src + dst == "BC"){int by = getTop("B").Y;int cy = getTop("C").Y;if (cy > by){Disk d = GDIMove(getTop("B"), "RIGHT", distance);GDIMove(d, "DOWN", cy - by - diskHeight - diskVSpace);}else{Disk d = GDIMove(getTop("B"), "UP", by - cy + diskVSpace + diskHeight);GDIMove(d, "RIGHT", distance);}}if (src + dst == "CB"){int cy = getTop("C").Y;int by = getTop("B").Y;if (by > cy){Disk d = GDIMove(getTop("C"), "LEFT", distance);GDIMove(d, "DOWN", by - cy - diskVSpace - diskHeight);}else{Disk d = GDIMove(getTop("C"), "UP", cy - by + diskVSpace + diskHeight);GDIMove(d, "LEFT", distance);}}}private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){moveSpeed = int.Parse(textBox2.Text);foreach (Control c in groupBox1.Controls){c.Enabled = false;}hanoi(count, "A", "C", "B");foreach (Control c in groupBox1.Controls){c.Enabled = true;}}bool isFirst = true;private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e){if (!isFirst){switch (comboBox1.SelectedIndex){case 0:MessageBox.Show("方案一:\r\n" + "    圆盘高度:17\r\n    圆盘间距:3\r\n    每次移动像素:20px");diskHeight = 17;diskVSpace = 3;moveInterval = 20;break;case 1:MessageBox.Show("方案二:\r\n" + "    圆盘高度:17\r\n    圆盘间距:3\r\n    每次移动像素:10px");diskHeight = 17;diskVSpace = 3;moveInterval = 10;break;case 2:MessageBox.Show("方案四:\r\n" + "    圆盘高度:16\r\n    圆盘间距:4\r\n    每次移动像素:10px");diskHeight = 16;diskVSpace = 4;moveInterval = 10;break;case 3:MessageBox.Show("方案三:\r\n" + "    圆盘高度:12\r\n    圆盘间距:3\r\n    每次移动像素:5px");diskHeight = 12;diskVSpace = 3;moveInterval = 5;break;}}button2.PerformClick();isFirst = false;}private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){int num = int.Parse(textBox1.Text);initDisk(num);}}}



主要使用2D 画图,



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