
Thailand, a country in Southeast Asia with an area of about 514,000 square kilometers, has been increasingly prosperous in its tourism industry in the past few decades. Its capital is Bangkok and its major languages are Thai, Chinese and English. Thailand is a well-known Buddhist country, with 94% of its population believing in Buddhism. A considerable number of tourists, especially those who want to get away from the cold weather, flock to Thailand to enjoy its warm temperature, fine beaches, beautiful architectures and tasty food. As result, numerous hotels, bars and restaurants have emerged in Thailand, which has brought a substantial amount of economic benefits .




Thailand n泰国
southeast n东南方
prosperous adj繁荣的
tourism n旅游业
capital n首都
Bangkok 曼谷
Thai n泰国人,泰语
Buddhist adj佛教的
Buddhism n佛教
considerable adj相当多的
flock v聚集
beach n沙滩
architecture n建筑
tasty adj美味的
numberous adj许多的
restaurant n餐馆
emerge v出现
substantial adj价值巨大的,大量的

economic benefit n经济效益

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