
(PHP 5, PHP 7)


说明stream_socket_accept(resource$server_socket[,float$timeout= ini_get("default_socket_timeout")[,string&$peername]]):resource


参数$server_socket需要接受的服务器创建的套接字连接。$timeout覆盖默认的套接字接受的超时时限。输入的时间需以秒为单位。$peername如果包含该参数并且是可以从选中的传输数据中获取到,则将被设置给连接中的客户端主机的名称(地址)(怕出入很大,附带上原文:Will be set to the name (address) of the client which connected, if included and available from the selected transport.)Note:





该函数不能被用于 UDP 套接字。可以使用stream_socket_recvfrom()和stream_socket_sendto()来取而代之。

参见cURL 函数This code could be very helpfull...

The following code is for the "server". It listen for a message until CTRL-C

while (true)


// disconnected every 5 seconds...



function receive_message($ipServer,$portNumber,$nbSecondsIdle)


// creating the socket...

$socket = stream_socket_server('tcp://'.$ipServer.':'.$portNumber, $errno, $errstr);

if (!$socket)


echo "$errstr($errno)




// while there is connection, i'll receive it... if I didn't receive a message within $nbSecondsIdle seconds, the following function will stop.

while ($conn = @stream_socket_accept($socket,$nbSecondsIdle))


$message= fread($conn, 1024);

echo 'I have received that : '.$message;

fputs ($conn, "OK\n");

fclose ($conn);






The following code is for the "client". It send a message, and read the respons...

send_message('','85','Message to send...');

function send_message($ipServer,$portServer,$message)


$fp = stream_socket_client("tcp://$ipServer:$portServer", $errno, $errstr);

if (!$fp)


echo "ERREUR :$errno-$errstr





$response = fread($fp, 4);

if ($response != "OK\n")

{echo 'The command couldn\'t be executed...\ncause :'.$response;}


{echo 'Execution successfull...';}




?>To check if there's a new connection waiting, without blocking, or (when using non-blocking mode) without notices), you can use stream_accept (as opposed to socket_select).

class GenericClass {

protected $resSocket=null;

function acceptConnections() {

# check that we still have a resource

if(is_resource($this->resSocket)) {



/** @warning Passing $arrRead,$arrWrite by reference */

if(stream_select($arrRead,$arrWrite,$arrWrite,0)) {


# ... other stuff here





?>this function, compared to the function socket_accept, got an extra argument "timeout".

To make this function wait indefinitelly to incoming connections, just as in socket_accept, set timeout to -1. It works for me with PHP 5.0.4.Note that if you use 0 as timeout, the connection will timeout right away.To whom it may concern, and it may concern you greatly, stream_set_blocking has no effect on stream_socket_accept.

If you want it to return right away, connection or not, use 0 for the timeout parameter.

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