
Could not resolve dependencies for project com.foreveross:gaei-syncpm:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT:
 Failure to find com.oracle.jdbc:ojdbc7:jar: in https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2 was cached in the local repository, 
resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of central has elapsed or updates are forced
1.  可能就是本地没有下载完整,这里的原因可能第一次下载由于网络原因不成功,之后maven也没在尝试。
将本地Maven仓库中已下载的相关依赖 Jar 删掉,从新 build update 工程即可!
This is often a false positive. Imagine you have a connection issue lasting only 5 seconds when Maven 3 tries to download a dependency, it will mark this dependency as unavailable for a delay. And thus will prevent you from replaying the build command even if the network issue is fixed. 
Just run the command with the -U option. Even if its description applies to snapshots, it seems to also fix the error if it occurred on a release. 
Example: mvn -U clean package
2.  另一种情况就是我们依赖的nexus也没有下载完整,这时候可能是配置的中央仓库代理仓库根本就不存在此jar,或者需要在第三方仓库中才能找到,此时我们应该尝试检查和配置代理仓库。



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