scala 字符串转换数组

Hex String in Scala denotes value in hexadecimal number system i.e. base 16 number system.




hexString = "32AF1"

Byte Array is an array that stores elements of byte data type.


将十六进制字符串转换为字节数组 (Converting Hex String to Byte Array)

We can convert a hex string to a byte array in Scala using some method from java libraries which is valid as Scala uses the java libraries for most of its functions.


  • Step 1: Convert hexadecimal string to int

    步骤1: 将十六进制字符串转换为int

  • Step 2: Convert integer value to byte array using the toByteArray method for BigInteger values.




import scala.math.BigInt
object MyClass {def main(args: Array[String]) {val hexString = "080A4C";
println("hexString : "+ hexString)
val integerValue = Integer.parseInt(hexString, 16)
val byteArray = BigInt(integerValue).toByteArray
println("The byte Array for the given hexString is : ")
for(i <- 0 to byteArray.length-1 )
print(byteArray(i)+ " ")



hexString : 080A4C
The byte Array for the given hexString is :
8 10 76



In the above code, we have a hexadecimal string named hexString, and then convert it to integer value using parseInt() method of Integer class and stored the value to a variable named integerValue. We will convert this integer value to byteArray using the toByteArray method of BigInt class and store it to a variable named byteArray and printed the value using print() method.

在上面的代码中,我们有一个名为hexString的十六进制字符串,然后使用Integer类的parseInt()方法将其转换为整数值,并将该值存储到一个名为integerValue的变量中。 我们将使用BigInt类的toByteArray方法将此整数值转换为byteArray,并将其存储到名为byteArray的变量中,并使用print()方法打印该值。


scala 字符串转换数组

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