When you work remotely or have friends and family who live in another country, it’s important to know what time it is across time zones. A world clock (or time zone) widget on your iPhone’s Home screen makes this much easier.

当您远程工作或有家人和朋友居住在另一个国家/地区时,了解跨时区的几点时间很重要。 iPhone主屏幕上的世界时钟(或时区)小部件使此操作变得更加容易。

We prefer the following options:


  • World Clock widget: This built-in widget is analog-only and quite basic, but it gets the job done.


  • Widgetsmith: This popular widget-builder utility has a World Clock feature that shows the time in multiple locations in digital format. It’s also immensely customizable.

    窗口小工具此流行的窗口小工具构建器实用程序具有“世界时钟”功能,可以数字格式在多个位置显示时间。 它也可以自定义。

  • World Clock Time Widget: This one is great for time-zone conversion. It also has a visual timeline of each location, so you’ll know if it’s day, night, or the next day, in a given location.

    世界时钟时间小部件:这个非常适合时区转换。 它还具有每个位置的可视时间线,因此您将知道给定位置中的白天,晚上还是第二天。

The process of adding widgets to your iPhone Home screen is the same for all apps (more on that later). First, let’s set up a widget from each app we mentioned above.

对于所有应用程序,将小部件添加到iPhone主屏幕的过程都是相同的(稍后会详细介绍)。 首先,让我们从上面提到的每个应用程序中设置一个小部件。

自定义世界时钟小部件 (Customize the World Clock Widget)

If you already use the World Clock feature in Apple’s Clock app, you’re good to go! If not, open the “Clock” app and navigate to the “World Clock” tab.

如果您已经在Apple的Clock应用程序中使用了World Clock功能,那就太好了! 如果没有,请打开“时钟”应用程序并导航到“世界时钟”选项卡。

Here, tap the plus sign (+) at the top right.


Now, search for and add a location.


Repeat this process until you’ve added every location you want on your Home screen. Now, all that’s left to do is add the widget.

重复此过程,直到在主屏幕上添加了所需的每个位置。 现在,剩下要做的就是添加小部件。

自定义Widgetsmith World Clock Widget (Customize the Widgetsmith World Clock Widget)

Widgetsmith is a custom widget builder with multiple templates for calendars, reminders, photos, and yes, a world clock.


Before you can customize a widget, you’ll first need to add locations. To do so, open the Widgetsmith app, tap the “Tools” tab, and then tap “World Time.”

在自定义窗口小部件之前,首先需要添加位置。 为此,请打开Widgetsmith应用程序,点击“工具”选项卡,然后点击“世界时间”。

Here, tap “Edit Locations.”


Next, search for and add locations.


After all your locations are added, head to the “My Widgets” section to create and customize the widget. Here, you’ll find premade widgets in small, medium, and large (we chose medium for our example). You can also add or choose a widget to customize it.

添加所有位置后,转到“我的窗口小部件”部分,以创建和自定义窗口小部件。 在这里,您会发现大小,中型和大型的预制小部件(我们在示例中选择了中型)。 您也可以添加或选择窗口小部件以对其进行自定义。

Tap a widget’s preview to edit it.


In the “Style” section, tap “Time in Locations.”


In the “Locations” section, select all the locations you want to display in the widget.


Next, select the options you want from the “Font,” “Tint Color,” “Background Color,” and “Border Color” sections to customize your widget. When you’re finished, tap the Back arrow.

接下来,从“字体”,“色调颜色”,“背景色”和“边框颜色”部分中选择所需的选项,以自定义窗口小部件。 完成后,点击“后退”箭头。

You can rename your widget at the top, and then tap “Save.”


自定义世界时钟时间小部件 (Customize the World Clock Time Widget)

The World Clock Time Widget app is similar to the Clock app. You can add and monitor the time in various locations worldwide. The basic Light and Dark themes are included with the free version. However, for 99 cents per month, you can also access a live time-zone converter and various themes.

世界时钟时间小部件应用程序类似于时钟应用程序。 您可以在全球各地添加和监视时间。 免费版本包括基本的浅色和深色主题。 但是,您每月只需支付99美分,就可以访问实时时区转换器和各种主题。

To get started, open the “World Clock Time Widget” app, and then tap the plus sign (+) at the top right.

首先,打开“ World Clock Time Widget”应用程序,然后点击右上角的加号(+)。

Search for and select every location you want to add to the World Clock.


Tap the Gear icon to open “Settings” and change the clock’s format.


如何将小部件添加到iPhone主屏幕 (How to Add a Widget to the iPhone Home Screen)

Now that you’ve created your widget, it’s time to add it to your iPhone’s Home screen.


To do so, tap and hold an empty area of the Home screen until all the icons jiggle. Then, tap the plus sign (+) at the top left.

为此,请点击并按住主屏幕上的空白区域,直到所有图标都跳动。 然后,点击左上方的加号(+)。

Scroll down and tap the app (Clock, Widgetsmith, or World Clock) in which you created your widget.


Next, head to the widget page for the size you selected previously. Here, you’ll see previews of different widgets specific to that app.

接下来,转到小部件页面以获取先前选择的尺寸。 在这里,您会看到该应用特定的不同小部件的预览。

Tap “Add Widget” to add one to the Home screen.


Your widget should now be on the Home screen. If you’re using Widgetsmith and you don’t see the world clock, tap the widget to edit it.

您的小部件现在应该在主屏幕上。 如果您使用的是Widgetsmith,但看不到世界时钟,请点击该窗口小部件进行编辑。

In the “Widget” section, tap the “World Clock” widget you created above.


All widgets have their own option menus. For the Clock widget, you’ll see options for reordering and disabling cities. The widget options in the World Clock Time Widget app also allow you to change the theme.

所有小部件都有其自己的选项菜单。 对于“时钟”小部件,您将看到用于重新排序和禁用城市的选项。 世界时钟时间小部件应用程序中的小部件选项还允许您更改主题。

That’s all there is to it! You now have a world clock widget right on your iPhone’s Home screen.

这里的所有都是它的! 现在,iPhone的主屏幕上将显示一个世界时钟小部件。

If you prefer, you can also stack widgets on top of each other and cycle through them whenever you want.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/692138/how-to-add-world-clock-and-time-zone-widgets-to-your-iphone/


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