If you’ve ever used the flash on your camera to take a picture of someone in a dark room, you’ve probably seen the red eye effect. It’s where the person’s pupils appear a bright red rather than their natural black.

如果您曾经使用相机上的闪光灯为暗室中的某人拍照,那么您可能已经看到了红眼现象。 在这里,该人的学生出现鲜红色而不是自然黑色。

Red eye was a major problem when you were shooting photos using film but, thankfully, there’s a quick digital fix. I’m going to demonstrate the technique in Photoshop but you can easily follow along with another image editing app like GIMP—just use the equivalent tools and techniques.

当您使用胶卷拍摄照片时,红眼是一个主要问题,但是,幸运的是,有一种快速的数字解决方案。 我将在Photoshop中演示该技术,但是您可以轻松地与另一个图像编辑应用程序(如GIMP)一起使用-只需使用等效的工具和技术即可。

是什么原因导致红眼? (What Causes Red Eye?)

Red eye happens when you take a photo in low light using a flash that’s very close to the camera lens. (This is especially common on smartphone cameras, and some point-and-shoot cameras.) When the light from the flash hits the subject’s eyes, it enters through the pupil and is reflected by the blood vessels at the back. This is what makes their pupils appear to glow red.

在弱光下使用非常靠近相机镜头的闪光灯拍摄照片时,会发生红眼。 (这在智能手机相机和某些傻瓜相机中尤为常见。)当闪光灯发出的光线照射到对象的眼睛时,它会通过瞳Kong进入并被背部的血管反射。 这就是使他们的学生看上去发红光的原因。

If you want to avoid red eye entirely in your photographs, don’t use the flash that’s built into your camera or smartphone. Instead, take the image without flash or use an off-camera flash.

如果要完全避免照片中出现红眼,请不要使用相机或智能手机内置的闪光灯。 相反,请在不使用闪光灯的情况下拍摄图像,或者使用机外闪光灯。

红眼工具 (The Red-Eye Tool)

If you absolutely must use flash, though, Photoshop and most other major image editing apps have a dedicated Red Eye Tool. It’s the simplest way to fix red eye.

但是,如果绝对必须使用闪光灯,则Photoshop和大多数其他主要图像编辑应用程序都具有专用的红眼工具。 这是修复红眼的最简单方法。

Open the image you want to edit in Photoshop, and duplicate the background to a new layer by pressing Control+J on your keyboard (or Command+J on a Mac). You should never modify the pixels in the original image or on the background layer in Photoshop.

在Photoshop中打开要编辑的图像,然后通过按键盘上的Control + J(在Mac上为Command + J)将背景复制到新图层。 绝对不要在Photoshop中修改原始图像或背景层中的像素。

Select the Red Eye Tool from the sidebar. It’s in the same stack as the other healing tools, so click and hold on the healing tools icon to reveal it in the fly-out or cycle to it using the keyboard shortcut Shift+J.

从边栏中选择“红眼工具”。 它与其他修复工具位于同一堆栈中,因此请单击并按住修复工具图标以弹出式显示它,或使用键盘快捷键Shift + J循环显示它。

Leave Pupil Size and Darken Amount set to their default value of 50%; it works for almost every image.

将“学生尺寸”和“加深量”设置为默认值50%; 它适用于几乎所有图像。

There are two ways to use the Red Eye Tool. The first is to just click on the red pupil and let Photoshop auto-select the affected area. This is the way I prefer to use it.

有两种方法可以使用“红眼工具”。 第一种是只单击红色瞳Kong,然后让Photoshop自动选择受影响的区域。 这就是我更喜欢使用它的方式。

Depending on the colors in your photo, you might want a bit more control. To tell Photoshop exactly where the problem area is, click and drag a box around the subject’s eye with the Red Eye Tool. This will limit the tool to just the area you’ve selected.

根据照片中的颜色,您可能需要更多控制。 要准确告诉Photoshop问题区域在哪里,请使用“红眼工具”单击并在对象的眼睛周围拖动一个框。 这会将工具限制在您选择的区域。

To fully remove red eye from your image, you may need to use a combination of both methods, or use one of them more than once. Just keep applying them until the red eye is gone.

要从图像中完全消除红眼,您可能需要同时使用两种方法,或者不止一次使用其中一种方法。 只要继续应用它们,直到红眼消失。

Back in the days of film, red eye could ruin an otherwise great photo. Now, thanks to powerful digital image editors like Photoshop, that just isn’t the case. It’s simple to fix even the worst red eye with a single click.

回顾电影时代,红眼睛可能会毁坏原本不错的照片。 现在,由于像Photoshop这样功能强大的数字图像编辑器,情况并非如此。 只需单击即可修复最坏的红眼。

Photo credit: David, Bergin, Emmett and Elliott.

图片来源: David,Bergin,Emmett和Elliott 。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/273869/how-to-fix-red-eye-in-photoshop/


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