Problem Description
Every girl likes shopping,so does dandelion.Now she finds the shop is increasing the price every day because the Spring Festival is coming .She is fond of a shop which is called “memory”. Now she wants to know the rank of this shop’s price after the change of everyday.

One line contians a number n ( n<=10000),stands for the number of shops.
Then n lines ,each line contains a string (the length is short than 31 and only contains lowercase letters and capital letters.)stands for the name of the shop.
Then a line contians a number m (1<=m<=50),stands for the days .
Then m parts , every parts contians n lines , each line contians a number s and a string p ,stands for this day ,the shop p 's price has increased s.

Contains m lines ,In the ith line print a number of the shop “memory” ‘s rank after the ith day. We define the rank as :If there are t shops’ price is higher than the “memory” , than its rank is t+1.

Sample Input

49 memory
49 kfc
48 wind
80 kfc
85 wind
83 memory

Sample Output




#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
map<string, int>shop;
map<string, int>::iterator it;
int n, m;int main() {while (cin >> n) {string s;for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)cin >> s;cin >> m;while (m--) {for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {int a;cin >> a >> s;shop[s] += a;}int rank = 1;for (it = shop.begin(); it != shop.end(); it++) {if (it->second > shop["memory"]) {rank++;}}cout << rank << endl;}shop.clear();}return 0;

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